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Just Looking
Just Looking

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 7 Deadly Sins (Classic Editing)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart 318
Location: Irvine, CA
Date: Oct 8, 2002
Aperture: 6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 0.001334 s
Date Uploaded: Oct 12, 2002

Taken at UC Irvine.

Place: 144 out of 150
Avg (all users): 3.6234
Avg (commenters): 3.9444
Avg (participants): 3.6636
Avg (non-participants): 3.6020
Views since voting: 1170
Votes: 308
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/19/2002 10:14:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background8,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4,
Total Averaged Rating6. Autool
10/18/2002 02:59:00 PM
is that a deadly sin?
10/18/2002 01:43:00 AM
uninteresting subject, cluttered photo.. it needs better lighting on the main subject. 2 wingy
10/17/2002 03:44:00 PM
you can get better butt pictures than this, trust me, i know.
10/17/2002 03:33:00 PM
The lighting is bad and there is to much in the picture to understand what you are looking at, the backpack or the girl.
Vote 4
10/16/2002 10:48:00 PM
Would have been better if it were bald men looking at the hair. I don't get what it means. What are they looking at. Other wise like the setting, light and picture
10/16/2002 07:04:00 PM
Just a little too dark, good luck
10/16/2002 05:36:00 PM
I would have liked to see more detail about what the girl is looking at, but it's too dark. Does she really need more hair?
10/15/2002 08:37:00 PM
I can't quite find the subject of this shot... ~MyQyl~
10/15/2002 03:04:00 PM
10/15/2002 02:00:00 PM
what am I looking at? Photo is so dark and it is unclear what deadly sin this is.
10/15/2002 01:46:00 PM
Are you window shopping the girls or are the girls window shopping? Which sin are you after? Vanity or lust? Shadows to sunny is a very difficult composition. 5 Swash
10/15/2002 12:06:00 AM
Which sin does this represent?
10/14/2002 10:19:00 PM
is this sinful?
10/14/2002 09:35:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background 5 , Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing 4 , Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4 , Total Averaged Rating 4. smshats
10/14/2002 09:09:00 PM
Oh man terrible. lol.
10/14/2002 06:46:00 PM
Hmmmm... I'm really sorry, but I don't see much of anything interesting in this photo. It is technically underexposed, the framing is dull, and the subject is very uninteresting (seing the back of people is quite boring). No offense, but I'm sure you oculd have done better. 2/10
10/14/2002 05:39:00 PM
Can't blame yah. 5 (looks like a snap shot, big unbalance in the colours on the left and right).
10/14/2002 03:18:00 PM
"HAIR" :) Great snap-shot. Too bad about the light.
10/14/2002 10:10:00 AM
A different angle of closer shot may have been better. The link to the challenge is not really clear.
10/14/2002 03:58:00 AM
Little dark in the shadows, but I see her. Creative shot. Good luck. Justine

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