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A fish day out
A fish day out

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Out of Place (Basic Editing I)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart 735
Location: honolulu HI
Date: Mar 26, 2004
Aperture: normal
Shutter: NORMAL
Galleries: Abstract, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Mar 26, 2004


Place: 105 out of 241
Avg (all users): 5.2517
Avg (commenters): 6.5000
Avg (participants): 5.2124
Avg (non-participants): 5.2775
Views since voting: 1412
Votes: 286
Comments: 35
Favorites: 1 (view)

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04/07/2004 06:56:14 PM
One of the best photographs I've seen on this website. Some might say clever, but I think it goes beyond clever to achieve an imaginative and subtle quality, as well as a haunting momentary effect. The photographer has wonderful vision and emotion-what a change from most of the photographs I see on this site: content before style, expression before sensationalism.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/06/2004 11:12:45 AM
That is good
04/05/2004 04:43:04 PM
Very cool concept. Too bad you can't get rid of the haze created by the water. Well executed.
04/05/2004 12:42:27 PM
Weird and fun! Love it.
04/05/2004 02:17:32 AM
Nice idea.
04/04/2004 09:32:03 PM
What an awsome shot.....I really like tank background ! Very original....and out of place. Nice photo.
04/04/2004 04:07:15 PM
This is very good very out of place and, how did you do this? Was it a fishtank in front of a window?
04/04/2004 03:31:02 PM
I like this looking trough aquarium shot,9 !
04/03/2004 11:55:39 PM
Funny! A good idea. You might consider using levels after the challenge to add some more contrast as it appears a bit washed out. Also, whereas the water's distortion adds a bit of an interesting cartoon look here, I think the shot will be improved when you can post process it to reduce the distortion. In any case: Clever!
04/03/2004 09:22:39 PM
Cute idea...but not working is it?
04/03/2004 02:41:15 PM
I like the perspective.
04/03/2004 11:55:45 AM
VERY interesting and original.
04/02/2004 11:12:26 PM
04/02/2004 02:56:10 AM
great idea. 10.
04/02/2004 02:40:54 AM
The water fades the colors and deform the image too much.
04/01/2004 08:42:57 PM
heh... it looks like the fish are chasing the people.

I miss Hawaii :(
04/01/2004 04:57:49 PM
Good timing, but some very strange distortion thoughout the picture.
04/01/2004 04:47:25 PM
Sweet. After rating 100 dull, unimaginative images, I finally get to see something interesting! Thank you!!!
04/01/2004 08:25:38 AM
clever idea, I like it.
04/01/2004 06:17:25 AM
fantastic idea but colour and resolution seem to be a problem here
04/01/2004 04:14:17 AM
very good idea
pic is out of focus
04/01/2004 03:15:36 AM
04/01/2004 02:35:06 AM
funny ... i like the distortion of the scene behind the aquarium ... some more saturation/color would have been good though
04/01/2004 12:27:12 AM
Awesome shot. 10. Only third 10 i've given I think
03/31/2004 08:34:04 PM
Amusing photo. You've inspired me as a design student.
03/31/2004 08:10:27 PM
excelent idea. The photo could use a lot of color correction, and perhaps some more contrast.
03/31/2004 07:43:36 PM
Well done 9
03/31/2004 05:39:15 PM
cute idea !!
03/31/2004 05:21:01 PM
very interesting -- did you use a fish-eye lens? Oooh... sorry. Maybe a little levels/curves action in pshop.
03/31/2004 02:06:36 PM
weird i get nothing from this pic
03/31/2004 01:49:33 PM
Neat idea! Looks like people are running from the falling fish.
03/31/2004 11:45:38 AM
Funny in a Hitchcock "birds" kind of way as far as this challenge... Sorry Charlie
03/31/2004 10:53:47 AM
this is really good - great idea and an interesting picture - 10!
03/31/2004 09:10:57 AM
LOL how funny, and how clever. Good creative idea. Hope you do well.
03/31/2004 05:50:15 AM
Very imaginative! It's only too bad you couldn't get the photo sharper - I think it would make it more effective. This almost looks like it's really terrible, until I looked at it a while- then it sunk in.

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