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Portrait of Tailer
Portrait of Tailer

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Off-Screen Expectation (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Fairbanks, Alaska
Date: Mar 7, 2004
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/39
Galleries: Portraiture, Animals
Date Uploaded: Mar 8, 2004

Tailer is a Boxer/Lab mix, he is wonderful. I posed him in a rare sunbeam shining through the window.

Place: 89 out of 183
Avg (all users): 4.8479
Avg (commenters): 5.5625
Avg (participants): 4.6456
Avg (non-participants): 4.9348
Views since voting: 961
Votes: 263
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/16/2004 09:32:41 PM
Very beautiful lab picture. It doesn't really make me wonder what is off screen though. Seems complete and satisfying just as it is.
03/16/2004 06:23:22 PM
A beautiful dog and nice detail
03/16/2004 12:00:09 PM
Beautifal capture of this noble creature - but he doesn't look like he's looking at anything - it's not obvious from the expression. But great photo nonetheless!
03/15/2004 02:54:59 AM
He looks very interested in something. nice shot.
03/14/2004 05:28:02 PM
this is a nice portrait but he seems to be just sitting there...not really expecting anything off screen...
03/14/2004 12:58:54 AM
I know he is looking off-screen, but he certainly doesn't seem to be expecting anything there. I think the strange lighting in the background is very distracting.
03/12/2004 11:21:29 AM
nice pic. i see no expectation or implied off-frame action.
03/11/2004 03:49:08 PM
Beautiful dog. Nice capture and compostion. 9
03/11/2004 11:50:23 AM
great lighting, but not sure shot could be recognized as "off screen expectation"
03/11/2004 07:07:07 AM
A beautiful dog..expertly photographed.
03/11/2004 05:20:01 AM
Great posed and expression here, cute shot...
03/11/2004 03:02:45 AM
I don't usually like animal shots very much, but this one is great -- fantastic picture, it almost looks as if it's black and white. I'd crop it a bit to exclude the white box I see in the lower right corner, however. Still, a great shot -- a 9
03/10/2004 05:59:40 PM
The image is a little too static to build an expectation.
03/10/2004 03:42:58 PM
Handsome guy...doesn't look like he is expecting much though...
03/10/2004 11:55:16 AM
Good closup and lighting on the dog. Patch of light on the wall behind distracts attention.
03/10/2004 08:47:11 AM
Love this shot. Great color, DOF and contrast.
03/10/2004 02:15:41 AM
Beautiful lighting on this dog, I would have removed the eye snots first. :) It's a great portrait, but it's not compelling me to know what is outside the frame.
03/10/2004 12:28:02 AM
Can't go wrong with a beautiful dog. Very nice and I like the use of black and white.

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