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Painting the Corners
1st PlacePainting the Corners

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Proportion (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III
Location: Quantico, VA
Date: Apr 23, 2004
Aperture: 1:4.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/1600 s
Galleries: Sports, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Apr 23, 2004


Place: 1 out of 290
Avg (all users): 6.7298
Avg (commenters): 7.4375
Avg (participants): 6.6303
Avg (non-participants): 6.8012
Views since voting: 14231
Votes: 285
Comments: 79
Favorites: 59 (view)

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01/15/2010 06:44:08 AM
I really love this one !!
how did you do to make a shot like this ?
(I've got a 350D, is it possible ??)
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07/29/2008 12:14:33 AM
VERY creative- love how you set up the shot- never would have guessed that it was a toy figure- By the way- the border made perfect sense to me- but I guess not everyone is into baseball enough to get it- Glad you got 1st- you deserved it!
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07/08/2007 05:30:01 PM
once again this is absolutely ingenius

border, great...title, amazing...very nice job on this todd.

just genius
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06/26/2007 09:53:44 PM
I loooooooooooove this... love it love it love..
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01/03/2007 07:04:33 PM
I thought it was a real person =(

amazing shot!
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08/01/2006 01:07:08 AM
WHOAA! I definitely have a looooooooooooong way to go. So Clever :)
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03/07/2006 12:55:16 AM
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08/24/2005 04:38:58 PM
This is really an exceptional shot. Man, I don't really like baseball, but the perspective on this is amazing! (And yes, I had to play it plenty as a child - even coached for a while with my father!) I like your use of borders and the lighting, color, DOF, focus are all right on target. Excellent job - and congrats (albeit a little late) on your blue ribbon!
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08/01/2005 05:17:33 PM
An outstanding effort and so well done! I'll place this in my favs. Very good work.
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11/12/2004 12:58:33 AM
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08/01/2004 04:51:21 PM
Too late to vote, but you're imigination is inspiring...Incredible picture!

The border is genius, especially to a baseball fan. I can't say enough about this one...

Good work and congrats!
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05/27/2004 11:43:45 PM
just wonderful! Would have never guessed it! haha! Great shot!
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05/15/2004 11:51:37 AM
This is awesome!! Being a huge baseball fan I got it the minute I looked at the photo. I think the border is brilliant, don't let the criticism of it deter you from using one again. It was very fitting for this!!!
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05/12/2004 06:23:21 PM
that is such a good picture me my sekf i play soft ball cool huh i rate u a ten great job
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05/11/2004 09:59:57 AM
Originally posted by toddhead:

Thank you all for the comments and votes! I was shocked that I finished so high. I put the border on to simulate a strike zone. I guess if you aren't really into baseball then it didn't make a whole lot of sense. I think it adds to the picture, but it will be the last border I ever use!

Here is the original uncropped shot. The McFarlane figure is Kerry Wood. Other then cropping the image there were no adjustments. Hope you all aren't disappointed!

Disappointed??? This has got to be the most BRILLIANT idea that I've ever seen!!!!!
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05/11/2004 06:47:47 AM
wow man great concept and shot ... you picked the right toy to use too ... as mcfarlane toys are the top for details and it helped in this shot... people voted under 5 ??? no way
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05/10/2004 08:30:15 PM
Good work!
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05/09/2004 11:05:48 AM
This is awesome, btw. Congrats on a blue for this. I am sorry I have been too busy to comment before now. I have been admiring it all week.
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05/08/2004 08:05:43 AM
No wonder I can never get a good score. People are way too critical of a great shot. Fantastic shot. I'm sure the 1's and 2's are from people trying to raise their own standings. Cream does rise to the top though.
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05/06/2004 10:57:24 AM
How did you do that? Nice job!!!

Ahhh I see, Wow! nice job I thought he was real.

Some people voted a 1 or a 2? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message edited by author 2004-05-06 11:00:50.
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05/05/2004 10:51:04 PM
Yours was a really nice setup and a deserving winner. Resourcefulness is the photographers best friend. Congrats on the clever image.
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05/05/2004 09:08:58 PM
I liked this shot...and i was glad that you didn't use the technique willm used with his car shot...i was pretty sure you didnt strap on a tripod to the ball :)
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05/05/2004 08:53:39 PM
OMG! It looked soooooooooo real! That is awesome! WTG!

