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Dog World
Dog World
Crafty Sue

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Magazine Cover Revisited (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: KY
Date: Mar 20, 2004
Aperture: F/4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Family, Animals
Date Uploaded: Mar 20, 2004

Auto Level,Auto Contrast, adjust color, despeckle
unsharp Mask

Place: 146 out of 147
Avg (all users): 3.3778
Avg (commenters): 2.5000
Avg (participants): 3.1839
Avg (non-participants): 3.5591
Views since voting: 1020
Votes: 180
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/26/2004 12:19:22 AM
Hmm... the crocus is the focus- the dog isn't even paying attention. Sort of like shooting the back of my kid's head for Parents magazine. Pet photos CAN do well here, but you'd need an amazing pose, or dramatic lighting or at least a closeup of the dog's face to succeed.
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03/25/2004 08:23:56 PM
Blurry and just not very interesting.
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03/25/2004 07:23:41 AM
Let's see his/her face next time! I would expect to more fully see the subject on the cover of a magazine.
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03/24/2004 03:30:28 PM
I'm sorry but this just looks like a snap to me with little thought about the placement of the magazine title and features text . I had a quick look on the net and it seems that the dogs face on the cover of the magazine is pretty much mandatory.
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03/24/2004 03:53:33 AM
This is a cute shot. To me it would be more effective if the dog were in better focus. The grass seems to be in better focus than the dog. It looks like the dog is smelling the flower.
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03/23/2004 06:13:51 PM
I would think that for Dog World, a cover photo would either show the dog's face, or have a dog performing some dramatic "action". This photo does neither.
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03/23/2004 02:07:48 PM
sorry, very bad picture, focus is behind the dog not on the dog, head is down, can't recognise the type of dog, composition is bang in the middle, not making it more interesting. Exposure is fine. Can't see this on any cover.
03/23/2004 11:02:54 AM
Seems a little blury,
just what is he doing?
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03/23/2004 05:15:30 AM
(I'm writing this to everyone who submitted a landscape shot) The challenge was to produce a shot worthy of a magazine cover but to me a shot like this is not suitable to be put on a "portrait" format magazine.

Due to forum discussions and accusations that marking landscapes down is nitpicking, I'm going through them and remarking. I still think some of the landscapes would not make good covers because of their orientation but I am no longer marking down because of that.
I still think landscape is inapropriate for the majority of magazines but I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the photographers.
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03/22/2004 07:27:50 AM
Nice idea, but how many magazine covers use the landscape format?
03/22/2004 07:09:46 AM
would have liked to see the dogs face and in focus
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03/22/2004 12:45:41 AM
Need the face.....top of the head is not of interest. :( Sorry but you were a hair too late on the shutter.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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