These identical buildings are Lincoln (l) and Morrill (r) Towers and they are administrative offices and honors residence halls on the Ohio State University camps in Columbus, Ohio. They were built in 1965 and have, since then, held the nickname of the "Twin Towers" because of the fact that they are identical 23 story buildings. The buildings are easily, perhaps instantly, recognizable by most or all people familiar with Columbus, Ohio State and Ohio in general and certainly anyone who has ever been to an OSU football game as the stadium is right next to Morrill Tower only about 100 yards away. More to the point of the challenge, this is my "corner of the world". I got my first degree from OSU and have worked there (in the tower) for the past 3 1/2 years. So, in response, I am not trying to be "smart-assed", just as a person from Manhattan who may have submitted a photo of something related to the World Trade Towers would not intend to be since they would see that as part of their world. Just as an aside I have a cousin who worked near the Trade Towers whose building was thankfully evacuated in time to avoid any fatalities that day. So I wonder if using my first title, "Twin Towers of OSU", would have been any different and avoided those comments. Probably not, but hey, it's just a photo. By the way, the towers don't look straight because of parallax. Look here for a definition: // Courtenay |