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Margarine on a knife
Margarine on a knife

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Textures II (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-750UZ
Location: My kitchen
Date: Feb 14, 2004
Aperture: f8.0
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/2 second
Galleries: Abstract, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Feb 16, 2004

At breakfast the other day, my partner suggested that the scoop of margarine she had taken from the tub might make a good entry for Textures II. I had other ideas but on reflection I grew to like it. The soft oiliness of the margarine makes a nice contrast to the hard steel of the knife and the camera picks out details on the knife that are virtually invisible to the naked eye.

No edits to the image apart from slight cropping.

Place: 128 out of 406
Avg (all users): 5.4981
Avg (commenters): 5.9143
Avg (participants): 5.3030
Avg (non-participants): 5.8137
Views since voting: 1159
Votes: 267
Comments: 38
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/24/2004 06:31:51 PM
Nice job! Not sure about the background elements. I would think about not having the plate(?) in there. There are also a few crumbs (?) on the butter.
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02/24/2004 01:14:43 PM
A bit more light to be perfect. Great shoot.
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02/24/2004 12:36:59 PM
Great job of getting texture in the margarine. The background just doesn't work for me though, I would really like to see this on solid color background.
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02/23/2004 08:27:32 AM
Good idea. A different backround would help to accent the subject.
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02/23/2004 08:06:40 AM
seems dull exposure wise. Think some better lighting needed,
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02/22/2004 03:19:01 PM
Quirky and novel - nice idea.
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02/22/2004 11:06:10 AM
I was going to dismiss this one at first, but all the interesting shapes and textures of the margarine caught my eye and I studied it more. I also like the pit marks in the knife. nice details. I do like this shot, but something about the table edge in the background doesn't quite work for me. Anyway, congrats on an interesting intepretation of the challenge.
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02/22/2004 06:59:44 AM
Interesting...how did you get that texture on the margarine?
02/22/2004 06:54:49 AM
Lovely texture.
02/22/2004 12:38:12 AM
You captured texture well. It has to be "palatable" in more ways than one...and yours is! Good lighting.
02/21/2004 06:43:51 AM
That's crazy margrine, but the background is so unbalances and distracting... a black background might made that stuff leap off the knife!
02/21/2004 06:11:50 AM
I like your knife selection.. it has character.. sort of like old style cottage piece.
02/21/2004 02:40:32 AM
Very interesting macro shot. Nice texture, smooth yet rough. Good lighting and POV.
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02/21/2004 12:51:20 AM
Almost looks like one of those butter sculptures. Reflections off the table edge are a bit distracting. Overall good shot.
02/20/2004 10:38:49 PM
The photo isn't that great. Not very interesting in terms of composition and lighting. It might have helped to fix the levels as it is a bit dull. The texture, however, is quite interesting. I have never seen margarine act like this! I think a close-up crop on the margarine would have been more effective.
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02/20/2004 05:20:13 PM
Original, with remarkable texture on normally smooth butter - good lighting to show it off. Although the woods in the background fits in rustically, I find their patterns and glare distract from the main subject - I'd prefer something darker and blurred (like a flower macro shot).
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02/20/2004 07:29:05 AM
Interesting shape. background shows a lack of planning, and distracts from the concentration of attention on that marge. Lighting is not bad to shaow the texture of teh stuff.
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02/20/2004 04:31:26 AM
I'm a butter person myself, excellent abstract.
02/19/2004 11:29:43 PM
Neat idea, plate in background distracts.
02/19/2004 11:02:48 PM
Very well taken, great detail. However, it lacks artistic merit.
02/19/2004 06:22:04 PM
Nicely captured. I wonder how it would look closely cropped without the plate and less of the table?
02/19/2004 03:42:19 PM
Get closer, a lot closer!
02/19/2004 01:16:23 PM
Great photo. Makes you want to like the Knife!
02/19/2004 11:05:49 AM
Very nice. Too bad for the piece of cromb at the top left of the margarine. I know I am overeacting!
02/19/2004 10:32:15 AM
Margarine looks great but background is very distracting.
02/19/2004 12:57:37 AM
I see the texture, but the subject and composition just don't hold my interest.
02/18/2004 09:49:56 PM
I like the texture on the margarine, but the background could have been a lot better, and less distracting. Different lighting would also help.
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02/18/2004 08:29:22 PM
weird... I would rather see just the table in the background
02/18/2004 06:11:20 PM
nice but background detracts
02/18/2004 06:05:15 PM
love the margarine, not crazy about the rest of the picture..6....I'm totally drawn to the margarine for some reason!
02/18/2004 02:20:07 PM
I love the butter, but it think it would stand out more against a different background
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02/18/2004 11:35:18 AM
Good shot, this would have been more artistic with a black background.
02/18/2004 11:27:34 AM
even tighter cropping of the margerine might help, background is a little distracting. great idea though.
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02/18/2004 11:10:43 AM
Ok, now put that on some bread and I'll give you a 10! heh heh Seriously, I really like the patterns in the butter... unusual
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02/18/2004 01:24:59 AM
very interesting idea, the backround is slightly distracting though
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02/18/2004 12:51:36 AM
I had to give you a good score... you made margarine look appetizing.
02/18/2004 12:49:39 AM
needs to be cropped tighter - lose the plate on the right, the corner of the table on the lower left. it a tad dark..better lighting needed. a bit more USM too.
nice 'pattern' on the margarine
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02/18/2004 12:31:20 AM
I like the idea, just seems a little dull not a lot of color. If you could change the saturation on the butter to bring it out a little more.
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