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Secret Laboratory
Secret Laboratory

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Chemistry (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D60
Date: Jun 10, 2008
Date Uploaded: Jun 10, 2008


Place: 30 out of 62
Avg (all users): 5.4718
Avg (commenters): 6.4286
Avg (participants): 5.2174
Avg (non-participants): 5.4928
Views since voting: 910
Views during voting: 500
Votes: 301
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/17/2008 01:44:19 PM
Sweet shot. Colors are nice and also nice lighting.
06/17/2008 02:47:42 AM
All you need is an Igor!
06/16/2008 11:13:08 AM
Hmmm. Looks more like a workshop with those saw horses. Great lighting and textures though!
06/16/2008 10:45:42 AM
I really love this picture and think its a really good capture, but I don't really feel like it meets the Chemistry challenge.
06/15/2008 06:49:48 PM
An interesting choice of submission for this challenge. It definately does have a dark, urban feel to it which ties in well with your secret labratory title. Although I think this meets the challenge I do think it only does so very tneuously - if the title wasn't there I'd think this was more of a garage, but that can be forgiven.

Theres plenty of interest here, the room, the objects in the background, the cieling, floor and doors all have lots going on in them and guides the viewers eye around your photo like a real estate salesperson. There is also a narrative feeling at play here like this room is telling a story and the possibilities are limitless. So I give this an 8.
06/15/2008 05:26:55 PM
Manic-depressive's painting studio? Truly great image but not sure I see the chemistry.
06/12/2008 06:57:34 AM
It would be nice to see some 'Laboratory' equipment rather then Construction stuff. But, if you say it's a 'Secret Laboratory' then I believe you and I like your photo and the quality of it: 8
06/11/2008 11:05:42 PM
Intriguing shot, and thoughtful composition.
06/11/2008 05:48:16 PM
lol, come on, are you kidding?? that does not look as a chemistry lab....I will give you a 6 just for the mood you have created with the desat and duotone.
06/11/2008 04:15:22 PM
great photo, hope people don't vote this down because they feel it's not chemistry related enough
06/11/2008 03:28:31 PM
Love the shot - but without the title, I would see no relevance to chemistry.
06/11/2008 02:54:14 PM
Sorry just not really working for me. Not much about this really says "chemistry" or even laboratory for that matter.
06/11/2008 12:56:01 PM
nice photo, the colour works well, but doesn't say much about chemistry to me
06/11/2008 11:29:08 AM
Creative idea of chemistry - not just focusing on actual chemicals.

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