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Carbon Copies
3rd PlaceCarbon Copies

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Suburbia (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Date: Oct 12, 2008
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Architecture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Oct 12, 2008

The main reason I entered this challenge was because there was only 20+ entries going into Sunday. At first I was worried I would be entering a photo I wouldn't be happy with just for the sake of entering. In the end though, I am very happy with the way this photo turned out. My goal is to make the top ten. It would make me incredibly happy.

Post Challenge: Awesome! What a pleasant surprise to wake up to. Thanks for all the votes and comments. :D

See how this image was made. Click the image above.

Place: 3 out of 74
Avg (all users): 6.3204
Avg (commenters): 7.2857
Avg (participants): 6.1316
Avg (non-participants): 6.3706
Views since voting: 5771
Views during voting: 387
Votes: 181
Comments: 32
Favorites: 4 (view)

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10/25/2008 09:31:03 PM
[user]GeneralIE[/user], I like your comment! I think it may have some truth to it. and Jeger, wonderful photograph. I'm not on here quite as much anymore and I saw the thumb of this photo and realized I hadn't opened it and seen it yet.
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10/23/2008 09:57:05 PM
Congrats on your third place win! Very nicely portrayed.
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10/23/2008 05:27:17 PM
Great shot, congrats!
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10/21/2008 12:29:52 PM
In an interesting coincidence, I got this joke in my email the same day your picture hit the front page. It made me think that pretty soom, your title metaphor will be one of those where the original, literal meaning has been lost ...

Congratulations on the ribbon!
================== Here's the Joke ===============

As an assistant high-school track coach, I recorded the results of each home meet and made copies for all the coaches. But because our track shed did not have electricity, I had to use carbon paper. A freshman team member offered to help, and I showed her how to place the carbon paper shiny side down so that the image would transfer to the sheet beneath it.

"What will they think of next?" she said in astonishment. "Pretty soon we won't need copy machines anymore."

Message edited by author 2008-10-21 12:30:41.
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10/20/2008 05:57:26 PM
I love this image ... great work and congrats on the well deserved ribbon.
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10/20/2008 03:58:17 PM
Oh yes! This is VERY cool! Congratulations!
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10/20/2008 03:14:58 PM
PostLuminous Award Nominee!
excellent image, excellent approach to the challenge
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10/20/2008 11:52:45 AM
Congrats on the ribbon! It certainly typifies suburbia style housing. It wasn't one of my all time faves (to be honest) in this challenge, but it did bring the essence of different forms of suburbia with it.
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10/20/2008 09:21:04 AM
This is great, well done.
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10/20/2008 04:01:38 AM
Congrats on your well deserved ribbon, Jonathan. Wonderful shot.
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10/20/2008 02:15:38 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon, its well deserved and an excellent shot.
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10/20/2008 01:18:43 AM
Great shot Jonathan. Congrats on your third place finish.
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10/20/2008 12:41:08 AM
Well done on a great shot...love the mood in this
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10/20/2008 12:28:21 AM
Another one that beat his goal....awesome and congrats.
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10/20/2008 12:06:34 AM
Well done! You can be incredibly incredibly happy now. ;)
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10/20/2008 12:03:41 AM
Love this. Congratulations on 3rd place!
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10/20/2008 12:02:22 AM
Holy crap.... you ribbon hog. This is awesome Jonathan. Congrats on number 2.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/19/2008 09:46:42 PM
Great symmetry, and I like the desolation and dullness. Good job showing us conformist suburbia. A nine for you.
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10/19/2008 07:31:09 PM
Very intriguing - as it looks like a street covered in lawn! Very surreal and what a weirdly fun looking place to kick a football. I bet this is a fantastic place for kids to play with each other. It doesn't get safer than this. Great, social BBQs too.

Your shot is well chosen and shot. The con trail somehow helps too. Good luck.

My favourite in the challenge I think, and it will tick many voters' boxes too.
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10/19/2008 12:49:09 PM
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10/18/2008 11:51:58 PM
Being a city girl this is EXACTLY what I think of when I think of the suburbs. So mundane it's maddening. Great capture.
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10/18/2008 03:19:15 PM
Wow...thank goodness I bought my house when I did. You have an excellent photo for the challenge and technically perfect: as far as I can see. 10
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10/18/2008 11:51:05 AM
My first thought was, Ohh I like this shot - my second thought was, I wouldn't want to live there though.. they are copies of each other.. what a good job you did in pp. The grass and the sky are the same shades of grays.. the textures are wonderful.. might be interesting if the house at the end wasn't there to see them meet.. overall a good composition that benefited from your post processing skills.
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10/18/2008 01:20:25 AM
This is very powerful, but I think the vignette is heavy handed. I'm not sure it was needed! I love the subject and composition. The contrail looks like an abstract laundry line!
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10/17/2008 07:10:57 AM
Very nice composition.
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10/17/2008 12:33:00 AM
Yup, this really typifies suburbia with "clone housing"! :)
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10/15/2008 09:15:46 PM
nice leading lines
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10/15/2008 06:55:37 PM
I love this shot - especially the wave pattern in the sky, its very looming.
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10/15/2008 04:15:24 PM
I think I would like more it if the house at the very end was in focus. And with all that grass and sky, color could have been really eye-catching with this one.
10/15/2008 09:39:53 AM
Now I'm a black and white fan - but there could have been more impact in the grass? It has become a pretty bland tonal field, and perhaps a touch more definition would have grabbed the passing voter the more? And in colour, of course ... well, quite an interesting thought to remove the gifts of that medium. I'm not sure black and white isn't too dramatic for suburbia, anyhow.
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10/14/2008 03:40:40 AM
Nice image - Like the tones and I dont mind the big open space - Showing boredom almost. Very interesting and screams suburbia. I do like it there is no human interest in this. I think the corner burning has been a tad over done though.
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10/13/2008 12:34:28 AM
great title for this, good shot
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