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Half & Half
Half & Half

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Reflections Without Mirrors (Classic Editing)
Camera: Panasonic PV-DC3000-A ipalm
Location: Garage
Date: Sep 29, 2002
Aperture: 4.0
Shutter: 3.4
Date Uploaded: Sep 29, 2002


Place: 140 out of 248
Avg (all users): 5.2794
Avg (commenters): 7.5333
Avg (participants): 5.1589
Avg (non-participants): 5.4298
Views since voting: 1146
Votes: 272
Comments: 17
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/05/2002 08:26:00 PM
Very nice. one of my two favorite for the week. I love the colors. I like that you kept the portion of the red handle in the shot. I like the way the reflection continues the line of paint. Very well-composed. 10, just-married
10/05/2002 12:11:00 AM
I like your picture.
10/05/2002 12:08:00 AM
good looking fro reflection...do you paint alot???
10/04/2002 10:05:00 PM
Very creative, I hope that folks appreciate the reflection on this shot. Very nicely done, DPz
10/04/2002 01:15:00 PM
really like the use of color as division and the textural differences in bristles, hasp, and painted surface. Simple and effective composition. (10) ~mcmurma
10/04/2002 12:28:00 PM
I'd like to see this as a wall sized poster.
10/03/2002 02:42:00 PM
v clever
10/02/2002 03:41:00 PM
took me a minute to get it, this is really good. bonus points for creativity.
10/01/2002 06:31:00 PM
Very subtle, but I really like it. Nicely done.
10/01/2002 01:02:00 PM
10/01/2002 09:17:00 AM
a bit out of focus but I like the picture...
10/01/2002 08:11:00 AM
This one took me a moment, but I really like it. Very creative.
10/01/2002 07:37:00 AM
interesting concept. i like it.
10/01/2002 03:21:00 AM
Very clever use of the contest theme and a good shot to boot. I am torn between liking and disliking all the errant bristles. They're kinda cool to look at and they certainly can't be helped but they sorta take the focus from the handle which is what we need to see.
09/30/2002 08:45:00 PM
a nice thinking piece. you did a nice job making a handsome photo from ordinary materials. major bonus.
09/30/2002 02:44:00 PM
Sure enough. Good job. I'm likin' this!! Score 8 Justine
09/30/2002 10:31:00 AM
Great composition. -Dimitrii

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