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What We Feel, is More Important than What They Say
What We Feel, is More Important than What They Say

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Intimacy (Basic Editing)
Camera: Olympus E-510
Date: Mar 19, 2008
Date Uploaded: Mar 19, 2008


Place: 43 out of 117
Avg (all users): 5.5033
Avg (commenters): 6.6522
Avg (participants): 5.2000
Avg (non-participants): 5.5500
Views since voting: 2275
Views during voting: 1573
Votes: 300
Comments: 26
Favorites: 5 (view)

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04/02/2008 01:52:53 PM
I like the looking into space perhaps the same expression with one of the models on her knees and the models facing each other....now where have I seen sonething like that before?
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/01/2008 09:24:16 PM
I like the concept of this photo and the models are nice, there is just something distracting, IMHO, with them looking up into space.
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04/01/2008 07:14:02 PM
Good try but just too stagnant.
03/31/2008 12:52:25 PM
no its not.. please conform to the norm
03/30/2008 11:24:03 PM
Great costumes and lighting. Very erotic, I love the girls duel stare.
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03/29/2008 08:47:34 PM
Nice, doesn't seem gratuitis (ok, I can't spell that word). Definitely an intimate moment.
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03/29/2008 05:47:30 PM
More lighting needed, they would look more intimate if they were facing each other.
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03/29/2008 04:49:25 PM
Nice lighting and focus - There has clearly been a fair amount of thought and effort in this but the aim of the picture eludes me somewhat. The models are not looking at each other, or at the Camera (viewer) or even at something that we as the viewer can also look at and be drawn further into the picture.
While the second model has a suitably 'arty' expression, the front one looks like she has just noticed a mark on the curtains :- )

As the models are turned so far away from us I feel the viewer is left more as an observer, almost a voyeur of something going on - rather than directly involved - and the aim of this challenge is all about intimacy - if not us with the models, then at least them with each other.

Sorry for the wordy comment, but I feel that for me you got all the technicals very nicely in this - but missed the emotional element. That's obviously just my view though :- )

Good luck in the challenge.
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03/29/2008 12:32:31 PM
03/29/2008 11:43:49 AM
The nudity between the two models certainly makes the statement that they are a close couple. The fact that they are facing the same direction and up takes away from the idea of intimacy for me. I would prefer them either facing each other or perhaps a closer embrace with the head of the one in the rear closer to the head or on the shoulder of the model in the front. You have guts for doing this nude!
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03/29/2008 07:39:05 AM
Beautiful light nice, pose, fits the challenge. 10 from me. But I suspect the prudes of DPC are gonna hammer this unfortunately.
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03/28/2008 10:26:07 PM
I really like this concept (beautiful lighting & models). It may have been more powerful if they were looking down as if deep in thought/feeling. I just keep thinking, "What are they looking at?"
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03/28/2008 09:25:04 PM
Stunning photograph! Love the title concept! Definatly top ten in my humble opinion!
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03/28/2008 05:53:20 PM
great idea; like it
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03/28/2008 08:55:42 AM
Although the idea that this is trying to show implies intimacy, the shot itself feels a bit sterile and the models seem to appear a bit uncomfortable.
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03/27/2008 10:24:46 PM
I like this shot but I find it lacking some of the emotion you suggest in your title. What are the models looking at or, more to the point, what should we imagine they are looking at or thinking of.

For my taste, the shot seems like it could use a little more saturation to richen up the skin tone. Absolutely beautiful bodies, but the moles on the back of the right hand lady adds a bit of reality that is perfect. The jewelery carries through on the gray from the low saturation.

If the models are really the "We", they are fortunate ladies.
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03/27/2008 08:33:40 PM
Nicely done, skin tones are excellent along with the composition. There facial expression however just doesn't convey the intimacy.
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03/27/2008 12:33:57 PM
Nice pose. Feels a little weak in the inimacy as the are looking off into space than at each other
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03/27/2008 07:42:16 AM
Beautiful photo. I really like the chains and all the silver.
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03/26/2008 10:38:43 PM
Honestly I think the shot would have been alot better if they were looking at each other. Not only you would have intimacy, you would have some contraversy which would add alot to the shot.
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03/26/2008 05:55:48 PM
I like your picture as a model shot. But it doesn't really say "intimacy" to me. They look far to absent and not really "in connection" (hope this makes sense in some way)
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03/26/2008 03:12:53 PM
But the crop is not at all intimate. The negative space leaves too much room for interlopers and dilutes that (implied or contrived) intimate moment. 5
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03/26/2008 12:48:34 PM
With such awesome costumes and pretty ladies you could have gone so much more striking and different with the lighting. The lighting being so plain and flat really doesn't fit with the subject matter. I would try going with some darker sharper side and backlighting maybe or something not so flat and light.
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03/26/2008 09:59:21 AM
Their wardrobe is sick, would love to know where you got it!
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03/26/2008 09:00:31 AM
This is a fantastic shot. My only thoughts on it are the second lady is done up to the nines and looks regal with all her hair and make up on, then you go to the first lass and she just kinda looks like she was an after thought. Maybe if her hair was done up too and the same amount of make up this shot would have rocked. Would love to see more work from you with this second woman, she definetly posseses a certain 'something'
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03/26/2008 01:36:45 AM
Daring subject. Good image, good lighting, focus and skin tones. I think it would be much more compelling with a different background; as it is it appears to be an ordinary studio shot. (8)
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