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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Healthy Food (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Field
Date: Apr 26, 2008
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Apr 26, 2008

I want to be a photographer, this is just the beginning.

Place: 108 out of 109
Avg (all users): 2.2702
Avg (commenters): 2.4717
Avg (participants): 2.3333
Avg (non-participants): 2.2584
Views since voting: 1784
Views during voting: 426
Votes: 248
Comments: 70
Favorites: 0

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05/07/2008 01:50:28 PM
Welcome to DPC :)

Not sure whether you did this on purpose or just learned a painful lesson.

Don't let te low score discourage you, you will soon set a new PB. ;)
05/07/2008 12:05:35 PM
Mmmm... Dog, it's what's for dinner.

I like mine with some Dijon mustard to bring out the bark.
05/07/2008 07:21:13 AM
Originally posted by pearlseyes:

67 comments...WHOA!

And 128 ones. Bon Appetit!
05/07/2008 12:16:01 AM
67 comments...WHOA!
05/07/2008 12:09:37 AM
I hope you will not get discouraged by this. It actually could have been worsed (your photo could have been disqualified).
Keep on shooting... and read the challenges themes!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/06/2008 11:39:36 PM
05/06/2008 11:36:19 PM
tastes like chicken!?
05/06/2008 11:22:47 AM
It's rare I give a 1 but "Take a photo of any kind of healthy food and make it look delicious. The photo should be good enough to appear in a health food magazine." .... I really don't want to eat the dog or the grass in the foreground .....
05/06/2008 11:10:39 AM
Err, I hope you don't eat dogs, do you? :P
05/06/2008 10:58:32 AM
Love the dog......but I can't relate it to the challenge....3
05/06/2008 09:22:10 AM
how is this healthy food?
05/06/2008 09:03:33 AM
05/05/2008 10:16:54 PM
This picture it wrong, but funny. The dog is very cute but you would benefit from a larger size.
05/05/2008 08:24:35 PM
Cute dog.
05/05/2008 05:14:14 PM
Is this posted wrong? I find it funny with a dog postet as healthy food!!
05/05/2008 03:53:40 PM
I don't eat dog
05/04/2008 07:15:32 PM
It's not even an interesting picture of a dog...
05/04/2008 02:59:46 PM
05/04/2008 01:05:59 PM
Ha! not enought meat on those bones.
05/04/2008 12:25:41 PM
:D Hotdog ;)
05/04/2008 06:55:58 AM
consider background objects that will distract from the image (like black sticks/bars) before you take the shot...
05/04/2008 03:47:30 AM
laughs .. is that a hot dog?
05/04/2008 12:08:51 AM
He is too small.
Not enough meat.
05/03/2008 08:42:38 PM
a possible shoe-in for brown.
05/03/2008 06:38:19 PM
healthy food?
05/03/2008 06:36:59 PM
05/03/2008 03:44:27 PM
Dinner? Tonight? At your place? Sorry, I'm busy...
05/03/2008 02:09:06 PM
05/03/2008 11:40:40 AM
wrong challenge?
05/03/2008 05:04:15 AM
05/02/2008 09:51:05 PM
Cute little dog, yet unless he's about to be eaten, I'm not seeing how you interpreted him as "Healthy Food."
05/02/2008 06:29:46 PM
lol this is quite possibly the most random picture of the challenge i give it a 10 just for that
05/02/2008 05:34:03 PM
the overall sharpness of your image really makes it stand out
05/02/2008 05:08:31 PM
05/02/2008 12:35:26 PM
Your going to eat your dog? Not really sure what this has to do with the challenge? Still it's a neat photo and I like the windswept look. The key to animal photography is to always get the eye in focus, they're a little soft.
05/02/2008 09:55:34 AM
All I will say is that I hope you entered this photo by mistake. The rest I am sure you can imagine if not read in the comments left by others.
05/02/2008 08:58:03 AM
Since when do dogs have anything to do with healthy food??
05/02/2008 05:53:00 AM
Mmmmm. Let me take your dog for a Wok! :P
05/02/2008 03:12:18 AM
Is his name "Brownie"? ;)
05/01/2008 11:35:24 PM
is a dog healthy food? I didn't know that. :)
The crop is a little too tight. Don't chop off his ears.
05/01/2008 09:21:41 PM
Doesn't meet the challenge.
05/01/2008 09:17:47 PM
I'm missing how a dog is food. poor thing. cute though
05/01/2008 06:00:04 PM
Sweet looking dog! Photo quality could be improved by leaving out distracting background items; shadows, support pole. I like the dog, but I don't see how this meets the theme.
05/01/2008 01:16:41 PM
This is on the sale line as that picture of the Rainbow Trout, just a different food. Is this Vietnamese? Extra point for OOB.
05/01/2008 11:13:23 AM
not very good photographically.
05/01/2008 10:59:37 AM
waay out of theme.
05/01/2008 04:44:10 AM
a dog is healty food for you? that's sick man. very sick
05/01/2008 01:17:20 AM
Because the photo looks pretty technically well-done, I'm going to assume you did this on purpose to get the brown. Oh well, cute dog ;-)
04/30/2008 11:06:37 PM
lmao, that's horrible
04/30/2008 10:44:00 PM
This is the healthy food challenge. I live in America.
04/30/2008 10:09:44 PM
hhmm...cute dog...but i'm not sure how a dog is healthy food
04/30/2008 09:53:23 PM
Um. Not in most Western cultures...
04/30/2008 09:34:35 PM
not in this country pal!!
04/30/2008 03:38:11 PM
What....why is this here? are you joking...this challenge is about 'HealthyFood'...I hope you can read/understand English right? I don't mean to be harsh or rude...but
04/30/2008 12:49:44 PM
what, no serving suggestion?
04/30/2008 11:53:49 AM
Does not meet challenge
04/30/2008 11:45:16 AM
uhhh. are we eating him?
04/30/2008 10:18:00 AM
how is a dog "healthy food?"
04/30/2008 10:14:04 AM
Healthy food? Not sure I follow this.
04/30/2008 09:43:26 AM
Health food ??? more like DNMC.
04/30/2008 09:38:12 AM
04/30/2008 09:22:53 AM
04/30/2008 08:18:02 AM
I hope your submitting this photo in the "Healthy Food" challenge was a mistake because it's certainly not funny or even that good of a photo
04/30/2008 07:05:43 AM
"Healthy Food" ?
04/30/2008 04:41:45 AM
I'm very interested how's that related to healthy food...
04/30/2008 03:28:31 AM
yikes!!! You eat dogs? This one hardly has any meat on him/her. Surely you can spare this cutey.
04/30/2008 03:11:38 AM
i couldn't even say this was entered into the wrong challenge accidentally - going for the brown ribbon?
04/30/2008 01:34:20 AM
04/30/2008 12:38:56 AM
LOL! That's too funny (unless you're Korean, in which case it's quite serious!).
04/30/2008 12:08:45 AM
What does this have to do with healthy food?

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