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Times Square (e301 perspective)
Times Square (e301 perspective)

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Aperture: f6.3
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/10
Date Uploaded: Feb 25, 2008

Viewed: 533
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

This one is now hanging in The Hard Rock Cafe NYC...a very cool thing. Even cooler they may want more NYC shots as well.

A Simple documentation of Times Squares corner at 43rd Street.

The e301 reference is only a little joke given that I'm about 25 feet high looking down. Outside of the angle and the fact that it's a B&W, there's no other relation whatsoever, with e301 about the shot.

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07/24/2008 09:45:50 AM
Originally posted by colorcarnival:

Congrats on getting this into Hard Rock Cafe! Who would think to do Times Square in black and white. There's always so much color going on that most people expect to see photos that way too. There's so much energy and movement going on and yet so much clarity too. Very nice.

especially with modern signs flashing 'yahoo' 'panasonic' cnn'
youd expect to see hooover, lucky strikes etc

though on second hand wallgreens logo and the police logo kind of blend past and present
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04/03/2008 04:27:40 PM
Congrats on getting this into Hard Rock Cafe! Who would think to do Times Square in black and white. There's always so much color going on that most people expect to see photos that way too. There's so much energy and movement going on and yet so much clarity too. Very nice.
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03/11/2008 12:17:13 PM
Fantastic shot, the picture is as busy as a city can get. It's a live city with a lot of details and I think enlarged on a wall will be a fine work to be examined up close.
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03/08/2008 01:24:56 PM
I'm a big fan of city shots. I'm trying to learn how to capture some great looking nighttime city shots. I feel like I'm struggling, especially when looking at a great shot like this one.

If you're willing to share, I'd like to know your settings for this kind of shot. ISO, shutter speed, etc...
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03/07/2008 03:53:43 AM
This feels like I've been handed a box of very special different foil wrapped chocolates, along with some mega cakes and pastries that I'd never have thought possible.
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03/04/2008 11:55:49 PM
This is one very busy and bright place. So much stimuli in one place. This is an awesome photo in B&W but with all of the lights and signage I wonder what it looks like in color. I know... how crass of me to say that in a B&W side challenge.
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03/04/2008 10:57:17 PM
Very nice! First, city shots work so well in b&w especially when there is so much going on in the frame, so great choice for b&w. Second, you really captured the essence of Times Sqaure with the bright lights, ads and the general hustle & bustle of life there. The motion blur enhances the chaotic, constant on the move feel of the city. Awsome, nicely done!
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03/02/2008 05:27:38 PM
Nice capture Steve, the slight motion blur works really well - there is so much going on in this shot but it doesn't scream 'busy' to me. The limo is the icing on the cake and agree with Sandy, this should be a BIG print on someones wall
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03/02/2008 07:42:29 AM
Thanks for explaining where it was taken. There is so much going on that my eyes want to check out everything. I see now the New York Police building there...such an odd place for such a little building amongst all those bigger ones. Love all the lights and action. I WANT to GO!!
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03/01/2008 07:09:51 PM
This is a great photo! The bustling activity draws me to this. Maybe I've lived in the sticks too long.
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02/29/2008 07:52:26 AM
This is the kind of shot I like to look at for awhile, to see the different things there are to see. Like the fact the NYPD building almost looks like a little drive-thru place, dwarfed by the commercialism around it.
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02/29/2008 02:27:14 AM
Very cool - so much to look at and so many things happening. Great street image.
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02/29/2008 12:21:59 AM
This is so awesome! I could look at this forever. I think I would love to have this in a framed print covering an entire wall. I've never been to New York, but have always wanted to. Now. . .I HAVE TO! What amazing photography. I'm so impressed that there is not one blown out light -- and everything is beautifully in focus in such obvious low light.

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02/26/2008 06:27:08 PM
this is pretty cool, i like all the tones in it
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02/26/2008 01:17:00 PM
Driven up the pole? or up a lamp post. The limo enhances the image a lot. And it is an ordinary scene in an extraordinary place. But that insightful, monotone, ordinary, normal, tranquil, e301 view requires that scene behind an old couple... In e301's case, oftentimes less is more. Putting e301 loose in Times Square might yield a different image. But I get what you mean and the tribute is accepted. You certainly can look at TS from all angles and come up with some interesting compositions. I tend to stay away from that place. More of a downtown type these days apart from when we go to Carnegie Hall to hear some music.

Message edited by author 2008-02-26 13:20:28.
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02/26/2008 01:02:13 PM
Wow, so much going on...you can look and look at this shot and find all kinds of interesting things! That one white stretch limo is really stealing the show graphicly though and I think he is about to hit that one guy walking! Great capture.
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02/25/2008 09:31:37 PM
Where was this taken?
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