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the highway to monument valley
the highway to monument valley

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Parallel Lines (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon D100
Location: monument valley, new mexico
Date: Mar 13, 2004
Aperture: F/10
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Mar 15, 2004

during a trip this past weekend to new mexico, i happened to catch this view in my rear-view mirror as i drove away from monument valley.

Place: 8 out of 325
Avg (all users): 6.5052
Avg (commenters): 7.9032
Avg (participants): 6.3800
Avg (non-participants): 6.6423
Views since voting: 2124
Votes: 287
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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05/04/2004 07:48:40 AM
wow! i am really thrilled with all the comments. i posted this picture on the site and them my e-mail changed unexpectedly the next week, so i never got to see any of the comments until just now when i realized i hadn't heard from the site in a while.

the dust spots were killing me, but the challenge said specifically no spot editing, so i left them in. centering in the road was a problem because there was a crest of a hill just behind me and people whizzing by in the right-hand lane that wouldn't see me until it was too late. i suppose i could have went to the top of the hill, but i think there were obstructions in the way - guard rails or something, i don't recall.

thanks again for all the great comments!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/23/2004 10:04:01 PM
this is great! I get a little queasy looking at it!
03/23/2004 06:17:00 PM
The lines of the road, the strata, and the colourede soils intersecting make a wonderful image.There are even a few uprights on the roadside to counterpoint it all. Very good indeed.
03/23/2004 03:52:11 PM
Stunning, I can't find fault here. but I am no expert either :)
03/23/2004 11:32:46 AM
great picture
03/23/2004 04:34:36 AM
The picture inspires me. Thanks!
03/22/2004 04:21:36 PM
upper left coner & above the mesa on the right dust spots - need to clean your sensor
03/21/2004 10:33:30 AM
What a cool shot.....wonderful colors, just beautiful.
03/20/2004 09:07:11 PM
awesome photograph. The scenery is great. But I dont really see any parallel lines.
03/20/2004 10:20:34 AM
Very nice colors and gret composition gets a 10
03/19/2004 06:24:58 PM
I love it! Definitely on my list of places I want to visit.
03/19/2004 03:12:06 PM
great vision of parallels going vertically (road) and horizontally (the lovely landscape). great realization of the challenge and excellent photography. (i know it's picayune but i am a teeny bit distracted by the car (?) in the distance...once i noticed it, it became a thorn in your lovely image.)
03/19/2004 11:32:52 AM
Very colorful, nice composition. I might suggest centering the road a bit more (cropping) left-right wise.
03/18/2004 09:38:43 PM
Makes me homesick. Great use of lines. I would have liked a little more of the mesas, and the highway a little to the left or right, but I still gave it a 9.
03/18/2004 07:57:51 PM
nice scene. the composition would be even stronger if the road was lined up with both white lines going into the corners with the yellow center line dead center.
03/18/2004 05:26:55 PM
good photo - what a road to drive long - needs a bigger F stop to put more in focus, one week thing is the dust spots in the sky.
03/18/2004 07:08:45 AM
You lucky person. What a perfect opportunity that road is. Nicely composed and great colours. but the horizon is off whack :)
03/18/2004 07:01:18 AM
This one is gonna make it in top 5..... Maby the parallel is not strong enough for many people but the photo itself is beautiful.... 8
03/18/2004 04:23:45 AM
I like it.
03/17/2004 06:41:00 PM
Absolutely beautiful.
03/17/2004 05:50:54 PM
I think that this is a great photo with a poor cropping job. I don't like all the sky at the top of the image. a solid 7 though.
03/17/2004 05:28:52 PM
Yes, the strata just jumps out. Nice image, great subject.
03/17/2004 05:20:52 PM
Beautiful - what a leading line. And I do remember this view from a couple of wonderful holidays Stateside.
03/17/2004 05:08:24 PM
great photo, I think a tighter crop to emphasise the vertical road would have worked better. Also its unfortunate that the vehicle in the centre has been caught as this is distracting to me
03/17/2004 04:55:54 PM
I've submitted a couple images of MV for DPC, most recent in the Silence challenge, but I have never taken this shot. I gotta do that sometime. Nice perspective. It gives that feeling of wide open spaces. Decent landscape. You have the lines of the highway and the lines of the red rocks.
03/17/2004 03:05:02 PM
This is avery nice road. The colours really add a lot. 10
03/17/2004 11:45:19 AM
Beautiful colors! The road seems a bit shifted to the right at the bottom of the picture, and the the grey shoulder on the left accentuates this (as opposed to the grass on the right). I like the car in the distance, down the road; it adds some motion to what would otherwise be an overwhelmingly static frame.
03/17/2004 11:42:25 AM
I knew someone would do this shot, but I didn't think it would be done this well.
03/17/2004 11:35:11 AM
Nice capture. It seems like you could have centered yourself on the road better but that's just me being nit-picky.
03/17/2004 10:28:17 AM
Great subject for the challenge..wonder how it would have looked in B/W ?
03/17/2004 08:38:24 AM
Love this ! 10
03/17/2004 05:31:46 AM
Predictable but still brilliant. 8
03/17/2004 04:39:12 AM
I like it but I bet loads of people say "theres only 1 road, theres nothing parallel" 6
03/17/2004 02:18:13 AM
Wonderful picture. The colors are great and the parallel lines of the road make the shot. It's too bad the sky has those faint black dots.

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