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Dapper Duck
Dapper Duck

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: March Free Study (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Quantaray AF 70-210mm f/4.5-5.6 High-Speed for Canon
Location: Hunter Park - Douglasville, GA
Date: Mar 1, 2004
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Mar 4, 2004

Used a circular polarizer filter to reduce the glare of the water which in turn gave it a somewhat starry effect. Focal length 70.0mm in sports mode.

Cropped a little off the left & resized. I did enhance the color of the water, I have to admit. Added a blue/grey color at about 30% opacity as the water was a real dull grey/brown color. Used the healing tool to get rid of a few dust spots. No adjustments to the duck were made other than a slight curves adjustment to the whole picture. Lastly ran through Neatimage to get rid of some noise in the water.

Place: 68 out of 310
Avg (all users): 6.1902
Avg (commenters): 7.6154
Avg (participants): 6.1970
Avg (non-participants): 6.1731
Views since voting: 1854
Votes: 184
Comments: 19
Favorites: 4 (view)

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07/06/2005 11:24:07 AM
Just found this in your portfolio. This is outstanding. I love all of the sparkle on the rich blue water. He's raring his head back as if to say "Look at me." Really nicely done.
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02/03/2005 08:34:36 PM
Beautiful bird! Great light and details.
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04/08/2004 12:36:43 AM
Thanks for all the helpful comments everyone! As for what kind of duck this is, I had no idea. Did a quick internet search and I think it may be a Muscovy? There were a few of them at the park. As far as a star filter, didn't use one. Was just a happy accident that I think may have been emphasized by the circular polarizer. It was the first time I had used it and really liked the results.

Thanks Again! :)
04/08/2004 12:31:39 AM
How you didn't place in the top 5 or the top 3 is beyond me? I'm starting to regret having joined this site. It seems that the majority of tastes here prefer traditional regurgitated stock photography - as well as cliche images. Nothing inventive or original appears to be recognized or respected. It's a bit of a joke really. I mean anyone can take a decent telephoto lens and get close to a parrot and snap a pic but what you have done is add some impressionism and life to the billions and I mean billions of photos of birds out there.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/07/2004 08:49:17 PM
Very pretty
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04/07/2004 04:02:33 PM
The little sparklies give this duck image some extra punch!
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04/06/2004 10:35:09 PM
Great water!
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04/06/2004 04:42:06 AM
Beautiful and original. Love the light on the water, the tones of the feathers on the back.
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04/04/2004 09:43:32 AM
Love it.
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04/03/2004 10:21:25 PM
What! That is one magical looking duck. What kind of duck is this? Your title is perfect. 10
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04/02/2004 09:41:13 PM
Definitely the best duck shot---7---
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04/02/2004 07:38:14 PM
The water in this shot is marvelous!
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04/01/2004 09:05:03 PM
Nice one....star filter? Looks great to me. Now what kind of bird it that? I really have NO clue. Very pretty. This whole shot is very good. Neat.
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04/01/2004 08:57:34 PM
Nice shot, good affect with the water stars. I think that having more room in front of him and less behind, even cropping a bit off the rear end would have improved the composition.
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04/01/2004 08:38:06 PM
It looks like some sort of fantasy shot with those sparkles.. I like the effect, though.
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04/01/2004 07:39:52 PM
The position, colors, and movement are all really great. - 8
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04/01/2004 02:46:35 PM
Absolutely incredible! Very original and exciting.
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04/01/2004 02:37:22 AM
Your 6pt star filter effect is overpowered this picture because there are so many points of light to interact with. In the future to lessen this consider going to a lower f-stop to decrese the effect - best way is bracket you r shots between F2.8 and F5.6 when taking them. Another option is invest in the more expensive Tiffen Holloywood Fx, Hyper Star or Vector Star - these three filters give a great star effect, but, it's not all uniform throughout the picture. I own all of them and prefer the Hyper Star. I use allot of star filters shooting ice art. Hope this helps.
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04/01/2004 12:27:46 AM
WOW!!! Great shot!! 10 for you....
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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