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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Self Portrait VI (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 ED
Date: Nov 29, 2007
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Portraiture, Nude
Date Uploaded: Nov 29, 2007

*** Update ***

Just a short update. Since this challenge ended, my mother has lost her battle with breast cancer. She passed away on December 30, 2007, almost exactly 3 years after receiving her diagnosis.

*** ***

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

So, you identify yourself with your boob? I'd rather have seen your face.

Yes - in a lot of ways, I do identify myself with my boob. Or boobs rather.

Hard not to when so much of my life revolves around them - I'm nursing my two youngest children still, and have nursed every single day since my oldest was born (he's almost 5½ now). I've pumped and donated my milk to another child.

I'm a La Leche League leader.

Add in losing my grandmother to breast cancer while I was in my teens, and spending the last 3 years watching my mother battle the disease herself, and well - yes, a lot of my life does revolve around 'the boob'.

Place: 216 out of 241
Avg (all users): 4.6981
Avg (commenters): 5.5000
Avg (participants): 4.6471
Avg (non-participants): 4.7286
Views since voting: 6585
Views during voting: 703
Votes: 318
Comments: 36
Favorites: 1 (view)

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01/16/2008 05:01:23 PM
clicked on the OOBIE award in your sig. Remebered the picture (already commented below). Just want to say I am sorry about your mother. My thoughts are with you.
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01/09/2008 09:34:35 PM
I say "Bravo" to you Kashi! To hell with the negative comments, and I'm glad to have read your comments section - very encouraging (I have three daughters...)

Sometimes, photography is about MUCH more than the technicals or artistic merit; you've done something beautiful here, and should be proud of both who you are AND your accomplishments.
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12/24/2007 12:39:02 AM
Congrats on your OOBie, Lea! I greatly appreciate your comments. Unlike some other shots, this is one to hang on a gallery wall where people can read what you said and really appreciate the shot.
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12/14/2007 03:01:10 PM
Lea, I think this is the most artistic piece I've seen you submit thus far. It is absolutely lovely. I didn't vote but would have given you a 9 or 10. I like it much better than some of the very high scoring images.
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12/12/2007 10:35:10 PM
Excellent response in your comments Lea. Also, that's quite a bold and personal portrait. It takes a lot of bravery to put yourself out there for critiquing like that. Kudos!
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12/12/2007 09:33:03 AM
Very nice Lea. I know some people think it's too dark but I very much like it this way. Great!
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12/12/2007 06:50:21 AM
An interesting collection of comments. This is very quiet, yet very powerful. I suspect the calibration of monitors kept a lot from truly seeing what you wanted them to see. On my laptop, the tones and light are just right - on the monitor I use at work it is barely visible.

Since I know a bit about you through the Team Suck interactions, I can say that this is a very real and tender SP that is very much who you are.
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12/12/2007 06:45:29 AM
as am i. i still love it.
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12/12/2007 01:29:13 AM
Nice going, Lea. Not at all like anything else I've seen you do. And very different than the rest in the challenge. I'm nominating this for an OOBIE.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/11/2007 08:20:32 PM
Beautiful composition and lighting, and a very brave entry in the challenge. 9
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12/10/2007 02:24:19 PM
much too dark. Can't even see anything.
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12/09/2007 04:05:24 PM
I really do like this photo. It̢۪s an art. My only problem here is too dark. A bit (not much) more light would do much better in my opinion. I really like it the way you have it dark, shadows very nice. Good job overall.
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12/09/2007 12:16:54 PM
WOW finally a real piece of art. wonderful image I hope this ribbons. Very original. I am not a fan of photoshoped images I consider myself a purest I miss my chemical darkroom. This is photoshop done right. Thank you. 10

Edit to correct spellling
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12/09/2007 12:03:08 AM
it's art, looks like something you'd see in a museum. Nice work - and extra credit for the guts to bare it all :-)
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12/08/2007 10:18:51 PM
sorry for the low score but i don't see anything to score
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12/08/2007 01:20:02 AM
Intriguing, but ultimately too dark to hold my interest very long.
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12/07/2007 08:24:10 PM
It looks like an old painting, beautiful.
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12/07/2007 08:16:11 PM
I really wish to some more of different types of work like this.
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12/07/2007 06:38:34 PM
You should have shot this photo about 8 stops lower on the shutter OR aperture settings. I think your only problem here is just it's too dark. BB
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12/07/2007 11:27:57 AM
wonderful image. dark, tender, real. well done indeed.
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12/07/2007 12:03:29 AM
Not sure what is going on here but it looks weird
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12/06/2007 11:53:41 PM
A tad too dark.
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12/06/2007 05:54:01 PM
This is like an old postcard, I like the pp it really made me stop and look in hopes of catching a glimpse of your face, most definately an artistic take on the challenge. I hope its not too dark for some monitors because it really is unique among this group. Good luck I hope its appreciated.
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12/06/2007 11:58:02 AM
Wow...this is so dark I nearly thought it was completely black
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12/06/2007 11:36:26 AM
Dark and mysterious...I like it.
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12/06/2007 09:41:32 AM
Too dark. I can see only your right tit.
12/05/2007 11:41:01 PM
This reminds me of a painting. Nice processing and low key effect.
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12/05/2007 03:26:29 PM
Had to look twice, even three times, because it's so dark. Somehow, it does work for me, although this is not the type of pic I normaly like. Can't realy tell why. (8)
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12/05/2007 12:57:10 PM
almost too dark to see anything. hard to judge image.
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12/05/2007 10:25:49 AM
way too dark and over-processed. even a LITTLE light on your face would have helped.
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12/05/2007 07:57:55 AM
brave of you to go topless but I can't hardly see you
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12/05/2007 07:48:27 AM
So, you identify yourself with your boob? I'd rather have seen your face.
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12/05/2007 05:25:40 AM
this is very interesting; could be much better, if there was a little more light on her body!
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12/05/2007 04:41:01 AM
Brave and entrancing.
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12/05/2007 02:07:46 AM
Too dark for my liking, good idea though
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12/05/2007 01:54:38 AM
A tad dark, but I kinda like it
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