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S I L E N C E    O F    T H E    L A M B S
3rd PlaceS I L E N C E O F T H E L A M B S

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Scene It! II (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/2.5 Macro
Location: My hizzle
Date: Nov 4, 2007
Galleries: Portraiture, Studio
Date Uploaded: Nov 4, 2007

self porty. This was fun! I hope it does pretty good...I worked really hard on it. ;)

***WOW!!! My first ribbon! I'm so excited! Thank you so much, everyone...for all your wonderful comments and votes. I would never have been able to do something like this without being a part of the DPC community for the past year and a half. Thank you, THANK YOU!

And a big thanks to Ursula for being my mentor. :)

To answer Posthumous's question, I took the picture in my house with one light coming down at an angle to create the same shadows as the picture. The butterfly was the same moth from the poster, I just printed one out and taped it over my mouth. I overexposed it a bit. In processing, I clipped out the eyes and butterfly. I turned it to grayscale, then duotone. I used a lot of curves, added some grain...did some burning, cloning of specks on the face, some hair in the way... I added the eyes and butterfly back in, and increased saturation- used some selective color...sharpened... I may be forgetting some steps...but that was basically it. ;)

Place: 3 out of 83
Avg (all users): 7.2819
Avg (commenters): 8.0270
Avg (participants): 6.5111
Avg (non-participants): 7.4725
Views since voting: 9714
Views during voting: 686
Votes: 227
Comments: 86
Favorites: 7 (view)

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11/21/2007 03:50:22 PM
Hey! congratulations for this ribbon........
Good work, it's very good
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11/14/2007 05:14:13 PM
Congratulations on your first ribbon and a new pb. This is really a great picture. The texture really makes the picture that much spookier.
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11/13/2007 02:38:42 PM
Well looks pretty much exactly like the original movie poster so great job, congrats on the ribbon!
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11/13/2007 02:31:45 PM
this is such an amazing shot. great job, VERY nice. my only 10 in this challenge
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11/13/2007 10:50:03 AM
Congrats!!! Very well done!!!
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11/13/2007 04:51:27 AM
Well done! Thanks for sharing how you did this was really interested in how you achieved a perfect replica!
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11/13/2007 03:35:59 AM
yea, great work and execution and ... all :-)
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11/12/2007 10:12:21 PM
Look at you! Excellent rendition of the poster - and huge congrats on the ribbon!!!
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11/12/2007 08:24:03 PM
Great job! Congrats on the first of many.
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11/12/2007 06:20:18 PM
Very, very cool! Congrats on the ribbon!
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11/12/2007 03:01:22 PM
This shot is too sweet. Well done, congrats on the Ribb.
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11/12/2007 02:51:12 PM
Congratulations on your first ribbon and obliterating your PB. That ursula...it's almost like she knows what she's doing, eh? ;-)
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11/12/2007 02:40:30 PM
Way to go, Clarice, er, Magen!!!!: P This is so cool!
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11/12/2007 01:11:09 PM
Magen!!!!!!! Way to go, yes!
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11/12/2007 11:06:49 AM
i liked this picture :) i just didnt expect it to ribbon with the amount of "i dont remember this scene i got" haha

Well done ;D
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11/12/2007 10:08:21 AM
congrats! nice to see you on the front page.
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11/12/2007 09:58:35 AM

My favorite movie, and you nailed it. Congrats!
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11/12/2007 09:52:52 AM
WOOT! first ribbon! Great job!
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11/12/2007 09:37:01 AM
yay!!!!! so super-happy to see you get your first ribbon!!!! :D
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11/12/2007 09:21:07 AM
so, how'd you do it?? huh? huh? the effect is uncanny.
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11/12/2007 09:17:50 AM
Magen, congrats on your first ribbon! Here is to many more to come! Unlike my shot, I like your version better than the original.
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11/12/2007 09:15:30 AM
I'm one of your fours. This looks nothing at all like a photo to me...or a scene from a movie...although I didn't vote it down for that. It makes a great poster, though, and you did a great job in post processing. Just way too much pp for me.
Adding: Just way too much pp for me for a photo contest.

Message edited by author 2007-11-12 09:17:55.
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11/12/2007 08:59:44 AM
Magen, way to go on your first of many ribbons! This is such a creative and well done shot.
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11/12/2007 08:43:09 AM
Fantastic shot!! Many congrats on your first ribbon! Those lucky pants have been pretty lucky around here lately...hope I can start getting some shots soon too, and catch up with all the success!! :D
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11/12/2007 08:24:48 AM
Magen, this is wonderful. Congratulations on a wonderful shot.
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11/12/2007 08:07:48 AM
Congrats!!!!!! :D Awesome. I'm soooo happy for you. Great shot.
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11/12/2007 08:03:43 AM
Way to go magen!! :)
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11/12/2007 07:57:36 AM
This was a wonderful shot! I knew it would ribbon, great job!
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11/12/2007 07:34:04 AM
Magen! Awesome photo and I'm so happy for you winning a ribbon! Excellent work!

