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Ice Hotel
Ice Hotel

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2008-02 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
Date: Feb 25, 2008
Aperture: f/7.10
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/180
Galleries: Emotive, Candid
Date Uploaded: Feb 29, 2008

Many people invest Millions in building Ice Hotels and people of privilege pay hundreds of dollars to stay in them. Ironic don't you think?

Edit (With a special thank you to roz for her advice on some new photoshop techniques that I could try. You rock ROZ)

This may be old hat to some of you but to me I need all the edit advice and help I can get. When it comes to Photoshop I'm still wet behind the ears :)~

Shot in Raw
Imported into Elements 5.0
Colour Balance
Black & White Colour Dodge - 30%
Brightness +6 and Contrast +29
Sharpen Image
Unsharpen Mask 299%
Resize for web

Place: 309 out of 458
Avg (all users): 5.3962
Avg (commenters): 5.6667
Avg (participants): 5.4340
Avg (non-participants): 5.3208
Views since voting: 1210
Views during voting: 258
Votes: 159
Comments: 8
Favorites: 3 (view)

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05/29/2008 08:06:06 PM
Life is ironic indeed. We should look seriously and try to put ourselves in this position. Your image is excellent. The meaning and the following thoughts are shocking. It's simply a shame..
I hadn't voted in this challenge, but this would be a 10 for sure.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/29/2008 06:44:19 PM
Wow Max, this is a very compelling image. I think your processing fit sit very well. Just looking at this photo makes me appreciate my hard Korean bed even more. The wife and I always grip about it because it is so hard and uncomfortable, then this picture puts things into perspective that we don't know what hard and uncomfortable really is.

Thank you for opening my eyes back up. Here is to a new favorite.
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03/09/2008 01:18:43 PM
this is a great photo, and should have been placed much higher ( i think so anyway ) nice one
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/08/2008 07:33:51 PM
hey max ... excellent and emotive photograph .. you really turned it into something special ... i reckon it would'v scored a whole heap better if it hadnt been in a free study ..
the challenge?? .. 'say something meaningful with a photograph' ..
glad i could help .. :):)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/07/2008 06:39:57 PM
Excellent shot.
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03/04/2008 11:54:06 AM
Sad I can't imagine a life like this.It does capture peoples true lives though, I wonder if he knows he is being photograghed.
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03/02/2008 10:28:47 AM
Yet we send MILLIONS of dollars to other countries to protect and honor those people! Heartbreaking!
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03/01/2008 12:16:52 AM
I like the grittiness of this picture but I think a larger aperture would have been better to seperate the sleeping man from the cars behind him. The cars seem to take away from the shot.

B&W might also have worked well.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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