He bent down and picked up the strange golden disc from the ground. He'd never seen it's like before. It had a texture that was smooth as silk, yet was hard as diamond. Turning it over in his hands, he noticed what could be described as a button, though it had no creases or indentations to mark it as so. It just existed there, on the surface, as if part of it and separate from it simultaneously. Transfixed, he pressed the button, and was suddenly hit by what felt like an electric shock. He gasped as his whole body began to shimmer, and then started to turn black as the blackest night, before fading away all together.
He stood there, stunned for a moment, until he suddenly realized just what this was. People passed right by him, yet saw nothing. He waved at them wildly, they never reacted. He grinned to himself. This was a personal cloaking device. He was invisible. He couldn't be seen.
As the possibilities began to fly through his mind, he started to walk away, and knew his life would never be the same. |