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Little Red Riding Hood - Red's Revenge
Little Red Riding Hood - Red's Revenge

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: The Brothers Grimm (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR II
Location: Pa
Date: Oct 3, 2008
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 160
Galleries: Horror
Date Uploaded: Oct 3, 2008

She finally got revenge on the wolf!

Here's the scenario... a few months ago, my friend and I had an idea about making a photo book with poetry about the "F'ed up Fairytales" My favorite idea was for Red Riding Hood. So, I decide I want to shoot it for my DPC entry this week (Grimm's Fairytale's)

Now, I come to the point where I have all I need.... except the wolf! Ugh! So, I see the challenge and I still need a solution for the wolf. WTF do I use for a wolf? My friend Athena has a Wolfhound! PERFECT!

They get here last night about 5:30pm. My model was running late, and I knew time was precious. We were running out of light. So, she gets here about 6:00 and we get her dressed, all bloody, and go to the spot in my yard in the woods. Well, the dog wouldn't lay down. The dog wouldn't relax. When we would get her finally calmed down, the brats next door would start running in and out of their house.... being nosy. Well, then their dog, that they never take inside, keeps barking. Then the mom comes outside and stares at us for awhile. SRSLY!?!? GO AWAY!

So, finally the dog gets tired and lays down.... by 7pm. We have no light, I have my camera pushed to the limit, and I know there is going to be SO much editing to be done. We manage to get a few shots in and then I gave up. No light, the dog wouldn't do what I needed her to do, my model was cold from wearing a tiny costume and Athena was so mad with the whole dog not listening and the neighbors being nosy jerks!!

I try to save what I could, but they just looked crappy! So, we decide to try to shoot today again. This time, I was to go get gray faux fur and make a wolf. Then I get the idea to use my dog, but take all the color out. I took a few shots of him this afternoon, and found it worked perfectly! So, she gets here, we do the shoot and it all worked out perfectly. Although, I edited it on my CRT monitor.... and it looked great, but crappy on my LCD. Ugh!
So, I had to mess with it a bit.

But it's all good now.

I don't know how well this will fair.. if it's like the last time I did an image like this and stepped outside the box.... I will place in the 120's. But that's ok. I am shooting for me now. And I am so happy with how this came out! :)

Place: 31 out of 82
Avg (all users): 5.8429
Avg (commenters): 6.7308
Avg (participants): 5.8286
Avg (non-participants): 5.8462
Views since voting: 7587
Views during voting: 432
Votes: 191
Comments: 28
Favorites: 2 (view)

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10/13/2008 11:05:59 AM
Should be way up there in this challenge, but somehow, very well composed, and technically great shots get left behind, especially when the concept is astounding as well.
Gave you an 8.
Great shot, dont give up dude.

 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/12/2008 08:08:16 PM
just a bit too creepy for my taste
10/12/2008 07:28:53 PM
Dark, disturbing, and extremely well thought out and planned photo. Quite contrary to the cutesy photos in the challenge, this runs true to the original Grimm stories which were more akin to horror stories than children's stories. You get a 10 from me.
10/12/2008 04:19:45 PM
Ok now we have a halloween theme...
10/11/2008 05:55:02 PM
LOL sick! I do however like the shot, very creative! 9
10/10/2008 02:54:43 PM
Well processed and a clever idea - albeit a little strong on the gross factor for me personally. Good luck.
10/09/2008 06:07:00 PM
Hehehe :-) Nicely done!
10/09/2008 02:59:16 PM
gross but well done
10/08/2008 09:12:07 PM
Excellent idea! Perfectly executed!
10/08/2008 06:49:13 PM
Morbid but in a humerous way! Very well done, is that a dog or a fur coat draped over something? The desaturation on everything but the red looks so good.
10/08/2008 10:39:54 AM
Good Idea and great layout oh the comments on this one
good luck
10/08/2008 10:11:04 AM
Dammit.... Nasty!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.... Good one!
10/07/2008 11:48:48 PM
10/07/2008 11:47:17 PM
Gory but very well done. A little too much vignette.
10/07/2008 11:19:39 PM
creative -7
10/07/2008 07:26:44 PM
OMG. You must have a different copy to mine. Very effective.
10/06/2008 08:04:20 PM
Sick!! But I like!
10/06/2008 08:00:16 PM
10/06/2008 07:27:15 PM
Gory, but hey, so were he Grimms. Nice work. Maybe a little overexposed, but still good.
10/06/2008 04:16:30 PM
10/06/2008 02:46:01 PM
ewww. creative take. i feel like the highlights are a little overblown
10/06/2008 01:32:09 PM
Now that's twisted lol
10/06/2008 10:59:44 AM
Great shot but, I'm not a fan of the "violence" to it.
10/06/2008 09:21:03 AM
love this one. nice idea 9
10/06/2008 06:56:29 AM
Would you like some A1 sauce with that?
10/06/2008 03:45:44 AM
very original, though not exactly meeting the challenge. will probably be voted down by most, I think it is art. 10 for the idea, -2 for technical flaws (oversharpening, too strong vignette, skinny aspect ratio) = 8
10/06/2008 02:08:23 AM
A new Slant on things..
10/06/2008 12:43:20 AM
Wow - in true Brothers Grimm style

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