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Arriving at NEW HOPE
Arriving at NEW HOPE

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2007 (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM
Location: New Hope, PA
Date: Aug 4, 2007
Aperture: f 9.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160 sec
Date Uploaded: Jan 14, 2008


Place: 469 out of 484
Avg (all users): 4.6244
Avg (commenters): 3.6818
Avg (participants): 4.4444
Avg (non-participants): 5.0294
Views since voting: 787
Views during voting: 305
Votes: 221
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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01/28/2008 02:54:19 PM
Heine, interesting experiment. I actually like the image, and if taken at face value, knowing this is processed to achieve this result I believe it is quite good, just a tough sell in an open challenge.

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/27/2008 11:33:13 PM
Nice scene, colors are nice, but the halos are distracting and make it look over processed to me.
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01/27/2008 09:47:14 PM
A bit over 'cooked' for my tastes... though it would be nice as a drawing.
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01/27/2008 08:52:36 PM
Interesting processing. It looks nice. Good job
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01/27/2008 03:25:05 PM
way too overprocessed.
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01/27/2008 01:34:07 AM
I can see why you liked this subject, I like it too! But it looks to me like you've gone overboard with editing ... possibly an HDR experiment ... leaving distracting halos around the building and to a lesser degree, the wagon. HDR seems to be the wave of the future, but I'd suggest backing off a bit.
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01/27/2008 12:44:24 AM
The tone mapping is over-done for my taste.
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01/25/2008 07:17:01 PM
My first impression is that this is really, really colorful. I like the framing and composition, but whether the image is successful or not depends on what you are trying to accomplish. To my eye, it looks too much like a cartoon, and would be better if the processing were toned down a little. Others may see it differently.
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01/25/2008 01:45:33 AM
Over saturated/over processed IMO. The halo/glow around the building against the sky is distracting. The composition is very nice, but would be better if less processed. IMHO
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01/24/2008 11:49:10 AM
This is simply too far done for me. I'm all for editing that adds punch, but the image still has too look a little more believable than this.
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01/23/2008 11:40:17 PM
Halo really puts this off for me I'm sorry!
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01/23/2008 02:44:32 PM
Sorry, too fake looking for me. 4
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01/23/2008 01:13:12 PM
Wow, so bright! A little too much for me :)
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01/22/2008 06:27:22 PM
Ow ow ow! Way over processed. The objects in the picture have terrible haloing. I like the color in the shot but they are oversaturated.

Sorry :(
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01/22/2008 06:17:14 PM
i think you may have slightly over-done the saturation on the sky.
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01/22/2008 09:56:42 AM
Way overboard on the HDR. Sorry... that's a big pet peeve of mine nowadays. That takes a shot that would have probably been a 6 or 7 down to a 3 for me.
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01/22/2008 03:32:18 AM
too much tone mapping for me
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01/22/2008 01:35:11 AM
The editing seems pretty apparent on this - see the white halos.
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01/21/2008 10:41:23 PM
I know it well. I have a photo of my kids sitting on that very cart fifteen years ago when they were little.
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01/21/2008 10:18:23 PM
Way overdone here. You have an beautifully captured image, great focus and historic feel, that has turned into a cartoon with the processing that was done. Sorry. A minor punch up of the colours and this is a 7, but the result you have submitted is a 4 imo. Sorry. Good Luck.
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01/21/2008 07:30:29 PM
Illustration in technique, rather than photographic. It is an interesting curiosity which one might tire of and seek something ore restful to look at.
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01/21/2008 02:10:49 PM
So far you are in my top 2 for most insanely tone-mapped entry! I like it!
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01/21/2008 01:24:09 AM
Interesting treatment, except that the sky appears "painted", and should have a gradient.
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01/21/2008 12:25:15 AM
the cartoonish sky kills it for me
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