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05/05/2004 08:01:33 PM
Wow! I really like how this was set up. Congratulations!
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05/05/2004 12:24:49 PM
This is a WOO-HOO moment!!! Congrats! And I owe my ten-year old $5.00 since he bet me it was Kerry Wood!!!
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05/05/2004 11:11:57 AM
Congratulations to the BLUE ribbon. Well-deserved. Your idea is great. an dthe picture is well balanced.

librodo (Manny)
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05/05/2004 10:22:15 AM
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05/05/2004 09:15:27 AM
Fun, dymanic shot!
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05/05/2004 09:12:55 AM
The best thing about McFarlane's figures is that they look real, you used that to your advantage :)

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05/05/2004 09:03:33 AM
Ha! I guessed it! Even down to the pitchers name. hehe.... Congratulations
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05/05/2004 08:11:21 AM
Great shot! I liked the strike zone / title combo. It adds a story element to the picture and engages your mind as well as your eyes.
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05/05/2004 08:01:30 AM
Very creative,
Well deserved ribbon...Congratulations,
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05/05/2004 07:52:12 AM
what a sneaky shot - well done...
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05/05/2004 07:41:50 AM
Thank you all for the comments and votes! I was shocked that I finished so high. I put the border on to simulate a strike zone. I guess if you aren't really into baseball then it didn't make a whole lot of sense. I think it adds to the picture, but it will be the last border I ever use!

Here is the original uncropped shot. The McFarlane figure is Kerry Wood. Other then cropping the image there were no adjustments. Hope you all aren't disappointed!

05/05/2004 07:18:58 AM
Congratulations. This was definitely my favourite.
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05/05/2004 05:29:57 AM
How about showing the original, uncropped shot.
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05/05/2004 04:24:55 AM
I'm so tickled that you placed 2nd!!!!!!! I love this (as I said during the challenge)! Now fess up...is it one of those Starting Lineup or McFarlane baseball figures???? My son says it is, and we even have a little bet going as to who the figure is. Great job...very COOL!
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05/05/2004 03:22:54 AM
Great shot, glad you were a winner, I loved this photo.
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05/05/2004 02:36:28 AM
Border looks to me to be the strike zone. I don't expect non-sports fans to 'get' it. Great image. Wonderful ribbon!
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05/05/2004 01:20:56 AM
Unlike most people who didn't like the border, I happen to think that the border helps to accentuate the proportion. It may also be that it reminds me of a computer baseball game, and it is the target that I am supposed to get the ball into for a strike. Because of that it seems to me to 'add' an element into the photo, making the corner for the baseball to hit. BTW, it is painting a corner, singular not plural corners. Well, congrats on the ribbon.
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05/05/2004 12:21:09 AM
Okay, I have to know how you did this! Fess up!

