Author | Thread |
08/15/2008 01:09:32 PM |
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07/14/2008 09:20:11 PM |
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07/13/2008 01:44:21 PM |
Til hamingju með þann bláa Hrannar! Beautiful landscape shot! |
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07/12/2008 04:57:38 PM |
Congrats on your ribbon, i was thinking and thinking and thinking what this reminded me of. It finally popped in my head it reminds me of Ansel Adams Mono Lake reflections, Well done! |
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07/12/2008 02:19:45 PM |
glæsileg, til hamingju með sigurinn! |
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07/12/2008 07:30:11 AM |
Til lukku með sigurinn, fyllilega verðskuldað. Ég er sammála þér að veiðivötn eru magnað svæði. |
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07/10/2008 09:59:51 PM |
Very nice shot, congratulations.. |
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07/10/2008 09:50:10 PM |
Frábær mynd og virkilega fallegir og djúpir litir - til hamingju :o) |
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07/10/2008 04:11:24 PM |
Rómuð fegurð og verskulduð viðurkenning! |
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07/10/2008 12:47:09 PM |
stunning,well done and congratulations
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07/09/2008 06:43:53 PM |
Congrats on the well-deserved blue ribbon! |
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07/09/2008 04:46:41 PM |
Til hamingju, geggjuð mynd :D |
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07/09/2008 03:23:08 PM |
This is simply beautiful, I wish I could be there right now enjoying a cocktail & lounging in the sun. |
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07/09/2008 02:40:38 PM |
Til hamingju með þessa frábæru mynd og frábæran árangur Hrannar ;°)) |
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07/09/2008 11:50:01 AM |
It just wouldn't be right if and Iceland scene didn't win top honors in a landscape challenge :) CONGRATULATIONS. All is well with the world :)
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07/09/2008 08:32:30 AM |
congratz!! oversaturated in my opinion ... overall great photo nonetheless. |
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07/09/2008 07:47:07 AM |
til lukku með þetta |
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07/09/2008 06:28:38 AM |
Congratulations with a well deserved blue ribbon and a brilliant image. |
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07/09/2008 05:39:15 AM |
What an amazing place captured in such an amazing way. That is a lot of space for only 640 pixels! Congrats on the blue |
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07/09/2008 04:28:37 AM |
Glæsilegt, til lukku, mjög falleg mynd |
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07/09/2008 04:19:07 AM |
Æðisleg mynd.
Congrats with the blue. |
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07/09/2008 03:29:01 AM |
you just knocked the bar up on the 1Ds mkII page... congrats this is stunning landscape=Iceland. It is my dream to visit there one day. |
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07/09/2008 02:59:51 AM |
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07/09/2008 02:16:36 AM |
I'm so excited for you! Many congrats on your Blue for this magnificent photo! |
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07/09/2008 12:37:51 AM |
Very beautiful, congratulations on your blue ribbon. |
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07/09/2008 12:23:06 AM |
A beautiful, blue ribbon for a beautiful, blue image! |
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07/09/2008 12:09:59 AM |
great picture, til hamingju meistari. |
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07/09/2008 12:06:16 AM |
Wonderful image of a stunning landscape! Congratulations on the 1st place! |
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07/09/2008 12:02:21 AM |
Congrats on the blue! I knew this one would place, it's superb. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/08/2008 06:07:27 PM |
Nice colors, beautiful shot. |
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07/08/2008 04:49:23 AM |
Wow, this is beautiful. The sky is so blue and the reflection is nice. |
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07/07/2008 08:47:01 PM |
Wow. One of my top three. Beautiful colors and reflection. The PP is perfect. |
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07/07/2008 01:49:45 PM |
One of my favourites from the challenge. Had to give it a ten :) |
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07/06/2008 10:19:36 AM |
this is one that actually works this saturated. still looks good a bit desated too. |
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07/06/2008 04:04:19 AM |
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07/05/2008 12:39:23 PM |
a stunning vista captured with excellence - i love how the foreground shore mirrors the hills and mountains in the background |
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07/05/2008 12:56:59 AM |
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07/04/2008 09:08:42 PM |
Wonderful image, the colors are vivid. The image is clean & sharp. |
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07/04/2008 04:00:08 PM |
Wow! what sky & reflections with great yellow contrast in foreground. |
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07/04/2008 08:23:27 AM |
I love how vibrant the colors are in this, and the reflection is just fabulous. |
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07/03/2008 08:19:08 PM |
Seems a little unnatural, but you sure brought out the blues...6 |
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07/03/2008 06:42:06 PM |
This one is just lovely! I will be disappointed not to see it on the front page. Good luck! Edit: I keep coming back to this one...I'm wondering if this is Bear's? Hmmm... |
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07/03/2008 11:01:47 AM |
Beautyful. Guessing Iceland maybe :) |
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07/03/2008 10:01:24 AM |
woah, the clours and vibrancy are amazing. 10 |
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07/02/2008 02:45:58 PM |
Wow! That is one beautiful sky you got there! The reflections in the water just add that much more punch! |
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07/02/2008 12:12:43 PM |
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07/02/2008 09:58:06 AM |
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07/02/2008 12:48:02 AM |
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07/02/2008 12:24:50 AM |
this looks brilliant on my monitor, very nice |
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