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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 7 Deadly Sins (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A40
Location: My Den
Date: Oct 12, 2002
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/100
Date Uploaded: Oct 12, 2002

When asking a friend what she would suggest for this challenge, she meationed this movie. My shot was inspired by that movie that has a seven deadly sin theme. The killer selects his vitims based on the sin they have committed. He then writes somewhere at the scene the sin.

Place: 49 out of 150
Avg (all users): 5.5224
Avg (commenters): 6.6296
Avg (participants): 5.4700
Avg (non-participants): 5.5472
Views since voting: 1522
Votes: 312
Comments: 30
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/19/2002 01:09:00 PM
I feel it a shame you couldn't think of anything on your own.
10/18/2002 01:55:00 PM
I would have preferred the shot without the movie reference. I think the burned edges are a nice touch. bamaster (7)
10/18/2002 08:58:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background6,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 6,
Total Averaged Rating6. Autool
10/17/2002 02:38:00 PM
Nicely done. I love the idea and great composition. My only suggestion is that maybe you should have excluded the movie. Though the movie was awsome, it doesn't seem to fit in. Maybe another subject would have fit better.
10/16/2002 11:39:00 PM
Cheap attempt to meet the challenge. Good clean photo
10/16/2002 11:35:00 PM
great movie...SE7EN (-1 for spelling)
10/16/2002 10:30:00 PM
Certainly gets the point across! Good idea! 6/10
10/16/2002 06:43:00 PM
i really like the idea of this photo. very simplistic, and i can totally see some crazed person freaking out writing that! is that lipstick?! the only thing i would have done is left out the movie-- i'm sorry! i think it detracts from the cool idea. 7--alecia
10/16/2002 06:03:00 PM
Great photo, but I'm not able to distinguish all of the words in the quotations. 9 mcrael
10/15/2002 05:41:00 PM
What's in the box? Zeiss
10/15/2002 03:10:00 PM
10/15/2002 02:54:00 PM
I would have liked this better if you hadn't included the movie in it. It looks like it is an ad or something.
10/15/2002 08:31:00 AM
I enjoy your reference to the 1995 film SEVEN....... which certinly is the root source for the current and broad renewed popular interest to the medieval list of the seven deadly sins.
10/14/2002 10:39:00 PM
very clever choice ... this looks like there was effort put in ... i like it 8-photosbyayme
10/14/2002 09:57:00 PM
I like this shot... one of my favorite of the week! Very nice handwriting as well :) Very nicely composed, well framed, nice lighting, visually appealing. Super job - 10 - JB
10/14/2002 09:43:00 PM
Very clever! Like this a lot. Great use of this challenge! -E10Q
10/14/2002 09:19:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 7 , Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing 7 , Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.?5 , Total Averaged Rating 6 . smshats
10/14/2002 08:11:00 PM
good photo but writing the words is kind of like taking a picture of the words in a dictionary.
10/14/2002 06:49:00 PM
Very interesting and artistic shot. The addition of the movie case bumped my score. I was afraid this challenge would bring the movie closer, and the case did even more. Without the case it would have been a really good 10.
10/14/2002 06:06:00 PM
i like the idea. looks cool and artistic. IMO it's way better without the tape. it does not need it.
10/14/2002 05:21:00 PM
Very well composed
10/14/2002 04:12:00 PM
I feel that the video in the corner takes away from the impact of the photograph. Otherwise very good.
10/14/2002 03:08:00 PM
Original, yet deceiving. I think it would have been better not to include the Se7en video tape... 6/10
10/14/2002 03:00:00 PM
Very well done. I don't know if I would have liked it better or not without the video box.
10/14/2002 11:44:00 AM
The movie box makes this one not effective.
10/14/2002 10:29:00 AM
I guess you paid attention to this week's theme. Good high school project.
10/14/2002 02:44:00 AM
Would be so much better with the movie not in the shot. Still nice though.
10/14/2002 01:55:00 AM
This is a great shot. I would have liked to see it without the movie in it. I know what it was getting at without seeing the box, I know you probly had to do that for some though. Jubei -7
10/14/2002 01:33:00 AM
this probably would have been a more poweful shot without the movie
10/14/2002 12:38:00 AM
Wow I really like this one. Looks almost like a poster. Good job. 10. byetko.

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