Converted from RAW
PP: Cropped and rotated, Neat Image, Levels, Hue/Sat, Brightness/Contrast, USM for contrast, removed stem in background (upper left corner), border, high pass/soft light to sharpen, Neat Image, resize, save for web.
In general, flowers don't score well, but I like this orchid, so I thought I'd share.
Place: 313 out of 430 Avg (all users): 5.2222 Avg (commenters): 7.0000 Avg (participants): 5.2545 Avg (non-participants): 5.1538 Views since voting: 824 Views during voting: 235 Votes: 162 Comments: 5 Favorites: 0
Very nice, Julianne - I like how the cascading petals form a natural frame around the rest of the bloom. I also like how you're not killing me with super-super-sharpness, here. :)
She awoke slowly, her vision blurred, her senses dulled. As things became more clear, she glanced around her. She tried to move her arms, then legs, but nothing was there. Try as she might the limbs that were once as much a part of her as anything wouldn't respond. It was then that she glanced down. She blinked. A part of her could not, would not, believe what she was seeing, but slowly the realization dawned. It was a reflection, and she... was not she anymore.
Pippi Longstocking closed her eyes and laughed. It was a new life, in a new form, and really it was all she could do.