Sawyer paused on the edge of the entrance. Every instinct he had said not to go in. He glanced over his shoulder to where the other boys stood. "What, ya chicken?" one called out. Frowning, Sawyer turned back to the darkness. Still, he hesitated, but being able to see the light on the other side was a beacon of hope. He'd heard the stories. The homeless people that had never been heard from again. The young mother that was supposedly now in the loony bin because of what happened in there. A number of other incidents supposedly tied to this otherwise normal tunnel.
"Go in! Do it! Chicken!" the boys cried. Sawyer took in a deep breath, and set himself. With one final sneer at the boys behind him he gathered his wits and stepped into the tunnel.
Nothing happened. With a grin and a relieved sigh, he started walking toward the light on the other side. He turned when about half-way in, and yelled at the boys that were now standing amazed and rapt with attention, "See?! It's perfectly fine, there's nothing...!"
Sawyer's words were cut off with a shriek, and the boys waiting outside the tunnel screamed and scrambled off in every direction. One boy, shock taking hold almost instantly, was rooted to his spot, and thus was the only one to see what happened in full, and when he was finally discovered hours later, staring blankly into space, could only mutter over and over, "it took him to the deadlands. The deadlands. The deadlands."
Sawyer was never seen again. |