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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motion Blur (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-750UZ
Location: Corstorphine Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland
Date: Mar 28, 2004
Aperture: 7.0
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Candid, Action
Date Uploaded: Mar 28, 2004

My last two entries featured my daughter. This one does too but hopefully she is not recognisable! Had lots of ideas for this challenge but this is the only one that worked out in the short time I had available. Wanted a longer exposure with her running down the track but I don't yet have any neutral density filters that would have allowed me a longer exposure.

Place: 52 out of 117
Avg (all users): 5.4108
Avg (commenters): 6.7857
Avg (participants): 5.1139
Avg (non-participants): 5.6321
Views since voting: 947
Votes: 185
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/04/2004 11:06:02 PM
Excellent job. Great choice on the pink clothing too. It really makes the shot.
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04/04/2004 09:31:39 PM
Very freaky. She looks like a ghost or a forest sprite. I like this image very much, but there's something about the crop that bothers me, although I can't seem to figure out how to improve it. Good work.
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04/04/2004 09:07:52 PM
Interesting. With that background, makes it look like some medieval fairae tale wood nymph or something. Very "mystical". While I don't like most of the shots where the blur makes the subject unidentifiable, in this case it works for me.
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04/04/2004 05:39:55 PM
Quite nice! I like the contrast of the blurred child in pink against the well focused and muted colors of the forest...well done.
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04/02/2004 10:05:17 PM
Nice trees,but what is this photo about?3
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04/02/2004 05:28:42 PM
I love the colors the, forest is perfect,would have loved the overall shot if the person was just a bit more clear.
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03/31/2004 10:44:55 PM
A little too much blur for me. I would have liked to see more of the person.
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03/31/2004 05:51:38 PM
very good ghosr like well done
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03/31/2004 04:56:23 PM
nice job - good contrast of colors.

good luck
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03/30/2004 07:09:55 PM
Movement is good, but maybe a 45 shutter so you can see movement, but still make out the person's face.
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03/30/2004 10:25:05 AM
Interesting blur... it looks like a ghost of sorts :) Less blur would work well here also... = 6
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03/30/2004 02:53:13 AM
Very effective indeed, just the right amount of blur so you see what it is but no detail, and a perfectly crisp background.
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03/29/2004 01:46:06 PM
really inspiring!
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03/29/2004 06:17:23 AM
Wonderfully surreal. The colurs are perfect and the blur is enough to make the shape distinguishable but only just. great work.
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03/29/2004 03:15:27 AM
It's clear you used a tripod, as there is a very impressive sharpness in this shot. However, the composition of these woods seems a bit uninspired, as if the camera was placed at the first opportunity. The pink of your subject is effective, but the shot doesn't really say much to me. Maybe if more had been made with the possible atmosphere that a wood can contain, but here it all seems very ordinary.
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