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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Parallel Lines (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE F200
Location: Trimmis, Switzerland...Farm
Date: Mar 14, 2004
Aperture: F/4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Mar 15, 2004

It was just to cute to pass up, even if the farmer thought I was a little odd.
No changes were made to this picture.

Place: 33 out of 325
Avg (all users): 6.1076
Avg (commenters): 7.6786
Avg (participants): 6.0596
Avg (non-participants): 6.1606
Views since voting: 1452
Votes: 288
Comments: 29
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/23/2004 07:35:58 PM
Great capture - just a bit skewed clockwise.
03/23/2004 06:25:17 PM
This is delightful. i could keep looking at it. Must be in with a chance.
03/23/2004 03:59:02 PM
I think this should be a contender for the top
Great vision.
03/23/2004 02:46:14 PM
Exceptional detail in the cows and their similarity of appearance adds strength to this image. Good color, lighting and it is exceptional technically.
03/23/2004 12:03:39 PM
I like this one
03/23/2004 10:19:30 AM
one of my favorites. i love the combination of parallet (definitely meets the challenge!!) and the disimpassioned cows. parallel on multiple levels...
03/23/2004 08:39:36 AM
smile time!
03/22/2004 11:35:03 PM
I enjoy the composition. Pleasing to the eye.
03/22/2004 11:49:16 AM
Well done. Photogenic cattle and good use of parallel lines.
03/20/2004 11:55:15 AM
Very good! The best on the challenge I have seen so far!
03/19/2004 08:53:25 PM
Oh, my. Good and funny too. Maybe could be a bit charper but your sense of humor is intact and it shows in this image. 8
03/19/2004 03:49:16 AM
Heh, very nice. Effective with both the bars and the beef. 6
03/18/2004 08:14:27 PM
who`s farted...? not me.. it was her at the end....who me ¬comp chomp¬ !
good capture
03/18/2004 07:40:56 PM
Really neat shot! Great use of the space.
03/18/2004 06:53:56 PM
Adorable, meets the challenge, even the cow's expressions are "parallel," so it's one of my top picks. 8
03/18/2004 04:08:31 PM
good shot...definitely adds a bit of humor to the shot...I really like the colors here
03/18/2004 12:35:33 AM
This is a great picture, they must be checking out something interesting. Great lines. Good job
03/17/2004 05:08:05 PM
What a shot! - 8
03/17/2004 04:22:53 PM
This one made me laugh. Fits the challenge neatly and is one of the few that would be a good shot outside of the challenge. crisp focus and lovely color balance. top ten
03/17/2004 01:51:59 PM
Great interpretation and shot.
03/17/2004 10:55:57 AM
Fantastic!!!!! This is so good. The bottom is tilted and that's a little bother.Still love the cows, their faces..!! Good entry.
03/17/2004 10:55:14 AM
My favorite so far. I absolutely LOVE this. It's pitch perfect. Love theclours, the statement of them looking out from their imprisonment, the tones, the contrast, the sharpness and the composition. This image reinforces my belief in vegetarianism. Good luck! I hope you get a ribbon.
03/17/2004 09:25:04 AM
This almost looks like the one cow cloned 3 times, they are so alike.
Powerful image and very original.
Good work..9
03/17/2004 08:53:58 AM
03/17/2004 07:48:56 AM
Nice picture! Rotation CCW would have improved the balance.
03/17/2004 04:47:12 AM
Great title. Nice shot 7
03/17/2004 03:47:20 AM
Very appealing but the colors are a bit cold. Its like inbetween colored and B&W. Good focus and very interesting choice for the challenge!
03/17/2004 01:39:42 AM
Very nice photo - the parallel lines really add to it. Great job on the challenge!!!
03/17/2004 12:40:39 AM
great idea nice composition well done

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