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Where You Can Hear Yourself Think
1st PlaceWhere You Can Hear Yourself Think

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Silence IV (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Venice Township, Michigan
Date: Feb 27, 2004
Aperture: f8.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/640
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Feb 27, 2004

A foggy, cold morning in Michigan. I had to hike 1/4 mile across the crusty snow to get this shot. There is zero editing other than the crop.

Place: 1 out of 312
Avg (all users): 6.8636
Avg (commenters): 8.2174
Avg (participants): 6.8636
Avg (non-participants): 6.8636
Views since voting: 7569
Votes: 264
Comments: 74
Favorites: 60 (view)

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03/16/2004 04:57:20 PM
hey, it's Danna.
i saw this in the weekly email, and i thought, "hey, that would be a great desktop picture"
so i clicked on it and it was you!
congrats. and this a really awesome picture, by the way. it's going on my desktop...
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03/16/2004 11:23:40 AM
Gorgeous, just gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful. Anyone could make comments on cropping hear, or closer there...but the fact is...if this photo came out off of one of the top photographers in the world's website, nobody would probably have anything to say other than WOW.

So..... WOW!!!!!
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03/16/2004 03:32:25 AM
I could not find mistakes on technical or composition side so I share what I found on nature side:
1. I wish there was a little bit more dense mist between the Sun and you so that mid-lower right branch would not be burned through.
2. What's that dark shape at the point (64%, 22.5%) from the upper left corner? Is it a bird maybe? If so, I simply know it's quiet.

One little remark about others' comments on cropping: I can imagine you had to choose a point on a scale from less to the bottom (while not having much more to the top), to giving the tree more space around it. For my very personal taste, you picked almost the best point.

Well, I have two main folders for images, one for higher art and one for entertainment. This one definetly goes to art. Congratulations.
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03/13/2004 09:04:02 AM
Beautiful shot. Congratulations on first place.
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03/13/2004 01:54:08 AM
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03/11/2004 03:31:44 PM
Great choice and very opportune. Picking nits, I'd prefer to see the tree even more islolated (with more space around it) to emphasise the solitude. Beautifully lit, moody capture.
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03/11/2004 01:09:40 PM
Very nice job...
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03/11/2004 10:41:32 AM
i love this photo! love! love! love!
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03/11/2004 09:28:08 AM
A real beauty
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03/11/2004 09:06:10 AM
Beautiful! Congrats! One of my favorites.
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03/11/2004 08:20:08 AM
What Mr Setzler said.
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03/10/2004 10:02:04 PM
Congratulations on a fantastic photo and a well-deserved win! You got a 10 from me, and now it's going into my favorites. Beautiful!
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03/10/2004 08:27:18 PM
Hey Dirt, you a #1 again, great to see that! Beautiful shot man..Flo
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03/10/2004 04:00:52 PM
The one thing that really intruges me about this picture is the fact that it reminds me of the Pink Floyd picture of the lone tree (although that one is shaped like a head). Very nice!
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03/10/2004 03:27:26 PM
This is first class photography. You should be very proud of yourself.
Very calm, misty, and magical feel to this shot. Smooth sky, and considering you were facing the sun, you have done a grand job. Give yourself a pat on the back for this one. It was well worth walking that 1/4 mile. I've only dreamt of taking one like this.
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03/10/2004 11:35:27 AM
Congrats on a well deserved ribbon!
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03/10/2004 10:52:12 AM
For what it's worth, I think this photo has several strong potentials as a black and white also.
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03/10/2004 10:37:49 AM
comgrats, very nice shot
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03/10/2004 09:56:40 AM
Well earned.. Congratulations!
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03/10/2004 08:18:35 AM
wonderful win! love the lacy effect of the trees. great exposure.
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03/10/2004 07:33:40 AM
Congratulations on the Blue, on the "straight from the camera nature of the image, and on your first ribbon.
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03/10/2004 06:24:04 AM
Sincere thanks to all who commented and voted. I'm still shaking after seeing the results this morning.
03/10/2004 12:14:19 AM
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03/10/2004 12:05:29 AM
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03/10/2004 12:02:39 AM
This is truly deserving of first place! Way to go. Great shot!
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03/10/2004 12:01:22 AM
I love it when my favorite shot wins :) Excellent work...
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/09/2004 11:37:11 PM
nice backlight on the tree. feels very calm and quiet.
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03/09/2004 08:00:55 PM
All I can say is WOW! Is that Fog or what?
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03/09/2004 09:56:19 AM
One word immediately comes to mind upon viewing this one:- Elegant. I think it's quite wonderful, definitely conveys quietness, and it's understated appearance really works. Only slight criticism is that it might be nicer a bit squarer, possibly with the tree filling the space a little more (with a little less foreground?). Don't know, it's more a preference than a criticism. So 10 it is.
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03/09/2004 09:51:08 AM
Nice tones from the dark at the bottom to the light gray at the top.
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03/09/2004 05:14:07 AM
Very emotive and beautiful. Soft focus of the tree and the misty background gives it a lot. Dont know if you should have croped more the forground but litle blurring or other editing of it (wich is of cours not alowed here) would make this image still better.
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03/08/2004 07:11:16 PM
Great atmospheric picture - I just wish the tree was a little bit to one side rather than right in the centre of the picture.
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03/08/2004 11:59:01 AM
this is a beautiful image, the border detracts from it, evokes silence well.
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03/07/2004 08:56:03 PM
I wouild have rated this a 10 in a challange themed Alone. I feel the silence and the cold at the same time. Your use of backlighting is awesome. I place you in the top 5 of my picks. Almost looks like a I miss you greeting card. Thank you very nice
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03/07/2004 04:24:15 PM
great mood, strong image.
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03/07/2004 12:41:57 PM
I like the pic and the frame a lot. Maybe less on the bottom would be better.
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03/07/2004 11:04:13 AM
Great photo, The gradient of colours work really well and I like the centered composition. 10
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03/07/2004 09:52:56 AM
Many people tried but you got this shot right!!! Beautiful. 8
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03/07/2004 09:15:24 AM
Beautiful image. The positioning of the sun is just right, can't think of anything I would change. I'm predicting a ribbon.
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03/07/2004 08:32:05 AM
very good shoot, would have like to see it croped a litle more from the downside so it would look more like a 6x6. just love the light in this picture 8
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03/06/2004 07:07:48 PM
the best of many of these shots

