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Endless Chaos
2nd PlaceEndless Chaos

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Chaos (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Olympus C-740UZ
Location: Hell, Michigan
Date: Apr 4, 2004
Galleries: Nature, Macro
Date Uploaded: Apr 4, 2004

SHQ, Super Macro, Shutter Priority. Not sure what had them riled up, but they were quite active on top of a large mound.

Thanks for the great comments on the photo. I spent a long weekend in Tennessee and didn't find out until late Monday that it placed. Uploaded over 100 bird, snake, and flower photos from TN last night.

Place: 2 out of 85
Avg (all users): 6.6067
Avg (commenters): 7.5263
Avg (participants): 5.8909
Avg (non-participants): 6.9268
Views since voting: 6910
Votes: 178
Comments: 32
Favorites: 3 (view)

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05/04/2004 12:02:02 PM
eat a cow!!11texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
04/16/2004 09:13:01 AM
Congrats :)

Anyone else find it funny that there's Chaos in Hell Michigan? *snickers*
04/15/2004 05:30:59 PM
Looks like bug salad! Congrats!
04/13/2004 05:19:41 PM
Congratulations on your first ribbon! What an awsome photo. I'm a fan of yours :)

04/12/2004 09:14:14 PM
Congrats on a good entry and a good shot. You really nailed the challenge.
I agree *shivers, and *creeps. I can do snakes, spiders most anything, but ants drive me crazy. :)
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04/12/2004 08:53:56 PM
congrats...great capture! *shivers*
04/12/2004 09:32:52 AM
Very nice picture. The location you took the picture at is somewhat fitting, especially for people with "myrmecophobia".
04/12/2004 12:35:31 AM
good job i like it alot !
04/12/2004 12:04:34 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon, definitely a chaotic scene.

Good luck and keep it up...
04/12/2004 12:03:14 AM
Nice work! It gives me the heebie-geebies! Congratulations on the ribbon!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/10/2004 09:58:09 AM
my challenge favorite. best depiction of the theme. still not a 10 shot from me though as I'd like to see more of what the ants are doing rather than just a big frenzied pile of them, but this was a perfect intepretation of the challenge.
04/09/2004 08:15:25 PM
I really like the composition and colors here. I think it would have looked better with less DOF, but it still looks good. Definitely a chaotic scene. 9
04/09/2004 11:59:03 AM
That's a serious ant problem. The dof makes it seem as if the ants do go on forever. The little tip of new growth on the plant makes me feel sorry for the poor thing yet gives me hope that it will survive the attack. Bugs are often used to portray chaos. Did you see "Jacob's Ladder"? Anyway. Good luck, this is the best of the bunch I've looked at so far.
04/08/2004 06:07:58 PM
Fantastic photo. The best of the challenge by far. Well done
04/08/2004 05:51:14 PM
Nice pic for the challenge. You seem to have an ant problem by the way. :)
04/08/2004 10:34:21 AM
Like the red and black in focus and the grass shoot makes it interesting.
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04/08/2004 07:30:42 AM
Definitely fits the challenge. Did you try just the ants too.
04/08/2004 05:29:00 AM
Absolutely love it, there is a real feeling of chaos here and a wonderful photo in general.
04/08/2004 12:45:09 AM
04/07/2004 09:54:18 PM
WOW! Crazy shot! Great DOF and comp! 8
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04/07/2004 12:36:42 PM
04/07/2004 12:00:40 AM
Very cool shot, and perfect for the contest, great photo.
04/06/2004 05:44:54 PM
Eew! I hate bugs of any kind. This does fit the theme, IMO and is really a good shot - just not one I look at for very long!
04/06/2004 05:19:33 PM
great photo!
04/06/2004 01:51:27 PM
I thought of doing something like this as well, as it's perfect for chaos, but alas it's not bug season here, and we don't have a place to go indoors and see any bug exhibits. You found the perfect scene, but the limited DOF here, while making it aesthetically nice, reduces the feeling of chaos I get. None the less, this is among the best entries, and perhaps one of two or three that actually represent chaos as we know it (I don't know if the bugs would disagree).
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04/06/2004 01:50:25 PM
I would have titled this one "organized chaos". It meets the challenge better than most images and is a very high quality image (Quality means more than anything). Great use of DOF and the ROT.
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04/05/2004 06:02:38 PM
crazy - good luck
04/05/2004 06:01:45 PM
I was going through hoping someone would find something truly chaotic to shoot. You did and shot it very well, I can't imagine another winning the blue. The only knock is that the blade of grass to the right is a bit overexposed and leads the eye out of the frame. Still a fine shot.
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04/05/2004 02:52:52 PM
There is a strange kind of order about 'insect' chaos. They seem to know where they are going. Stand in theier way at your peril.
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04/05/2004 11:15:24 AM
this would have been incredible with more depth of field
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04/05/2004 09:33:56 AM
But as we all know - there is order within! Love ants. I would have liked maximum DOF in this though to further emphasise the mass of writhing bodies. Perhaps a more overhead view would offer the sense of infinity suggested by your title.
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04/05/2004 04:25:40 AM
A nice shot - but perhaps could have been enhanced, by one ant on the leaf, which we could focus our attention on
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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