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I think both is better
I think both is better

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Textures II (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Kodak DX3900
Location: my living room
Date: Feb 15, 2004
Aperture: F/2,8
ISO: auto
Shutter: 1/91 sec
Galleries: Abstract, Family
Date Uploaded: Feb 16, 2004

if anybody is wondering about the title i got it from my favorite commercial.The commercial is about 2 young boys who are fighting and then one stops and asks wich do you think is better cheerios or honey nut cheerios.And the other one says I think both is better,after that they become friends.It´s very funny

Place: 106 out of 406
Avg (all users): 5.6198
Avg (commenters): 6.5000
Avg (participants): 5.5417
Avg (non-participants): 5.7579
Views since voting: 1350
Votes: 263
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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02/28/2004 08:46:42 AM
Takk heida þú ert algjort æði
02/27/2004 10:57:15 PM
Ahh mér datt í hug að það væri íslendingur með þessa mynd því þetta var jú íslensk auglýsing, Þetta er massakúl mynd geðveikt cheerios fjall sem þú hefur náð þér í þarna hvað eru þetta margir pakkar eiginlega :o
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/24/2004 10:29:54 PM
That's a lot of cereal!! Nice texture and idea.
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02/24/2004 01:19:04 PM
I like the texture of the individual cheerios, and the composition (cereal scupture?) is interesting.
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02/24/2004 12:44:18 PM
A 3 year old dream come true!! Good idea. I'm not a big fan of the border, it seems thinner on the top and bottom than on the right and left side.
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02/24/2004 10:59:34 AM
A 'pile of' photo. Consider a single 'froot loop'.
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02/23/2004 06:26:20 PM
Zounds! How did you get so many of these? Great shot! Nicely lit and the texture is there. I would have gone a bit closer down, but still. Cool! 8.
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02/23/2004 04:31:26 PM
I like this, good idea for the challenge. Nice and clear, glad it's not a flattened mound of O's.

The front seems a little out of focus, and maybe a little more light at the back right?
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02/23/2004 10:08:19 AM
What an amazing photo. It really captures the eye:)
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02/22/2004 02:14:59 PM
Damn that's a lot of Cheerios...
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02/22/2004 06:02:27 AM
I don't get the title???
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02/21/2004 05:55:24 PM
you must have used up a whole lot of cheerios!! Where's the milk??
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02/20/2004 11:37:46 PM
I don't understand you title. You sure did buy a lot of cheerios! Great photo. One of my favorites. 10
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02/20/2004 11:16:19 PM
Certainly meets the texture challenge. It might have been a more interesting composition if you h ad introduced another shape or color. Alternately, a severe crop and enlargement of the cereal would be an interesting take. The border is a bit strong for the delicate circles.
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02/20/2004 05:45:10 PM
wow...did this take a while to compose?
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02/20/2004 01:22:54 PM
That is a whole lot of cheerios! Nice shot.
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02/20/2004 10:20:12 AM
Don't understand the title. Very good job of lighting, and some sense of texture here. Alsoa good sense of distance, given the subject matter :-)
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02/20/2004 07:00:33 AM
very nice - don't usualy like these one subject repetitions, but your s is vast which makes it much more pleasing and dramatic. 9
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02/20/2004 02:07:48 AM
[World Record Attempt]
+ I like the rhythm in this photo. You have chosen the right DOF and a good composition. The varous colours are interesting.
- Can't think of any.
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02/19/2004 09:41:57 PM
Did you know my favorite cereal was cheerios? You get an extra point for this.
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02/19/2004 08:37:52 PM
Nice job. I like the photo. nicely arranged..boarder may be a bit large...but a fine shot !
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02/19/2004 10:14:02 AM
Nice depth of field keeps texture going throughout pic.
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02/18/2004 06:15:22 PM
Nice idea. A closer view would be IMHO more impressive.
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02/18/2004 01:21:14 PM
I took one mark off for an overbearing border. It's too thick and black and it pushes your excellent shot to the background while it seems to stand out in the foreground.
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02/18/2004 11:10:59 AM
Get the feeling that they go on for miles. nice
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02/18/2004 10:25:46 AM
Cheerios? My first reaction would be to take a closer photo of just a few, but I kinda like this pile. It has it's own texture.
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02/18/2004 08:54:01 AM
very original ;) like it
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02/18/2004 01:10:01 AM
no point of focus..a banana or strawberry, or even some colored fruit loops..and the title does not clear anything up for me.
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02/18/2004 12:35:01 AM
That's alot of Cherio's, either that or it's a long shot of the Krispy Kreme graveyard.
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