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A Bird's Eye View of Growing America
A Bird's Eye View of Growing America

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Window View (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Olympus D-560Z
Location: Above New York
Date: Apr 6, 2004
Aperture: f/8.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Cityscape, Travel
Date Uploaded: Apr 6, 2004

As I turn to my right from the lovely TV-In-Every-Seat on Jet Blue, I see this shot. I whipped out my camera and got the pic, and then a stewardess came and told me it was unsafe and that if I did it again she would confiscate my camera. Whoops! Yes, that is Manhattan in the far background. Agh---horizon is a little off but thats ok.

Some brightness/contrast.

Neat Image.

Place: 34 out of 135
Avg (all users): 5.8678
Avg (commenters): 6.6000
Avg (participants): 5.6932
Avg (non-participants): 6.0465
Views since voting: 1666
Votes: 174
Comments: 24
Favorites: 1 (view)

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05/07/2004 08:50:07 PM
Hope I'm not too dense...
Why is it unsafe? Because of terrorism? Kool shot.
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05/07/2004 08:19:59 PM
This is both a brave and unusual view. It's sometimes too easy to do what you're told and this is the result of obstinance - a sight that is rarely recorded. Well captured.
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04/25/2004 10:57:20 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club!

I concur with all of the positive statements below!

In this image, which matches well the challenge, I see a dramatic and interesting view of a city from an aircraft window. The unusual view grabs my attention right away and makes me want to study the image further. The colors look a bit sunset-ish to me, and so enhance the image even more. I like the title, too. It was a real nice touch to include the plane engine. In a challenge with lots of window panes, this is a refreshing and unique choice.

And you're right--the hardest thing in photography is getting the horizon straight! I suppose we're worrying about so many other things, we forget that it's supposed to be level. It doesn't distract too much here. As has been noted, the spot in the upper right does attract too much attention. I can't remember if this challenge used advanced editing rules, but if so, it could have been cloned. Otherwise, you could have either cropped it or added a border to get rid of it.

A greater problem, easily fixed, is that the photo may have been just a bit oversharpened. There seems to be just a bit too much digital noise that looks added (which is what sharpening does).

Your horizon is well placed, by the way, and helps keep a balanced, interesting composition. I also enjoy how the image gets gradually lighter as it goes up.

This is nice work! I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/17/2004 07:23:25 PM
I think you should have cropped out the black in the top left corner
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04/17/2004 04:47:49 PM
A good shot. But maybe it should have shown the window it self to get a little frame, The spot in top left corner really spoils everything
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04/16/2004 11:29:18 PM
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04/16/2004 10:13:33 PM
Good shot, your colors showed up nicely.
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04/16/2004 08:18:02 PM
pin sharp and nice blues
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04/16/2004 07:54:35 PM
My top pick for this challenge..... I think I may be partial - I love flying and always try to get a window seat just so I can have these sorts of views. Good job!
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04/15/2004 10:26:08 PM
Lovely city scape. Especially like that you didn't get that much of the wing in the picture. It's a distraction in the others. Amazingly crisp. 10
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04/15/2004 10:15:36 AM
Really nice shot, but shame you've oversharpened. You could have cloned or cropped out the edge of the window in the top left of the frame. Saturation is also a bit much, especially in the yellows.
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04/15/2004 04:52:06 AM
Its a shame that airplanes don't have a 'viewing/photo area from which to take high quality pictures from. It's soo very difficult to get good shots through the coke bottle windows, and the views are sometimes spectactular. The colors and sharpness suffer quite a bit with those constraints and its hard to fix later.
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04/14/2004 11:56:00 PM
Love the colours and the view, nice shot but the black on the top left corner should have been removed and the horizon straightened. 6
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04/14/2004 07:11:58 PM
nice shot---hard to tell its a window--but pretty picture!! good job!!
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04/14/2004 01:48:01 PM
Lovely shot! - 8
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04/13/2004 11:28:58 PM
04/13/2004 04:29:27 PM
Just stunning. Where is that??
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04/13/2004 03:53:39 PM
Interesting depiction of urban sprawl.
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04/13/2004 01:30:52 PM
Wow. I'm glad you left the engine in the pic- it adds to the perspective.
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04/12/2004 07:53:09 PM
i like these shots, but hate seeing the little black triangle in the corner :)
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04/12/2004 03:24:52 PM
I would crop the top left side a little bit to delete the black triangle. Well done!
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04/12/2004 11:17:44 AM
Very nice capture with rich colors. 7 (Nit: crop top to get rid of LH corner and slightly rotate to straighten horizon.)
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04/12/2004 06:04:57 AM
WoW! Good image!
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04/12/2004 01:02:03 AM
Wonderful shot, great scenery 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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