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 This image was disqualified from the Recipe (Beverage) challenge.
Margarita Noir
Margarita Noir

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Recipe (Beverage) (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D2H
Lens: Nikon AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8D ED
Location: My Front Yard
Date: Jul 13, 2008
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jul 13, 2008

***My first DQ, ouch. I am severely disappointed in this DQ, in fact, I can't believe it. The DQ is for the "extra space" I added to the top of the frame via the black border, which is the same size as on the bottom, and which is just a matter of a few pixels, as you can tell from my original. The photo had the extra room. People use these types of borders all the time, I don't see how I unfairly manipulated my image given the original below.**

This is Kim, my reluctant model for a few of my entries.

I made margaritas:

6 Limes, thoroughly squeezed
~1 Cup Tequila
~1 Cup Triple Sec
Splash of Grapefruit Juice
2 Tbsp Sugar

Pour ingredients into mixer along with crushed ice, shake, serve into salt-rimmed glass, garnish with lime.

The Picture:

Taken in my front yard with a shaded tree as the background, with the evening sun coming shining through forming an intense corridor of light, which I asked my model to stand in. After that, just a little curves work to get the background black. De-sat all but the yellows: played with the desat tools to get this. A little S/H to get the contrast right. USM, s4w.

heres the original:

I really like this photo, I wonder what those 5 '1's are for :/
Disqualification Details
You may not use ANY editing tool to create new image area, objects or features (such as lens flare or motion) that didn't already exist in your original capture.

Views since voting: 1790
Views during voting: 483
Comments: 26
Favorites: 5 (view)

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03/17/2009 02:33:38 PM
Wonderful picture!
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08/09/2008 10:34:58 PM
I've sometimes done a black border like that which blended into the image area and then realized it was not "obviously a border". A nitpicky DQ for sure, but rules is rules, I suppose.

An excellent example of PP improving a so-so original image. Your adjustments really brought out some detail that was not obvious in the original.

Message edited by author 2008-08-09 22:37:20.
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08/07/2008 05:21:59 AM
I think if you had cropped slightly into her head then added the border it would show that it was an ACTUAL border... anal I know, but what can you do.

get back on the horse dude we have a tourney to win ;)
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07/26/2008 08:25:11 AM
Great image. How did you desat the colours in Basic Editing? Please tell.

The lower scores thought maybe this was illegal in BE.

Message edited by author 2008-07-26 08:26:31.
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07/23/2008 06:38:15 PM
Well done Adam. Great shot. Congrats!
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07/23/2008 08:12:58 AM
Excellent shot , really well executed.
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07/23/2008 07:51:27 AM
Adam, congrats on the 13! Such an elegant image. Well done.
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07/23/2008 03:56:01 AM
I think this is great and those five 1s are wacko. It's an excellent b/w considering you had to convert through selective colors, and it really does feel film noir. This photo definitely stands out from the crowd in this challenge. All I can say is, sorry some people are wacko.
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07/23/2008 03:42:15 AM
13th, very solid for Poland.
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07/23/2008 03:11:26 AM
Congratulation on your excellent picture - very elegant, unique and well presented. I cannot believe that it got 5 ones -some people must be crazy or blind.
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07/23/2008 01:14:06 AM
So many times I came back to comment, then found I just couldn't string a meaningful sentence together. If there was one entry I would happily trade places with, it would be this. Classic elegance that really should be gracing the front page now.
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07/23/2008 12:24:49 AM
This is such an elegant shot. I really like your take on the drink. This looks great for a basic edit. Contrast looks perfect.
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07/23/2008 12:17:28 AM
All right! Lucky number 13, way to go man!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/22/2008 11:42:56 PM
Excellent work! This should ribbon. Good luck.
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07/22/2008 06:47:11 PM
Very effective, well framed and the shadows do add to the Noir feel.
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07/21/2008 11:11:14 PM
Lit a bit too harsh.
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07/21/2008 06:31:06 AM
Honestly i think the face is to rough looking, if it was smother it would look better. I am not a expert that is just what i see.
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07/21/2008 12:53:34 AM
The effective use of selective desaturation leads the viewers to focus on the main subject of this image. The directional lighting employed created a sparkle on the face further emphasizing the cocktail.

As to editing, considering the limitations imposed on the entrants, this went quite well. 7/10
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07/20/2008 10:08:21 AM
The hair around her ear is a bit awkward making it look as if it's in pigtails. Otherwise very nice.
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07/19/2008 05:54:31 PM
This is good. The selective desat more or less works, although the glass casts some distracting shadows on the subject's face.
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07/19/2008 12:31:41 AM
great selective color, great photo. i like it.
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07/18/2008 11:47:46 AM
Love the desaturation here!
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07/17/2008 03:50:10 PM
not sure how you achieved this in basic, but awesome
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07/16/2008 03:49:40 PM
I REALLY like your photo, but how did you do this in the rules of the Basic Editing? Never mind - I now understand, having read your comments, along with those of everyone else (how can you tell I am NOT PS-literate!). Love it, love it, love it.

Message edited by author 2008-07-23 12:55:42.
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07/16/2008 07:38:49 AM
Oh my god this such a great shot; my only nit-pick would be that the models eyes shouldn't be looking up into the light like that; they should be a bit more sultry and looking to the side or down: but that is an artistic point, all else is perfection.
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07/16/2008 12:48:17 AM
I like how you have included the model appropriately... the selective desat also works very well here.. i like this shot.
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