Well, I knew this wasn't a sharp enough shot to get high votes, and comments make it obvious that some considered this DNMC. I'm old enough to remember when Sea World Orlando opened, but young enough to have been a child at the time. I was there opening week, and have visited nearly once a year ever since. Shamu was always my favorite and one of my best childhood memories.
This orca is Tilikum, born in 1981. He came to SWO in 1992 from Sea Land, Victoria, BC. Tilikum is the largest, though not the longest, orca in captivity at about 12,320 lbs. He has fathered more calves than any other orca in captivity. In the show, he usually makes one lap of shallow jumps (when this shot was taken), a few trips to the wall where he splashes the guests, and then finally performs a slide out at the front "stage" to show off his size.
The photo was taken during the last show of the day. The stadium lights gave a great blue saturation to the tank water, but an earlier, pre-dark show would have allowed a faster shutter speed and less blur. This is not the sharpest photo taken on this visit to Sea World, but it is my favorite. |