In response to your request for feedback, firstly I think that the barns and shed shots you've seen (at DPC) are mostly heavily processed and usually involve more context: sky, surrounds, etc. I think I understand the concept you were going for with this image, but looking at your original I see that you didn't have much more (context especially) than this to work with. The light is on the 'least' interesting part of the barn - the window being in shadow, the dappled light around the side is nice but barely discernible, especially at this size. Looks like there might also be some focus/blur issues (or could be haze). Your toning with this entry has blown some of the color ranges in my opinion and made this a little harsh in areas, thereby diminishing the overall soft effect. The composition is out, the shed is to the left of frame and the mass of tree(s) also dominates the left. My suggestion would be, for this scene, a variation in angle/perspective - of the barn, and the trees, and also, of the camera angle - this looks like you got closer to ground level, which is a good idea, but not sure it has enhanced the image here, perhaps a variation in that perspective too may have produced a more dramatic perspective. I gave this a 3.
edit to add: my comment about the blur/focal still remains, even though (obviously) I know this is/was a Soft Focus Challenge - and I also know/knew you used the black nylon (which may have contributed to the 'haziness'), I wonder whether (if using the nylon again) a white or lighter color would be better for a scene like this. As well, further softening in pp would probably have aided the overall effect and feel you were going for.
Message edited by author 2008-05-21 16:59:20. |