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Family affair
Family affair

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Conflict (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Pécs / Hungary
Date: Feb 20, 2004
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 400 ASA
Shutter: 1/8
Date Uploaded: Feb 24, 2004

Alcoholism. Always the bigest problem in a family. It's like a time-bomb. The conflict is under the surface. Just a thin ice...

Place: 134 out of 202
Avg (all users): 4.6762
Avg (commenters): 5.9524
Avg (participants): 4.5889
Avg (non-participants): 4.7173
Views since voting: 1202
Votes: 281
Comments: 25
Favorites: 4 (view)

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05/18/2005 09:29:45 PM
Comments like these will one day help me get over my addiction to this site. I need to add more pics like this to my favorites to remember that. This is what photography to me is all about. Capturing life at the perfect moment. In your case minus the arm of the extra guy sitting at the table. But none-the-less an extremely intriguing shot due to the composition, the lighting, and that there's so much going on to think about. Luckily, these are the type of images that you find in galleries, not water droplets on glass. Of course you also find all white paintings in modern galleries, but I'll save that for another rant. I'm going to personally go through everyone one on this list who posted an unwarranted negative comment and take them off of my christmas card email list.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/02/2004 11:50:35 PM
What a pretty lady!
03/02/2004 11:21:40 PM
bland. there is a uniformity of texture and color across the whole photo (with the obvious exception of her face). it loks like so many photos you see in family albums. perhaps there's something to be said for that - the "conflict" that exists in every "typical family"

not sure if i buy it though...
03/02/2004 09:21:14 PM
great concept, only flaw is why is the women with a drinking hubby so happy
03/02/2004 07:11:41 AM
hehe.. that kid looks like he has plans for the leftover booze. why is mother so happy? thoroughly interesting shot.. 8.
03/01/2004 04:53:54 PM
I really like this photo, its so busy. I love the the posture of the lady and the expression on her face, and it shouts conflict as well. Great effort. Good Luck
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02/29/2004 06:44:28 PM
Maybe its just me but I don't understand the conflict here.
02/28/2004 11:50:14 AM
Interesting shot, very natural and a common situation that arouses conflict.
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02/28/2004 02:37:38 AM
I think it would be cool if there was abottle next to the beer and them I would see more conflict. Why is she looking at me?
02/28/2004 12:25:14 AM
my favorite bit of this is the baby's expression :)
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02/27/2004 06:44:11 PM
the look on the kids face makes this shot terrific. 8
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02/27/2004 03:19:50 PM
There's a LOT going on here. This, for me, is so close to being genius! I love the three absolutely different characters in the shot; each in his or her own emotional world. I'd love to see more focus on the baby's face (what a great expression!) and more of the drinking guys on the right. Still, amazing.
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02/26/2004 09:16:55 PM
Wow, this is disturbing. Very natural-looking, but so obviously skewed. Well done composition.
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02/26/2004 08:49:38 PM
I really had to stop and look at this one for a while--this is an easy one to dismiss with a low score. However, that kid's stare and expression really gets me! Then the wife is just standing there grinning--and the husband is taking a shot--the whole scene is so surreal its almost laughable. I think there really is A LOT of conflict here in the interplay between the people--baby vs. wife vs. husband. Maybe I'm reading too much in to it, but I really like it! 7
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02/26/2004 01:38:47 PM
I really like this photo. This photo holds my attention for a long time. The look on the baby's face is priceless.

I hope to see more photos of the woman and that paddle.

Thanks for sharing -- very interesting take on this challenge.
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02/26/2004 01:26:52 PM
Its just a messed up picture with a woman slapping something in her hand like a halo and baby confronting alcohol and a father figure popping pills I don't know conflict sure I guess there is just to much going on in the photograph to know what you should be looking at the child is out of focus and the back ground in clarity the lighting isn't that great should maybe be focussed more on the baby if is going to blurred while mommy is in perfect focus. I don't know you lost it in translations.
02/26/2004 11:56:15 AM
If the lady looked pissed it would have made this a conflict photo, but since she is smiling it is more like a snap shot. The baby looks more pissed off than she does,
02/26/2004 11:26:04 AM
doesn't meet the challenge
02/25/2004 08:45:39 PM
Foreground is a little fuzzy.
02/25/2004 07:52:02 PM
Don't normally like this sort of thing but this works (her expression particularly)and feels natural...well done
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02/25/2004 06:22:25 PM
would have been more fun if the kid was screaming, food was on the floor, and the woman looked truly mad
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02/25/2004 05:55:22 PM
great photo!
02/25/2004 04:04:14 PM
The baby looking at the bottles looks a little more curious than is comfortable.
02/25/2004 01:24:26 PM
interesting. my eye is drawn to the white stairwell wall and then the lady and lastly the gent drinking. Conflict...where is it? If she was mad, yelling at the gent and perhaps holding the babe in diapers alone, then i'd see strong conflict. she looks happy. no conflict here. nice depth of field. not as keen on composition (nice, but what to focus on?) and not sure about lighting.
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02/25/2004 09:30:05 AM
i love the kid's look of contempt!

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