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GLUTTONY:  "Dinner for one"
GLUTTONY: "Dinner for one"

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 7 Deadly Sins (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S30
Location: Home
Date: Oct 11, 2002
Aperture: F/3.5
ISO: Automatic
Shutter: 1/15 sec.
Date Uploaded: Oct 12, 2002

glut·ton·y: excess in eating or drinking. Here is a shot dusplaying exactly that, at its worst. With the help from a friend I managed to use artifical lighting to create this shot I am very pleased with.

Place: 72 out of 150
Avg (all users): 5.1387
Avg (commenters): 6.1111
Avg (participants): 5.0288
Avg (non-participants): 5.1942
Views since voting: 1471
Votes: 310
Comments: 27
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/20/2002 07:11:00 PM
A liitle too much table cloth in the fore ground
10/20/2002 03:58:00 PM
this works well for gluttony ... but i wish we coulda seen more of the person than the table cloth 7-photosbyayme
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10/20/2002 02:21:00 PM
ohhh thats digusting!
10/19/2002 11:45:00 PM
I can see it
10/18/2002 05:08:00 PM
I don't know if I'm on an "I hate on-camera flash" jag this week, but that's what lost points from me. The concept is goo, though, and I love the details like the spatter marks on his shirt, the crumpled tablecloth...
10/18/2002 08:56:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background6,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 6,
Total Averaged Rating6. Autool
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10/17/2002 09:32:00 PM
poor centering - poor lighting, bad colorization, looks like full plate but bood on fork and hands and clothes. Not eye appealing
10/17/2002 08:39:00 PM
Pass the parmesan please...looks good and almost looks like me when it comes to pasta. Good composition and dof.
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10/17/2002 06:56:00 PM
The picture is bright at the bottom and dark at the top,.
10/16/2002 08:01:00 PM
Expresses the theme ok. It might be that it could have been composed more effectively with a different angle, different lighting. I am assuming it was staged to some extent where you might have some control.
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10/16/2002 06:08:00 PM
Perfectly gluttonous! The sauce all over the hands and "bib" -- gross but nice touch.
10/16/2002 05:14:00 PM
I don't like the lighting on this one.
10/15/2002 09:27:00 PM
Oh my God - and I used to like pasta. 6 JEM
10/15/2002 06:12:00 AM
Damn, you're already a mess! Is this seconds or thirds? Great interpretation!
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10/15/2002 01:04:00 AM
Just like seven.
10/15/2002 12:06:00 AM
I actually expect to see the head on the plate
10/14/2002 10:02:00 PM
great photo, could use a little more light.
10/14/2002 09:14:00 PM
Pretty funny, you should have added some bread, dessert, etc.
10/14/2002 09:03:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 7 , Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing 6, Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 6 , Total Averaged Rating 6 . smshats
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10/14/2002 04:03:00 PM
Needs a bit more light. If his hands are that messy, I am glad you didn't show us his face!
10/14/2002 03:43:00 PM
The things we do for DPChallenge !.. Although the sight is most certainly not pretty, the eye (mine anyway) wants to look up and is frustrated having to look at so much of the tablecloth. I shudder to think what a better framing would do to the picture :-)
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10/14/2002 03:32:00 PM
Damn, this is gross. Very well executed with the theme in mind. 8/10
10/14/2002 02:41:00 PM
Loved the lighting, composition and relevance to the theme.
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10/14/2002 01:51:00 PM
Good picture, but could've used a little more exposure to bring up the brightness.
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10/14/2002 12:35:00 PM
This is great. It reminds me of the movie 7.
10/14/2002 11:06:00 AM
composition is great. this photo reminds me of the film "seven" and the fat bloke who pops! 9, fluffy
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10/14/2002 04:51:00 AM
Fun work. Your lighting is a little weak. Don't get me wrong....this is creative, fun, and good color!! Good luck. Justine
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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