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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Numbers (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Location: Goose Creek, SC
Date: Sep 12, 2008
Aperture: f/20.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/80
Date Uploaded: Sep 12, 2008

This was the first idea that came to mind when this challenge was announced, and I'm pretty easily amused so it stuck with me. Took a few tries, and a couple of different action figures, but I wanted the "Troll" to come across as a big, scary, mean creature, not a cute little doll with funky hair.

Wow, fifth place! Thank you all for the comments and the votes. I'm actually kind of surprised that there was not a single "1" vote on this one. :)

Oh, the numbers are just wooden numbers bought from the craft store and painted blue. The << and >> are the same style wood Greek letter Delta with one side of the triangle cut off. I glued the ends of toothpicks on the number 1 and the arrows so they could stick through the paper into a foam board underneath.

Place: 5 out of 126
Avg (all users): 6.4436
Avg (commenters): 7.9500
Avg (participants): 6.2909
Avg (non-participants): 6.5513
Views since voting: 3253
Views during voting: 279
Votes: 133
Comments: 37
Favorites: 5 (view)

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09/26/2008 01:58:40 AM
Brilliantly executed.

(Now, if we could actually go and execute some of those trolls....) ;-)
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09/23/2008 01:26:55 PM
Really, really creative and extremely well done! I'm quite surprised this didn't ribbon - it deserved to, especially here! Congrats on the fifth and a nifty little star doodad thingie on your profile page just the same.
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09/23/2008 12:10:48 PM
Congratulations on your great finish, this so creative great work.
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09/22/2008 08:57:46 PM
wow, neat and real idea! congrats!
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09/22/2008 05:26:00 PM
Took me a few seconds to get, but this is very clever and funny.
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09/22/2008 02:21:48 PM
Hilarious! The play on the voting screen and process is simply awesome. We'll just assume anybody that voted below 6 just didn't get it. =)
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09/22/2008 01:45:06 PM
surprisingly you didnt get a 1 on this photo. great job and brilliant execution.
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09/22/2008 11:25:33 AM
Brilliant idea and a great setup! I can see there are no 1's for this image. Your idea has worked for your entry :)

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09/22/2008 10:58:59 AM
How did you make the << and >>?

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09/22/2008 05:49:47 AM
Very clever - congrats on the HM!
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09/22/2008 02:59:13 AM
this is really clever and creative...well done and congrats
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09/22/2008 02:52:23 AM
Eric, Congrats man!! what a great shot.
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09/22/2008 02:42:12 AM
LOL! Great idea and very well executed!
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09/22/2008 01:17:03 AM
Ha! Congrats, Eric, and good luck in the next week!
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09/22/2008 12:20:16 AM
Great finish...Love the idea!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/21/2008 11:44:05 PM
This made me laugh aloud, great idea and well executed. 9!

Last minute bump up to 10 :)
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09/21/2008 10:02:20 PM
lol! Cannot get more symbolic than this. So clever!
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09/21/2008 08:38:58 PM
WONDERFUL for a numbers challenge! So very creative and well lit and well done! One of my top two.
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09/19/2008 06:02:34 PM
Normally I would not score a photograph of an plastic figure high but in this case you pulled it off. Not only did you do a fantastic job photographing and setting up the picture; it also tells the story with or without a title. Nice idea and you nailed it. Great job! High Marks!
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09/19/2008 06:11:12 AM
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09/18/2008 09:28:36 PM
How DPC appropriate, great concept, good execution. 8.
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09/17/2008 07:25:17 PM
Very humourous. Nice set up and lighting.
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09/17/2008 06:10:04 PM
wow....nice work. 10 from me :)
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09/17/2008 08:35:29 AM
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09/17/2008 03:50:17 AM
I love this shot, very imaginative and creative. Well done.
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09/16/2008 10:04:40 PM
Very funny, and a GREAT setup! excellent job all around!
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09/16/2008 10:13:19 AM
Very creative, I like this one alot 10
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09/15/2008 03:20:27 PM
great laughts here :) 8 I am curios to see your score, how many one you'll have from the true trolls??? we'll see :)
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09/15/2008 01:57:53 PM
lol...very funny. :)
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09/15/2008 12:26:45 PM
LOL! That would explain a few things round here ;-)
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09/15/2008 09:18:02 AM
LOL ... fantastic idea!
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09/15/2008 05:06:37 AM
Very funny, nicely shot. Now, to keep the score down...
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09/15/2008 04:40:02 AM
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09/15/2008 04:07:53 AM
I gave this an extra point because you put some thought and effort into this rather than just a "quick and dirty lets play on the 'troll' theme" shot that would have been all too easy
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09/15/2008 12:27:50 AM
So incredibly clever!
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09/15/2008 12:23:49 AM
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09/15/2008 12:04:49 AM
Thanks for the laugh!!
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