nice simplicity and well lit
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03/06/2004 04:19:09 PM
I am really attracted to this image - the lighting is beautiful. Very ethereal and it the image very strongly connotes to me that fantasy world, fairy world, ghost world that is a figment of my imagination but that seems almost real when I'm on the edge of dreaming. 10
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03/06/2004 03:19:11 PM
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03/06/2004 11:31:20 AM
Stark as silence can be!
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03/06/2004 10:40:37 AM
nicely done!
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03/05/2004 06:29:56 PM
Splendide image of silence. I love it. 10
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03/05/2004 02:56:09 PM
Lovely effect and lighting here. GREAT mist! I like the idea a lot and I am a sucker for natural scenes, especially those with trees! :)

While I consider this to be one of the best photos in the entire challenge, there are two things that bother me about it - perhaps they are valid for you, too - they are personal taste.

First, the corn stub rows draw the eye away from the tree, which distracts a tad. Second, I prefer a landscape orientaion for shots of this nature - I can't get over the idea of something too close for comfort just out of sight - not enough feeling of space for a serene feeling. But that's just me. Paranoid:D

Anyway, really grand shot.
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03/05/2004 01:22:04 PM
Absolutely beautiflul.
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03/05/2004 01:09:08 PM
Very nice. I like the softness of of this photo. I would like to see a little less of the bottom and more of the top. But looks good as it is.
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03/05/2004 06:11:52 AM
Very, very nice shot. I don't think I like the border though.
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03/05/2004 01:38:32 AM
Beautiful, serene. Captures 'silence" very well. I find the lines of plants (?) in the snow a bit distracting, but what are you gonna do? Sunlight behind the tree is terrific. Top ten finisher IMHO
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03/04/2004 08:18:26 PM
Absolutely marvelous. Silence and beauty make a nice couple. -10
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03/04/2004 07:51:26 PM
great picture, you can hear the silence
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03/04/2004 06:07:33 PM
Beautiful composition.
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03/04/2004 04:57:17 PM
a pleasant image that conveys peace and quiet
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03/04/2004 04:27:05 PM
Very nice shot, I can imagine how quiet it was. (9)
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03/04/2004 03:33:57 PM
I like to idea behind this shot a lot. However, I've loooked at it a few times as somethign unsettles me. I think it's the sun behind the tree. It is an interestign effect but I personally find that it distracts from the evocative silence of the landscape. 7
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03/04/2004 12:37:08 PM
Awesome composition. Photo is very sharp, great DOF, I like how even the thinner "capillary" type branches are still clearly visible. The fog gives a perfect soft lighting effect to the entire photo, it gives a sense of center with the whiter areas while it gradually darkens shaping a type of "frame" towards the edges.
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03/04/2004 12:23:04 PM
I like it but the exposure is a little off. this image could have been enhanced either by different exposures or photoshop. I would like it more if there were more detail in the foreground and the colors blended more smoothly. the bottom of the image it too dark.
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03/04/2004 10:06:50 AM
A lot to like about this shot, simple, single subject partially blocking the muted sun. Tones add to the mood, border is nice (perhaps a bit too fancy for the shot?) To make this fine shot a bit better I'd like to see what the tree would look like out of dead center and with more negative space (widening the overall frame so the tree stays the same size - if that makes sense)
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03/04/2004 04:09:17 AM
If it weren't for the messy foreground, I'd have given a 10 for this beautiful image.
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03/03/2004 09:24:23 PM
I really like this photo. The soft light, cool colors and obscure background work very well to convey silence.
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03/03/2004 07:26:47 PM
Wow... so desolate and barren. It just harkens the word silence. I hope you do well in this challenge.
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03/03/2004 04:38:03 PM
Wonderful photograph, makes me feel very peaceful indeed. Well done
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03/03/2004 04:13:07 PM
Excellent scenery! Nice moody picture, conveyes silence very well.
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03/03/2004 12:35:56 PM
beautiful work... best of show :)
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03/03/2004 12:04:06 PM
beautiful tone and light. 7.
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03/03/2004 11:43:17 AM
Very dramatic...I like this a lot
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03/03/2004 11:34:50 AM
Wonderful picture, 9
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03/03/2004 11:01:53 AM
Cool shot and silhouette. It almost seems like the tree is in soft focus from this photo which detracts from the silhouette effect. Otherwise, very nice. :)
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03/03/2004 10:17:15 AM
Very nice image. Gives a good wintery feel.
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03/03/2004 10:08:06 AM
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03/03/2004 02:58:53 AM
Great photo ...
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03/03/2004 12:48:00 AM
i can feel the silence in here....nice shot...
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