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11/12/2007 04:18:30 AM
congrats great work
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11/12/2007 04:13:50 AM
Congrats! well deserved!
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11/12/2007 02:56:13 AM
Congratulations on getting your first ribbon with this excellent composition.
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11/12/2007 12:55:57 AM
I hoped this would ribbon, it was my favourite of the challenge. Fantastic shot, Magen. Congrats on the ribbon (can't believe it's your first).
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11/12/2007 12:32:06 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon, it was well deserved!
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11/12/2007 12:23:24 AM
Congrats with your first ribbon and personal best! Well done!
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11/12/2007 12:20:04 AM
My only 10 in this challenge! Congrats on that first ribbon. Great entry.
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11/12/2007 12:10:10 AM
Hey first ribbon! Grats
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11/12/2007 12:06:47 AM
great, magen!! nicely done! one of my few 10s this challenge! congrats woman!!
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11/12/2007 12:05:54 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon, Magen! You really nailed this one! : )
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11/12/2007 12:04:38 AM
congrats on your first ribbon! well-deserved with this great shot
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11/12/2007 12:02:50 AM
Surprised it didn't get 2nd, congrats on the ribobn :)
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11/12/2007 12:02:47 AM
Fantastic! First ribbon, PB, and a beautiful pic! Way to go!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/11/2007 11:56:26 PM
One of my fav films ever-- nice work
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11/11/2007 08:57:12 PM
The winner!!!!
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11/11/2007 07:32:43 PM
This is quite fun and fairly well put together. I would have liked to see a bit more balance, the image seems to fall moreso on one side than the other. but a very nice job all the same.
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11/11/2007 07:11:43 PM
Beautiful representation/duplication of this infamous poster/marketing program. Very well done. The noise is just right and the tones are terrific. The bug looks a tad bit on the "papery" side (cut/paste), but it's a very minor distraction. Excellent work.
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11/11/2007 08:09:21 AM
This is good, but is a title and not a scene.
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11/09/2007 11:58:03 PM
The composition just isn't compelling or in any way pleasant.
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11/09/2007 04:32:03 PM
Wow! Beautiful copy of the movie poster! 10 for me! :)
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11/09/2007 11:09:04 AM
Wow great job reminds me of the actual poster well done psart 8
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11/09/2007 06:30:16 AM
this is my pick for the blue, it's amazing. the editing is spot on. it looks just like the cover. i really hope voters don't get trollish on this since it's not a 'scene' from a movie but rather a cover. i gave it a 10. great job!
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11/09/2007 01:10:30 AM
superb remake of the movie poster!
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11/09/2007 12:41:15 AM
Very well done. I hope it makes it to the top.
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11/08/2007 08:49:04 PM
Just wonderful
Just got to be a ribbon

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11/08/2007 07:26:58 PM
Excellent. A very accurate reproduction of the poster.
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11/08/2007 12:54:40 PM
Hate the dang movie :) Good eyes, bug looks fake. 7
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11/08/2007 10:22:30 AM
Wow .. that is fairly accurate. I went to imdb.com to compare. The eyes of the person used are a bit wider, but in a way bring more to the photo than the original. Well done.
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11/08/2007 07:43:07 AM
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11/07/2007 07:57:27 PM
Perfect! you didnt even have to put a title to it.
the grain is awesome
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11/07/2007 07:35:27 PM
Excellent, one of my favourite films as well. Imagine you might get shot down by the DNMC parade as this technically doesn't recreate a scene but you get high marks from me.
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11/07/2007 07:27:32 PM
This one is pretty cool....
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11/07/2007 01:53:37 PM
Excellent reproduction of the poster it self. I don't particularly remember the image in the movie though.
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11/07/2007 11:56:11 AM
well done shot, but this is no scene from the movie , it's the poster
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11/07/2007 09:27:08 AM
I just googled the original image, and this is about as close as you can get. It must have taken ages and lots of work to get this just right. Great post-processing as well. I love it!
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11/07/2007 09:14:36 AM
Man - that is perfect. I thought of how would you do that and you did nail it. It really isn't a scene from the movie, but the poster they used for advertising, but you sure got that right.
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11/05/2007 08:39:12 PM
An absolutly amazing recreation. Bravo!
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11/05/2007 05:40:59 PM
very nice,
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11/05/2007 05:26:26 PM
Wow! Fantastic recreation!
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11/05/2007 05:12:39 PM
Wow amazing reproductuion, "10"
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11/05/2007 04:14:44 PM
Very nice image. The noise works in this shot. I love the choice of selective desaturation.
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11/05/2007 03:43:02 PM
nicely done ... love the manipulation
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11/05/2007 12:44:01 PM
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11/05/2007 12:41:17 PM
This is almost TOO well done - I've spent the last 10 minutes look to see if you just entered a photo of the poster! Anyways, I don't think you did but your attention to detail is outstanding - the shadows, grain, catch-lights, colour, expression... unbelievable!

I hope the DMNC police don't get upset because its a poster and not a scene as such. Its amazing - 10 from me
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11/05/2007 11:37:35 AM
I think you nailed this one. I mean its identical to the poster. Nice work.
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11/05/2007 08:50:43 AM
I can't believe how close this is!! Well done, looks like a ribbon winner to me! NICE WORK! 10
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11/05/2007 08:26:09 AM
Excellent recreation of the Movie Poster.
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11/05/2007 07:55:04 AM
My choice for a ribbon! Fantastic!
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11/05/2007 06:27:28 AM
WOW this is a good replica from what I remember it. If I look at the actual I might vote lower so let̢۪s just go from my mind.
Excellent job. 9
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11/05/2007 02:20:14 AM
Incredibly true to the original. In act, I had to find the original to see if it was stolen :P I like that this version has her eyes a bit more frightened. I hope this ribbons, you did a fantastic job with this.
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11/05/2007 01:56:45 AM
My favorite movie of all time..
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11/05/2007 01:28:22 AM
this seems like it was just a little too easy for you, i'm guessing you cut and pasted the moth?
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11/05/2007 12:55:10 AM
Excellent composition and good capture
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11/05/2007 12:25:05 AM
well, what to do here. It's not a scene, but a poster, but you did a pretty good job. I'm going to assume the moth is the only cutout here. I'll give it a neutral 6.
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11/05/2007 12:19:25 AM
great re-creation.
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11/05/2007 12:08:12 AM
Just found the Blue Ribbon.
Well done!
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11/05/2007 12:07:33 AM
fantastic replica...suggest you get it validated 9
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