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Sudden Little Friend
Sudden Little Friend

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Serendipity (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-P92
Location: Evanston, IL, Northwestern University campus
Date: Apr 14, 2004
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/100 sec
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Apr 20, 2004


Place: 18 out of 215
Avg (all users): 5.9608
Avg (commenters): 6.8800
Avg (participants): 5.8091
Avg (non-participants): 6.0459
Views since voting: 1501
Votes: 306
Comments: 29
Favorites: 3 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/27/2004 05:35:58 PM
This is a great shot! Look at that tail bristle. I can practically hear this squirrel chattering at the photographer. I like the strong diagonal composition. It really works to add tension to a shot which could have easily been just a cutesy animal snap. There is lots of fine detail in the texture of the concrete and the squirrels fur. I would say it also meets the criteria because it is not every day one gets this close to wildlife, even city critters like squirrels. Kudos!
04/26/2004 03:49:50 PM
Really good photo. If its wild, Im wondering how you go such a good, clean, close shot. Good title aswell
04/26/2004 08:12:27 AM
Good opportunistic shoot
04/25/2004 11:02:27 PM
04/25/2004 12:05:26 PM
The cross grain of the concrete adds an interesting slant! (pun intended)
04/25/2004 10:11:02 AM
Cute. Sharp and a nice angle for both the concrete lines and the little guy's pose. Very good. I especially like the detail on his toes. Sharp little claws!
04/24/2004 07:30:17 PM
Beautiful exposure and crystak sharp throughout. Lighting really nice.
04/23/2004 05:17:09 PM
excellent dof and expression -- one of my favorites this challenge (and I'm a bit squirrelled-out so hats off to your fine image!)
04/22/2004 06:19:56 PM
very cool! I like the balance fo this pic.
04/22/2004 06:12:34 PM
Vert sharp!
04/22/2004 03:59:40 PM
looks just a little oversharpened. good lighting
04/22/2004 02:28:18 PM
He looks so sincere! Very cute.
04/22/2004 01:51:58 PM
Sorry, I don't see how it meets the challenge. Maybe you happened to be somewhere and you got this shot, but if that's the challenge criterion, couldn't ANY picture meet the challenge?
04/22/2004 01:07:31 PM
very nice
04/22/2004 11:43:13 AM
Everyones friend..good job
04/22/2004 11:36:31 AM
Nice capture. The lighting could be more even but it also makes the squirrel/chipmunk stand out more. good job.
04/21/2004 09:27:59 PM
Squirrels are just rats with good P.R.
04/21/2004 05:45:35 PM
+1 for cuteness :)
04/21/2004 05:09:35 PM
04/21/2004 04:15:00 PM
04/21/2004 03:02:33 PM
It almost looks like a statue. It would've been nice to caputre it's shadow.
04/21/2004 11:22:51 AM
Awesome picture! He is so cute!!! Perfect exposure and lightning, great colors, good luck :) 10
04/21/2004 08:15:49 AM
I am not sure why the squirrel has a white ring around the outside of his tail.... but I like this shot.
04/21/2004 07:00:32 AM
Not a big squirrel-shot fan, but I dig the texture!
04/21/2004 01:07:32 AM
I had to think for just a bit but yes this certainly meets the challenge. Great photo as well..9
04/21/2004 12:56:15 AM
Over sharpened, causes halo around the tail.
04/21/2004 12:46:03 AM
How cute! Lucky for you to have a camera at a moment like this.
04/21/2004 12:36:49 AM
How did you manage to get the squirrel to pose? Fits the challenge IMO. Good one! 10
04/21/2004 12:23:59 AM
That squirrel huge feet!!!!!
He's also very cute. Good hopeful expression.

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