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Whats inside this paper bag?
Whats inside this paper bag?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Off-Screen Expectation (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix 2600Z
Location: hamilton New Zealand
Date: Mar 9, 2004
Galleries: Interior, Macro
Date Uploaded: Mar 9, 2004


Place: 157 out of 183
Avg (all users): 3.8885
Avg (commenters): 5.4375
Avg (participants): 3.7805
Avg (non-participants): 3.9358
Views since voting: 850
Votes: 269
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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03/23/2004 12:07:21 PM
From Critique Club.

For the challenge the composition is kinda doubtful. I'd love to see the edge of the paper. Textures and colors are xcellent, lighting is OK. I guess the low final score is due to the high competition in this challenge ;-)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/16/2004 10:44:12 PM
Interesting picture but it doesn't make me wonder what is off screen.
03/16/2004 01:37:14 PM
Interesting macro.
03/15/2004 07:55:07 PM
Wow, thats looks yummy.....
03/15/2004 12:18:44 AM
03/14/2004 09:08:42 PM
nice idea, and a nice photo. I love the composition. great colors too....I really like this
03/14/2004 05:11:42 AM
good to see an original and well thought out photo. great composition, great DOF and just enough of the subject to tease. Very very good entry. A high scorer I hope.
03/14/2004 01:29:21 AM
Interesting texture from the paper bag.
03/13/2004 06:40:42 PM
Exposer seems wierd, composition is unbalenced. I like the idea and mystery of this though.
03/12/2004 03:52:42 PM
not relevance, that's for sure.
03/12/2004 02:30:12 PM
Interesting effect
03/12/2004 11:29:19 AM
. i see no expectation or implied off-frame action. too abstract to know what it is i am looking at, or supposed to be looking at
03/11/2004 09:03:42 PM
Nice detailand looks like a yummy lunch it would fit my expectations Yum!
03/11/2004 12:38:15 PM
While I think this is a great idea I believe the execution of the title could have been carried out differently. This photo does not really make you wonder what is in the bag as you can plainly see what is in there. Also the pretzel (or whatever it is in the lower right hand corner) is too overblown from your light source. 5 from me.
03/11/2004 11:00:16 AM
I don't know, but it looks kinda gross.
03/10/2004 05:01:25 PM
This is an interesting photo, but it doesn't really meet the challenge as such.
03/10/2004 07:46:11 AM
Something with apricot? Interesting point of view
03/10/2004 12:31:17 AM
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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