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army of she
army of she

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Portrait (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-5050Z
Location: arcata, california
Date: Mar 8, 2004
Aperture: 1.8
ISO: 64
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Mar 9, 2004

self portrait, taken in front of a sunny window, half of which was blocked out with black paper.

photo was taken in colour, then converted to sepia. slight blurring around the edges, and dodging in the eyes.

Place: 52 out of 135
Avg (all users): 5.7406
Avg (commenters): 6.9375
Avg (participants): 5.4286
Avg (non-participants): 6.0088
Views since voting: 1240
Votes: 212
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/21/2004 10:40:42 PM
The eyes have it
03/21/2004 05:56:49 PM
Great subject- Her eyes are very mesmerizing, I also like how it's not very centered- 9
03/21/2004 08:31:13 AM
a strong face and an intriguing image - compelling eyes
03/21/2004 01:43:19 AM
beautiful...love the tone! those eyes are mesmorizing and the title is very fitting. powerful image.
03/18/2004 03:00:11 PM
The balance of light and dark is excellent, especially since they aren't in similar patterns-it breaks up the shot cleanly.
03/18/2004 12:26:50 PM
the bold border is a bit distracting...the crop you used is really nice...a good contrast with the very white background and the darkness of your model...very nice...good luck
03/17/2004 04:14:28 PM
What a great photo! Looks like some sepia toning used sparingly - if so, it's a great job - if not, it's a great capture. :) - 8
03/16/2004 08:04:55 PM
Jocey...meire (roguejournal) here ...
this a fantastic shot!!
i love it!!!!!!!!

03/16/2004 08:02:27 PM
Love the piercing stare. My only comment would be personal: I think I would prefer this all in black back ground. But that is only my opinion. BOL
03/16/2004 09:10:58 AM
great focus on eyes.
03/15/2004 07:17:25 PM
This is very original and it really asks the audience to look closer. It's like the subject is calling you in. I love her expression - it's very serene. Good luck with this one. It's well balanced and a good composition - good lighting, etc.
03/15/2004 06:36:32 PM
Her face is in focus but the necklace not being in focus distracts me.
03/15/2004 02:58:38 PM
I don't get the title, but I like this shot. Her eyes! Awesome. I wish the light was on her face or less blown out on the right. She is lovely and interesting to look at. Good shot really.
03/15/2004 11:34:20 AM
The light on the models right shoulder is a bit much.
03/15/2004 06:50:02 AM
i am somewhat freaked out by how bright her eyes are!
03/15/2004 05:09:33 AM
Wow! Dramatic contrast with the face tones bang in the middle, very effective, nice compositional balance too.
03/15/2004 02:36:00 AM
Nice photo, but... it's a bit too dark for me
03/15/2004 12:51:49 AM
The very white glarey right side with the black left side does not appeal to me. The straight-on look of the subjec to the camera is not flattering. I like the tones of the shot.

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