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    "Oops.  This is a bit embarassing."
"Oops. This is a bit embarassing."

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Upside Down III (Basic Editing)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L USM II
Date: Oct 10, 2008
Aperture: 4.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/90th
Galleries: Humorous, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Oct 10, 2008

[Oct. 15th, 2008 10:07:45 PM]

My DPC Olympics Teammates for SW Love Shack had GREAT ideas for titles... but I was too chicken to use them. *sigh*

"Waiting for Rollover"

and "Rollover Sucks"

I wasn't sure that all voters knew the term 'rollover' means the moment when the votes are in and the new challenges are announced.

I think the titles are hilarious. I'm just a chicken.

Place: 7 out of 170
Avg (all users): 6.5393
Avg (commenters): 8.6364
Avg (participants): 6.5217
Avg (non-participants): 6.5455
Views since voting: 3173
Views during voting: 297
Votes: 178
Comments: 33
Favorites: 12 (view)

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04/26/2012 07:39:08 PM
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too funny!
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09/28/2009 05:41:32 PM
Apparently I completely missed this challenge - this is delightful! I am assuming, of course, that you righted the fellow and apologized after the shoot, yes? :-)
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10/28/2008 01:23:12 PM
I like this one, and I like that it's different than the others. Well done. Nice grey scale.
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10/24/2008 09:26:18 AM
Great shot. Congrats on your high finish!
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10/23/2008 07:19:53 PM
Hilarious shot! Congratulations on top 10! My personal favorite is "Waiting for Rollover"....BAHAHAHA!
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10/23/2008 02:10:32 AM
Love the shot Lydia - and congrats on the top ten.

To be honest I just assumed it was doing it's morning airobics :- )
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10/23/2008 12:52:45 AM
Congrats on something that doesn't rely on water! :) Funny shot, great title.
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10/22/2008 11:06:20 PM
B&W treatment is lovely, depth of field is well-chosen and nimbly executed, and subject is right up this challenge topic's alley. Excellent work, and congrats on your top 10. I vote for "waiting for rollover" :)
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10/22/2008 09:36:41 PM
I LOVE THIS! Great take on the challenge!
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10/22/2008 02:03:12 PM
I like this shot very much Lydia!
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10/22/2008 11:44:10 AM
this is too cute!
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10/22/2008 10:15:27 AM
Great shot, Lydia! Congrats on 7th place. Love the title but would have preferred "Rollover Sucks" ;-)))
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10/22/2008 09:00:19 AM
I love this shot! Very whimsical and fun. The spread legs really make it. The composition, DoF and B&W really help to get that feel across. Excellent!
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10/22/2008 06:23:39 AM
Very nice (irrespective of what title you used)! Met the challenge well.

Your teammates have a great sense of humor.
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10/22/2008 05:26:49 AM
Brilliant funny shots I LOVE IT and faved <3
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10/22/2008 02:33:12 AM
PostLuminous Award WINNER!
beautiful tones, bokeh, perfect choice on DOF, exceptional composition, and fun on top of all that! Well Done.
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10/22/2008 01:34:20 AM
Great job Lydia!
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10/22/2008 12:18:29 AM
Nice finish Lydia!
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10/22/2008 12:06:52 AM
You don't need a title - it's a wonderful photo that stands on it's own. Congrats on a great score and finish!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/21/2008 09:16:41 AM
poor thing, haha... funny shot!
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10/19/2008 11:39:02 PM
i keep coming back to this photo and laughing. its a 10 from me, from the first time i saw it until now...just too cute, poor little guy!
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10/19/2008 09:20:12 AM
Haha nice take on the challenge, a true upside down shot - a bit of a rarity in itself ;)

Nice conversion, hope the little fella didn't have to stay upside down too long for you to grab this great shot.

Comment Only
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10/18/2008 03:58:47 PM
My first 10, this is priceless. Nicely focused and good DOF.
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10/18/2008 12:28:11 PM
Aaaw, poor little critter! Cute image and I like your shallow DOF. Would be curious to see this one in colour too. Could do with more contrast in the black and white conversion I think or maybe it's simply that there is too much mid-tone grey in the image and not much white and black?
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10/17/2008 12:59:37 PM
Go Love Shack!
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10/16/2008 08:10:57 PM
Excellent tones & composition. The border also works well here. Makes me curious what he looks like from the front.
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10/16/2008 06:51:41 PM
poor little fellow
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10/16/2008 12:20:36 PM
Really funny capture, and perfect for the challenge. A little higher angle would probably have helped show more depth of field, but of course that's not always possible. Great job!
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10/16/2008 03:08:10 AM
:-) very funny, also the title! much better than the other one. 10 points.
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10/15/2008 04:22:18 PM
I love the composition & crop on this shot. 8
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10/15/2008 12:02:10 PM
oh HAHHA this has got to be the best picture in the challenge! by far my favorite, and the only one that really almost made me spit out my drink the title is perfect, however I wish there was a bit more contrast in the overall picture, too many shades of gray and not enough blacks for me and my taste, but thats just my taste so it doesnt matter :p I still love this 9
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10/15/2008 07:13:59 AM
Maybe a touch more depth of field, but a nice shot and true to the theme.
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10/15/2008 12:30:01 AM
I love the composition, but I think it would better if there were more contrast between foreground and background.
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