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The 1965 Pony Convertible
1st PlaceThe 1965 Pony Convertible

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Automobile Ad (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon AF Fisheye-Nikkor 10.5mm f/2.8G IF-ED DX
Location: Lima, Perú
Date: Dec 9, 2007
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1 sec
Galleries: Cityscape, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Dec 9, 2007

Thanks for all the nice comments and votes. I did not expect to win this blue ribbon because I think senor_kasper's entry is not only a better photo but a perfect one in every aspect, it finished fourth but I think it is a way underrated.
Beating AlexSaberi by 0,0005 was a little touch of good wind on my side too.

The location is not LA :-). This was shot in the highest part of the suburb I live in (approx. 900 ft above the average city level), so the cityscape in the background is how part of my hometown Lima looks at night.

About the presence of a model in the driver's seat:
My other hobby is to restore and collect classic cars, along with their original manuals, catalogues, magazine ads, sales brochures, etc.
I realized that during the 50's and 60's most of the publicity images of cars, specially the first Mustang ads, had models that could represent the target market of the product. One other common feature was the use of pastel colors for the skin tones, clothing, etc.
The presence of the model (thanks to my friend Scott Thiede!!) was based on that. Same for the color palette of the overall image, basically pastel blueish shades complemeted by pastel orange's for the driver. The idea was to make it look "retro" to recreate what could had been an ad of this all time's classic.

And yes, I should have wiped off the dust on the front bumper right before this shot (I had for previous shots but it was very dusty/windy up there).

After a year in dpc, finally a blue, it feels good!!. Thanks again.

ps..I believe this is the first ribbon for the Nikon D300....maybe Nikon could send me a Nikon pen for that? LOL

Place: 1 out of 60
Avg (all users): 7.5507
Avg (commenters): 8.1220
Avg (participants): 7.4750
Avg (non-participants): 7.5668
Views since voting: 14002
Views during voting: 631
Votes: 227
Comments: 80
Favorites: 13 (view)

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05/24/2009 11:39:26 PM
Automobile challenge 2 got me looking at the first challenge of this kind and I must say that I love this image. You did an awesome job portraying on of my favorite cars. Adding to favorites now!
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02/22/2008 03:17:46 PM
You captured my dream car perfectly! Congrats on the win, this is a great photo!
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12/28/2007 08:26:22 AM
Very nice. Congratulations!!!!
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12/23/2007 01:54:50 PM
Hey man you really did a good number here. Congrats
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12/22/2007 01:05:50 PM
Perhaps the most beautiful car ever built. Wish I had one. Great picture of it, too.
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12/18/2007 09:28:27 PM
Great image, you really deserved your blue! Congratulations.
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12/18/2007 10:40:09 AM
Congrats! Very nice Shot. Love the Background!
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12/18/2007 12:08:15 AM
Congratulations, Alfredo. Andres showed me the photos today in the hospital. He is very proud of you !! What a nice brother. Lou Mark
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12/17/2007 09:41:25 PM
Congrats Alfredo, wonderful shot, beautiful car.
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12/17/2007 09:13:00 PM
What an Awesome shot! Love the fisheye effect! Course that classic car with a great background.. Wow, just Wow!
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12/17/2007 04:03:39 PM
Well done on the ribbon!
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12/17/2007 11:43:45 AM
Sabia q era azul, buenaza foto. arriba peru ahi con la racha azul jajaja sigamos asi
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12/17/2007 10:49:37 AM
Nice shot, and may I say congrats on being the first to ribbon with the D-300 quite quick too. Nice Job...
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12/17/2007 07:54:06 AM
Great job Alfredo!!! Congratulations!
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12/17/2007 07:12:33 AM
Excellent, interesting shot. Congrats on the blue.
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12/17/2007 05:49:02 AM
Congrats on the blue! Excellent result for an excellent shot - very 60's feel.
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12/17/2007 05:46:44 AM
Congrats on a ribbon and a great shot! Nice!
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12/17/2007 05:20:18 AM
very nice indeed. Congrats on the BLUE
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12/17/2007 04:33:57 AM
Awesome - Loved this shot...
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12/17/2007 04:19:30 AM
Reading your write up I'm impressed with how much thought and work went into this - and it certainly paid off.

