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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Cardboard Box (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: My balcony, Denmark
Date: Jul 27, 2008
Aperture: 4,5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Sky, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Jul 27, 2008

I know it's silly, but the challenge was just so damn good that I had to enter - even though my entry isn't exactly the best XD
You know, it's quite difficult making a cardboard box photogenic!

I can't wait to see what the other contestants have come up with though :)

Place: 95 out of 95
Avg (all users): 4.1946
Avg (commenters): 5.3333
Avg (participants): 4.0926
Avg (non-participants): 4.2366
Views since voting: 1020
Views during voting: 330
Votes: 185
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/06/2009 11:21:01 PM
How did I manage not to favorite this? I still enjoy contemplating it, so into the faves it goes.
08/10/2008 04:19:54 PM
Critique Club Review:

Color, Saturation and Hue: Colors appear pale, due to over brightness. Saturation appears a bit low for the same reason. Hues appear accurate.

Brightness and contrast: Picture is overly bright, and contrast appears low. Most likely because the scene is heavily back-lit.

Focus and depth of field: Focus is hard to juge because of the lighting. But does appear a little soft. Depth of field is adequate.

While the picture is full of technical issues, the sky is featureless, the box is washed out by the back-lighting, etc., it is still interesting and entertaining. The sky is the sky and the only thing that can be done, is throw the box in a different direction to help the lighting and wait for a different day with a more interesting sky.

I think you caught the box at just the right moment, at just the right angle at the top of the frame, so that even though the picture came in last, it still is more interesting than some of those who scored higher.

08/05/2008 01:37:58 PM
Posthumous said it perfectly. Your picture prompts inquiry.
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08/05/2008 12:51:14 AM
Thanks for all your lovely comments guys :) *hugs you all* I'm really glad that although it flunked there's still something about it that makes people like it - then I haven't failed completely *G*
08/04/2008 10:52:48 PM
I came in here to leave a comment and actually Don already said it for me, I can't say it better:

Originally posted by posthumous:

I love the spirit of this picture. It's like something truly wonderful is happening and we only just missed it.
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08/04/2008 07:55:17 PM
I gave you a 6 because it was different
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08/04/2008 02:25:36 PM
artistic shots dont go down well here... i liked it, reminded me of "boxer shorts" on a wash line...
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08/04/2008 02:10:55 PM
Hi Erica, It's usually a tough go on your first couple challenges. Don't take it too hard. I hope you decided to put your Morning/Evening entry in. It would definitely be a new PB for you.
Better luck next time. Scott
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08/04/2008 01:15:05 AM
You beat out Whiterook for the brown! Congratulations on an accomplishment,... of sorts. Nowhere to go from here but up! I couldn't get the brown when I tried.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/03/2008 06:28:51 PM
I feel like the colours are a bit too washed out. Perhaps a polarizer? I still think it's an interesting abstract photo. 7
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08/03/2008 09:53:38 AM
Golly. Box is a bit too washed out.
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08/01/2008 03:46:40 PM
I love the spirit of this picture. It's like something truly wonderful is happening and we only just missed it.
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08/01/2008 12:18:49 PM
IMNSHO there is some real effort and time lacking in this entry......just my take, YMMV
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07/31/2008 07:53:50 PM
The idea is nice, but it seems a little overexposed.
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07/31/2008 01:35:08 PM
Colors seem blown out to me.
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07/29/2008 12:12:21 PM
The sky is a bit boring...
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07/28/2008 01:05:29 PM
Can you be "out of the box" for a box challenge? Backlit, glare, blurry, no composition, but also oddly engaging.
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07/28/2008 01:09:50 AM
I really really like this for some oddball reason I can't put my finger on it 8
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