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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 7 Deadly Sins (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 880
Location: The Green Room
Date: Oct 10, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 310
Shutter: 1/4
Date Uploaded: Oct 10, 2002

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Place: 38 out of 150
Avg (all users): 5.7138
Avg (commenters): 6.3810
Avg (participants): 5.8455
Avg (non-participants): 5.6442
Views since voting: 1884
Votes: 318
Comments: 23
Favorites: 1 (view)

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10/21/2002 10:04:00 PM
I would like to thank everyone who comented on this shot (both good and bad). I agree that it need more contrast but I had to bring the brightness down on this one pretty far to get the effect I was looking for on the moon tattoos, and just to clear this one up for the record, yes that is a real tattoo. I want to go back to this one and selectively change the brightness and contrast of different regions to get a better depth of tone but I can't do that within the rules of this contest
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/20/2002 11:59:00 PM
Heh.... nicely done.
10/20/2002 04:10:00 PM
More contrast, please!
10/18/2002 09:47:00 PM
Nice shot, I'm confused by the meaning of the chest painting? Tonal range is slightly flat.
10/18/2002 08:56:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background6,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 6,
Total Averaged Rating6. Autool
10/17/2002 07:09:00 PM
This is a good picture.
10/17/2002 05:22:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 5 (the subject is to straight on, perhaps turning the subject at a 45 degree angle would have worked better. It adds more depth to the photo) , Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing 6 (the lighting was great, but not enough contrast ), Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 5 , Total Averaged Rating 5 . smshats
10/17/2002 03:46:00 PM
real nice tattoos, give the lady a compliment please.
10/17/2002 05:30:00 AM
10/16/2002 05:50:00 PM
very lusty
10/16/2002 05:48:00 PM
Nice peekaboo effect. The lower half of the photo is a little too dark, though this does contribute to the use of light and shadow. 7; mcrael
10/16/2002 08:03:00 AM
Not sure if this is lust. Photo is well done. Composition is good. Good use of lights and darks. I would have preferred more tension in a photo on lust, but perhaps this is lust in its more leering sense.
10/15/2002 06:23:00 PM
belongs in a porn contest not here where young people can see
10/15/2002 12:25:00 PM
OK, I can see you are trying to depict lust. But this picture is so unappealing, that I can't imagine anyone thinking LUST when they saw it. The fact that I am a woman doesn't prevent me from being able to appreciate a good photo depicting such. My opinion has nothing to do with your model. It is the pose, the position of the breasts, the fact that it looks like she has a very long neck and no head. IAnd I find the cycle of the moon tatoos very distracting. (if the tatoos are real, sorry!)
10/15/2002 12:00:00 PM
how about tease tease is a sin too 5 Mags Coyote
10/15/2002 02:19:00 AM
Nice choice using black and white! It looks superb. I think the feather looks really good as well, and along with the outfit, makes the model look like one of those 1940's type dancers.
9 - Konador
10/14/2002 09:59:00 PM
very interesting.
10/14/2002 05:44:00 PM
Very nice. I love the use of the feather ... Much better effect than just a straight nude. Really makes me want to see what's under there (lust). Love the surrounding black; makes me focus on the subejct(s). Great job. 10
10/14/2002 03:06:00 PM
Nicelly done Lust photo. Classic B&W stuff though. Could have used a touch of personal originality. 6/10
10/14/2002 10:11:00 AM
I like the black and white effect on this picture and in this challenge in general. This is a good photo. Perhaps a little brighter in the lower portion, but very effective nevertheless.
10/14/2002 05:09:00 AM
Like it. Good luck.
10/14/2002 01:28:00 AM
would have liked to have seen this in color
10/14/2002 01:27:00 AM
i like the dark contrast in this image--they say every women looks go in a corset--this is true of this image--9bobgaither

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