Congrats on your Blue.
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12/17/2007 03:06:16 AM
A wonderful car this and a nice location. Congrats on blue.
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12/17/2007 03:00:14 AM
Nice one.. ;)
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12/17/2007 02:57:29 AM
Congrats on your blue, very well done - you fully achieved what you wanted to create
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12/17/2007 02:19:50 AM
Muchas felicidades en tu primer listón azul!!! Bien merecido!!
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12/17/2007 01:01:39 AM
Congrats on your first blue! I'm sure it won't be the last. :)
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12/17/2007 12:53:41 AM
Congrats on your first Blue, Alfredo! Well done :O)
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12/17/2007 12:38:19 AM
Originally posted by nutzito:

ps..I believe this is the first ribbon for the Nikon D300....maybe Nikon could send me a Nikon pen for that? LOL

Congrats on your blue, and on topping the D300 page!
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12/17/2007 12:38:03 AM
See? What do I know. ROFL Congrats.
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12/17/2007 12:23:33 AM
Awesome....I knew this would do well. Can you give us a run down on your lighting setup please?

Message edited by author 2007-12-17 00:24:10.
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12/17/2007 12:22:59 AM
knew you would ribbon Alfredo! thanks for sharing the story behind this
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12/17/2007 12:11:57 AM
Well deserved blue brother, the best photo in this challenge, by far.
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12/17/2007 12:09:12 AM
first blue! congrats, long overdue.
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12/17/2007 12:08:08 AM
WOW ... Afredo, Congratulations!! What a thrill! Very well deserved!!!
(jajajaja..la sonrisa de la suerte!!! vivaaa!!!)
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12/17/2007 12:04:53 AM
Congratulations! Looks like you met all your 2007 goals. Better start writing out some new ones!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/16/2007 11:30:02 PM
Looks like this may be my only "10" in this challenge. Great shot, very well lit. Love the shooting angle, the dramatic backdrop and the use of a model. Beautiful car!
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12/16/2007 09:50:19 PM
Excellent shot. 10
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12/16/2007 01:31:34 PM
First ad I've seen with a real model. Nice perspective and great background. Love the deep blue of the sky (I do see a bit of odd color banding in it, though; could just be an effect of resizing).
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12/15/2007 09:15:13 AM
Love how the guy has a 50's style to go with the 60's car. I'd love to have one of these! Fab location!
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12/14/2007 09:00:21 PM
Good, clean, sharp. Technically and ideally nice photo :)
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12/14/2007 05:38:33 PM
OK, dont take this the wrong way, but this would of been better without the model in the car. This car, minus the model, with the background and lighting as it is, could of put this into a ribbon position. I still think it will be a strong contender overall, but just didn't need the guy in it.

