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To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before...
To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Light Source (Classic Editing)
Camera: Casio QV-4000
Location: Outer space :-)
Date: Oct 17, 2002
Aperture: F 4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/4 sec.
Galleries: Abstract, Macro
Date Uploaded: Oct 17, 2002

Reflections on and in a vitreous stone (block of glass).

Place: 63 out of 256
Avg (all users): 5.7876
Avg (commenters): 7.9000
Avg (participants): 5.7975
Avg (non-participants): 5.7727
Views since voting: 1200
Votes: 273
Comments: 23
Favorites: 0

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10/28/2002 05:38:00 AM
Thanx for your comments, but you've been had! It's neihter ice nor water. What it is you can read in the details. Probably it would be more suited to the iIllusion challenge this week. It's a pity...
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/27/2002 10:42:00 PM
Awesome! Loved to know how this was created. 10/10!
10/27/2002 01:20:00 PM
I see it!
10/27/2002 12:24:00 AM
How did you accomplish this?
10/26/2002 11:04:00 PM
OK, so this is a light reflected in water ....right? I really like this. If you are intrested check out "Untitled reflection" in the reflection challenge. I think my pic there is sorta like this. But maybe Im totally wrong. 9 boyte1
10/24/2002 11:01:00 PM
Neat, but what is it?
10/24/2002 09:34:00 PM
interesting but can't tell what it is.
10/24/2002 06:14:00 PM
Stunning effect--I dont knw what it is but it rocks andrewm
10/24/2002 02:01:00 PM
Way cool. I like this one. Very interesting view. 8 waltoml.
10/23/2002 06:13:00 PM
i LIKE this pic... it just looks so good!!!!!!!! :) keep it up!!!! :)
10/23/2002 06:06:00 PM
Ice, right? The middle section does appear to have something spacy going on, that's good. I appreciate the artistic eye it took to see this image. Very nice job. Score uppage - from 7 to 8. Swash
10/23/2002 05:19:00 PM
This is very unique. I'm still trying to figure out what it is and will be until you tell. Let's hang it in the museum for modern art. Don't know what it is but I like it.
10/23/2002 02:04:00 PM
i have no idea what this is, but it's beautiful. ice? ten.
10/23/2002 05:42:00 AM
Very intriguing. One of my favs this week.
10/22/2002 05:42:00 PM
what the hell is it???? good shot
10/22/2002 11:43:00 AM
Vote 9
10/22/2002 10:50:00 AM
nice abstract captain. collodial breaks in glass create interesting composition. neat shot!
10/22/2002 08:50:00 AM
10/21/2002 05:35:00 PM
very nice textures. And very intriguing shot. Looks like watere or something but can`t make out what it is. Still very interesting visually. 8
10/21/2002 04:33:00 PM
I don't understand it but I like it.
10/21/2002 12:16:00 PM
nice abstract--good color and excellent image--10bobgaither
10/21/2002 04:19:00 AM
Curious title....... I do not see Spock anywhere. Unique photo.......... a nine.
10/21/2002 02:53:00 AM
I like this photo and the feeling of being in space, however, I'm really trying to figure out what it really is a picture of. I'm guessing the surface of ice??? Thanks for making me think...8

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