Critique Club Review:
Color and saturation are good. The barn roof appears to go a bit soft where it meets the sky, but otherwise focus and depth of field are good. I think, as you have already mentioned in your comments, that the sky killed you. Too much, too featureless. This was a high contrast challenge, and while the dirt in the foreground shows some good contrast, the rest of the scene comes across as mid tone or bright. Had this been a day of magnificent thunder clouds, where the contrast could have helped, this much sky might have worked. As it is, over half of your frame is featureless and pale.
What I would really liked to have seen is the dirt embankment fill more of the screen. There is some great contgrast and shapes there. A picture where the farm was at the very top, with the embankment filling much of the rest of the frame, could really pop. All those great saturated colors, and the great shapes and contrast would really work together. You have a good start for a great picture, get closer next time, and see what happens. |