bumping.. 9
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12/14/2007 05:56:16 AM
That's a very purty car, does it come with the cute man? Stunning background too.
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12/13/2007 11:36:42 PM
Great angle on a beautiful classic car!
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12/13/2007 10:50:38 PM
Incredible light. Very well done!
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12/13/2007 10:39:57 PM
Definitely a ribbon holder!
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12/13/2007 09:02:50 PM
Classic movie poster look. Very cheesy but very well executed.
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12/13/2007 06:47:15 PM
lovely vintage feel to it :-)
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12/13/2007 06:06:10 PM
10-15sec shutter speed? Love the lights in the background. It makes me think of the movie "American Grafiti". BB
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12/13/2007 05:50:45 PM
Super retro, but way more sophisticated backround.
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12/13/2007 02:22:21 PM
Great photo!
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12/13/2007 09:14:06 AM
Cool shot and a great location for an ad shoot. The horizon is a little off kilter and not sure I like the superwide distortion on the front fender, but definitely looks like an ad. 7
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12/12/2007 10:58:54 PM
I like the perspective on this one, not sure if the front bumper could have been shined up a bit but that would help the shot. Overall very nice. 7
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12/12/2007 09:46:29 PM
Couldn't have picked a better car!
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12/12/2007 08:00:10 PM
I love the perspective and the elongated lines that the wide ange generates - i would just lose the model/ man in the driver seat - he distracts from the lines of the car.
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12/12/2007 02:19:17 PM
amazing is this a set or for real
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12/12/2007 12:19:56 PM
Nice use of color
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12/12/2007 09:11:27 AM
How fun. I'm wondering if it would have more of an ad feel without the guy. Great shot though.
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12/11/2007 10:07:43 PM
Excellent lighting!
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12/11/2007 01:51:41 PM
great angle for this shot, lighting is very good to also separate the car from the background. well done
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12/11/2007 12:42:47 PM
love the car and the setup ... not sure about the angle though
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12/11/2007 10:09:58 AM
great car
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12/11/2007 09:57:49 AM
Beautiful car. Love the angles, and the city lights in the background
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12/11/2007 09:11:55 AM
sweet lookin' ride ya got there. good lighting and focus.good job on this. and the BG is great. good luck
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12/11/2007 03:24:04 AM
I really like the background of this image, the car and this smile. Are you selling all? Nice shot.
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12/10/2007 09:47:43 PM
Hey great fisheye image. Love the background and lighting used. A 10 from me.
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12/10/2007 07:18:45 PM
Wow if this is your car you are very lucky. Just beautiful.
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12/10/2007 05:53:24 PM
My favourite of the challenge, love the spot you chose to photograph it in, love the perspective. Even the driver looks retro.
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12/10/2007 02:17:53 PM
really strong image, I love the way you have created a strong diagonal leading line with the car itself and the slight fish eye works very well. You dont need me to tell you that the backfrop is stunning I am sure. I guess my only minor complaint would be that the lighting set up that you have used almost makes it look as if the background is fake (ie posing in front of a painted backdrop) which is accentuated by the reflections in the cars body

Still a very good shot - 8
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12/10/2007 01:00:57 PM
Awesome lighting. Well done 9
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12/10/2007 12:45:14 PM
Touch of Hollywood. Nice work.
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12/10/2007 10:15:48 AM
while I really like this add, the man should either be looking at the camera, or better yet it should be an attractive woman. They seem to get more "looks"
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12/10/2007 09:43:46 AM
Terrific job! Here it is! *THE* quintessential pony car ad. Nice car, nice job. 8
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12/10/2007 07:35:51 AM
my other pick for a ribbon. great idea. Where is this LA? good luck
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12/10/2007 06:57:09 AM
Nice shot of an absolute american classic - Would love one of these one day! (Not too common in the UK though!)
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12/10/2007 06:12:25 AM
Nice wide lens. I like the person in the car. Not many shots in this challenge show anyone in the car, so it's good to see it here, and it works well. He just looks right for that car.
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12/10/2007 05:07:12 AM
nice, looks very 60s. good POV and angle, light is quite harsh, sky is a bit noisy
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12/10/2007 04:34:16 AM
nice shot/angle and great choice of background
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12/10/2007 02:29:14 AM
Beautiful color composition. The rest makes the shoot as well, angle, background and so on. A very believable car ad. You should do well in this competition. -8-
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12/10/2007 01:23:46 AM
heh. this reminds me of an 80s movie or something. lovely composition here. But I wish there werent an abrupt transition from blue to grey in the sky though. 8
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12/10/2007 12:28:52 AM
Interesting shot, and tough one too. Model must have stood still for a few seconds, looks great!
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12/10/2007 12:10:50 AM
wow...perfect exposure...great background...deserves top 5 finish 9
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