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Which one is out of place?
Which one is out of place?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Out of Place (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: My backyard, Akron, OH
Date: Mar 29, 2004
Aperture: f 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/185
Galleries: Animals, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Mar 29, 2004

I don't love this photo, but of all the one's I took, this one was the only one with a non-blurry snake and a somewhat decent composition.

I love snakes, and I wanted to show one in it's element (in nature) with some piece of technology out of place. However, the more I thought of it, an I-pod is made to go everywhere and this particular snake is a bloodred cornsnake (a man-made color morph) so it is out of place everywhere except in captivity, hence the title.

Place: 221 out of 241
Avg (all users): 4.0151
Avg (commenters): 4.0909
Avg (participants): 3.8155
Avg (non-participants): 4.1420
Views since voting: 873
Votes: 265
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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06/13/2004 05:38:06 AM
O.K. correct me if I'm wrong, but take it from this atheist that I see an apple and a serpent in a garden?
04/12/2004 12:01:22 AM
It's an iPod, and it's out of place because gadjets costing hundreds of dollars don't belong on the ground.
At least, that was my first impression.
I said 'blasphemist' because, well, ipods shouldn't go on the ground :p
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/06/2004 06:24:08 PM
This image does have out of place objects, but the composition is random, and the electronic device is overexposed to completely eliminate its details, as well as seems out of focis.
04/05/2004 04:21:50 PM
Funny but it is kinda out of focus.
04/05/2004 04:19:17 PM
Not sure what the white square is... The background is too busy with the dead leaves and all. I think it distracts from the overall composition.
04/05/2004 03:19:31 PM
The photograper?
04/02/2004 10:32:31 AM
blasphemist ;)
04/01/2004 05:11:23 PM
Respect's to anyone with an Ipod ;) , Id have to say the ipod is out of place.
04/01/2004 05:46:18 AM
.......the focus and the contrast
04/01/2004 04:24:46 AM
its hard to tell what the white object is.
04/01/2004 02:08:29 AM
bad exposure - the pilot is overexposed and all the details are blown out. much of the grass is too dark, underxposed.
03/31/2004 05:14:46 PM
the white is very overexposed - no detail at all, and generally, the whole image is out of focus. Unsharp masking in photoshop will help the sharpness.
03/31/2004 09:03:11 AM
good idea... just the exposure, focus, and colors have to be right-on to make it work.

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