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05/05/2004 12:16:04 AM
¡felicidades! recebí esta noticia con mucho gusto. russ
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/04/2004 10:57:39 PM
ooh, what an ugly distracting border!
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05/04/2004 08:56:38 PM
carlos zambrano is the pitcher?
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05/04/2004 08:22:05 PM
Great , I might call it catching the corner as in for a strike? 10 well done
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05/04/2004 07:48:46 PM
Incredible stop motion! Absolutley incredible.
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05/04/2004 06:06:51 AM
Really terrif--dramatic use of proportion, action-filled--a how-did-u-do-it, for sure
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05/04/2004 01:56:51 AM
nice photo, but the border doesnt really make sense.... unless youre going for a baseball card feel.
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05/04/2004 12:22:24 AM
Great shot! Very nice dof and framing. Hope you or your camera didn't get hit by the ball. The border is distracting though and I don't see how this relates to the challenge. 7
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05/04/2004 12:22:18 AM
The quality of light is so different between the photo and the ball that this fine idea falls a bit flat. Good compositions though; might try it again with a flatter light on the ball, angled further back to match that on the pitcher.
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05/03/2004 08:49:45 PM
I haven't finished voting yet, but this looks like a winner to me.
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05/03/2004 04:59:47 PM
For me, this doesn't really convey proportion very well. It looks like an overly softened Kerry Wood action figure (the pitcher looks plasticized) with a baseball held up in front of the camera. Overall, it's a nice photo, but I think having the baseball out of focus and the pitcher in focus would have been better. I do like the composition, though.
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05/03/2004 01:40:32 PM
Very nicely set up!
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05/03/2004 01:00:09 PM
Excellent shot. Very well done. Even the frame which could have distracted seems to work ok on this image
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05/03/2004 08:50:17 AM
Excellent! I'll be interested in seeing how you did this. I'm assuming it's a still photo with a ball in front of it, but it looks very realistic. Very nice!
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05/03/2004 08:29:25 AM
Nice. This one should get a ribbon IMO. Excellent shot. 10
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05/02/2004 06:23:47 PM
A ribbon winner in my competition. Good luck! I have the tiniest of suggestions. Use clean ball. jajaja. I feel just a bit out of balance with the pitchers hand overlapping the border, but not foot. I might try to keep them both inside frame, or both encroachiing. Normally, I am not a fan of borders, but I think you have used one very effectively tying in your great title, and illustrating your concept. Just great work. 9
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05/02/2004 01:59:06 PM
Excellent photo idea. That frame is a bit much, but this is a fun trick. Wish I had thought of it. :-)
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05/01/2004 11:23:01 PM
Wish I'd thought of that first! I think I know how you did this and it's a pretty ingenious idea. I am not crazy about the border, but it won't affect my rating. Really cool. BTW...the only 10 I gave out this challenge!
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05/01/2004 10:47:45 PM
Well done. One of the better pictures in this challenge.
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04/30/2004 06:35:00 PM
Neat shot .
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04/30/2004 04:32:37 PM
why the frame?
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04/30/2004 04:02:23 PM
I'm not sure the border is helping you here.
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04/30/2004 02:44:40 PM
Nice shot. Did you manage to not get hit? :D I do not care for the frame at all.
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04/30/2004 11:58:00 AM
I suspect this is a completely fabricated image with a ball held in place and a picture of a pitcher pitching in the background, but you pulled it off very well and deserve a good score.
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04/30/2004 08:52:15 AM
Excellent shot! But I cannot understand what's so cool about the silly borders a lot of good pictures are equipped with. From me all such "ideas" are rewarded with 2 points less than if the images were "clean". Because of the border I give this one a 6 instead of 8. Sorry!
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04/29/2004 10:36:04 PM
Most interesting frame. It seems to be the most important thing you submitted. The incidental photo is also very good. Too bad you were stressing the frame. I think you'd have had one of the top photos of the week, had you had the photograph alone.
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04/29/2004 09:26:27 PM
I cannot wait to see how you did this. I love this shot but something about it bothers me just a bit, I wish the pitcher could be in focus as well to really add to the illusion of out of proportion. An 8
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04/29/2004 12:37:44 PM
Very well done! I'm not sure the border is necessary, but this is still my first 10 of the challenge.
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04/29/2004 11:13:39 AM
too much shine on the ball, the border/frame is a detraction, but a very creative idea, colors could be little brighter
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04/29/2004 06:53:12 AM
GREETINGS FROM "happy world of criticism club by mehmet"

this is a great image. point of view and depth of field really makes this image trully a unique one. border in my opinion is intrusive and cuts into a big chunk of the ball, may be a more subtle border does a better job. i do not know how exactly you have done this shot, but i assume you have suspended the ball in front of the camera and took it like that, if that is the case, this technique can be used to create many interesting shots. so i would like to thank you for insporing me in a good direction.. i gave your image a 9

"a better world through subjective criticism"
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04/29/2004 01:24:30 AM
I like the composition here. Depth of field really works too.
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04/29/2004 12:38:14 AM
Great handling of DOF. I suspect this was a stationary ball - but it doesn't matter - it works extremely well and makes the point dramatically. Your border does nothing for you except detract from the image.
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04/28/2004 08:50:20 PM
I was wondering, "How'd you do that?" and then it struck me. I'm guessing you propped the baseball on something and had the pitcher mime the act of throwing a ball. Pretty clever. I haven't decided how I feel about the border. It kind of looks like the framing guide in a viewfinder and I suspect that's what you were aiming for. This is by far the best photograph I've seen today. I think it says more about forced perspective then proportion but maybe the two go hand in hand.
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04/28/2004 07:13:39 PM
i hate baseball but this is very creative
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04/28/2004 03:44:41 PM
Bravo...this is really done well..good one!!
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04/28/2004 01:23:20 PM
I really really really want to know how you did this. I am a big baseball fan and this is something I would love to hang in my office. Great shot, I pick this to take it all! My vote: 10+
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04/28/2004 03:37:10 AM
While I like the underlying concept the framing you've chosen really distracts me from the scene.
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04/28/2004 01:37:08 AM
Cool shot In my top ten I give it a 9 good luck
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