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She promised...
She promised...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Street Photography III (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-450D Rebel XSi
Lens: Canon EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 II USM
Location: Central Park, San Mateo.
Date: Oct 25, 2008
Aperture: f4.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/800sec.
Galleries: Emotive, Candid
Date Uploaded: Oct 26, 2008

Shot as RAW, adjusted color/saturation/hue/brightness/contrast. Created three exposures from a single exposure. Merged the three layers to highlight the shadowed and highlit areas. Cropped, resized, used local dodge/burn, filtered the background layer, saved for web.

[Oct. 27th, 2008 03:10:28 PM]

Oct. 27, 2008. The voting is in progress. I now have 3 great comments. One of them mentioned the big black blob on the lower left hand side. But this was the best O could do in a candid setting. I didnt want to startle the gentleman on the bench, so I aimed the camera at a flower, and this black blob is a big petal coming in the way. But something to learn from for future:-)

Place: 104 out of 146
Avg (all users): 5.2588
Avg (commenters): 5.6250
Avg (participants): 5.2308
Avg (non-participants): 5.2712
Views since voting: 858
Views during voting: 392
Votes: 170
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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11/13/2008 01:46:15 AM
Yeah, I think i feel what the other comments are saying here.

You have a very nice lighted subject here, and the candid is well captured. However, the 'blackness' is very distracting, and it's unfortunately the thing that makes this shot good as opposed to brilliant.
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11/03/2008 02:26:44 PM
Originally posted by jaysonmc:

The lighting on this photo is top notch. I find the composition a little awkward, I feel like I am spying on someone....
The detail is good. I have a feeling this would have been one of those cases with extreme potential. A small conversation with this man probably would have paid huge dividends as you can tell he would be highly photogenic. Still, I enjoyed what you were trying to do here.

Thanks jayson! I honestly thought a candid shot would mean something like a spy shot.. because if the subject was aware of the camera, their expressions will not be candid anymore. I appreciate the advice, and the comments on lighting, and the details.
11/03/2008 02:04:04 PM
The lighting on this photo is top notch. I find the composition a little awkward, I feel like I am spying on someone....
The detail is good. I have a feeling this would have been one of those cases with extreme potential. A small conversation with this man probably would have paid huge dividends as you can tell he would be highly photogenic. Still, I enjoyed what you were trying to do here.
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11/03/2008 01:01:08 AM
Originally posted by LadyTara:

The title of this photo really touched me, it seemed so sad and the pic is very poignant with that title. I gave it an 8, had the petal not been in the way it'd have been more. I think this should've ranked higher than it has.

Thank you for the encouragement, Laura!
11/03/2008 12:22:16 AM
The title of this photo really touched me, it seemed so sad and the pic is very poignant with that title. I gave it an 8, had the petal not been in the way it'd have been more. I think this should've ranked higher than it has.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/31/2008 09:13:03 PM
Meets Challenge:2
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10/31/2008 01:21:20 PM
Interesting subject but I wish you would have approached him and asked for a close up.
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10/30/2008 10:48:38 AM
Taken while you walked past? Overall the image doesn't pull me in or relay a story. I see a man sitting on a bench and you walking past hoping to snap a pic without being seen. Engage the subject or change your position and it may have been a stronger shot.
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10/30/2008 03:43:01 AM
This is sad and evocative. Your title implies that his dear wife promised to stay with him but is no longer around. Your picture shows a man either sad or tired, possibly both. And it reminds us that time is an evil master. The partial desat to reduce color here is very appropriate - everything fades with age.
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10/30/2008 01:07:50 AM
you have some very distracting elements in this photo.
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10/27/2008 06:13:07 PM
A few issues ... a good candid but not really a street type photograph IMO
Not sure about the big black thing lower left ... maybe some cropping might help
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10/27/2008 05:24:29 PM
This would have been a favorite shot for me if there wasnt a black shadow and tree driving my attention from the subject. Still a nice shot overall in my opinion.
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10/27/2008 03:00:40 PM
I would have scored this a 10 had that big black blob not been on the left hand side.
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10/27/2008 02:41:03 PM
Soooooooooo sad! I like the desta and shadows. 7
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10/27/2008 06:56:25 AM
This is such a darling photo...and although the black in the corner is too solild and seems to take over the photo, the photograph of the man himself is a stunning image.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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