Author | Thread |
11/14/2008 06:11:26 AM |
Hi everyone... thank you for the wonderful comments! To answer a few questions, the deer is in fact real, and it was using its back leg to scratch its head. I was very lucky to capture him (her?) in this pose!
K10DGuy... I'm glad my photo could inspire you to write a short story :)
posthumous... thank you very much for the red ribbon! It means a lot to have the respect of my peers.
yanko, pwarmuz... I wish it had scored higher as well. There are some wonderful photographers on DPChallenge and their photos and your comments have only inspired me to try harder!
Thanks everyone!
11/09/2008 04:35:17 PM |
Awesome timing on this shot! Should have scored higher! |
11/08/2008 03:45:42 AM |
I don't understand why this didn't finish higher. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/07/2008 11:11:14 PM |
What a haunting, strange image, not of this world. I give you my personal red ribbon.
11/07/2008 06:55:17 PM |
Keep coming back to this one; interesting seen, nicely composed and processed. bumping again to a 10 |
11/07/2008 01:22:47 PM |
Love the shot but it feels a bit grainy or something - just not very sharp. Wonderful composition, framing, dof. |
11/07/2008 10:37:21 AM |
I really like how you brought out the texture. I can almost feel the course coat of the deer. |
11/06/2008 11:19:57 PM |
That's an interesting position. Looks like it was scratching? |
11/04/2008 11:09:00 PM |
I like the composition, and you definitely got it in a pose we aren't used to seeing. |
11/04/2008 09:21:34 PM |
11/04/2008 11:03:47 AM |
wonderfully captured, I am not if this is a real deer - who cares anyway. 8 |
11/03/2008 07:33:02 AM |
What a title (and shot) - hilarious! |
11/02/2008 05:59:47 PM |
It started in the woods. Nobody knows how, nobody knows when, but the first signs of it began with the wildlife. Insects would drop out of the sky after frantic buzzings, birds would crash into bush and lake after seeming to be shot out of the air. Deer and other mammals convulsed wildly, their bodies contorting, their agony only ending after several minutes before dropping dead to the forest floor.
A mad scramble to discover the cause. Scientists madly working together, quarantines rising like wildfire.
In the end, nothing would save them. It ended like it began, suddenly, and without reason, and the few that were left alive could only survive, forever without understanding of the event. |
11/02/2008 08:00:43 AM |
Very nice light, interesting subject. With very good balance ;-) |
11/01/2008 04:50:25 AM |
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