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The boy with the heart of gold
The boy with the heart of gold

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Heart II (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 24mm f/2.8D
Location: My loft
Date: Nov 16, 2008
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/40
Galleries: Self Portrait, Horror
Date Uploaded: Nov 16, 2008

Thanks to my side kick and younger brother for allowing me to cover him in fake blood, he really does have a heart of gold.

Place: 13 out of 105
Avg (all users): 6.1697
Avg (commenters): 7.8824
Avg (participants): 6.3696
Avg (non-participants): 6.0924
Views since voting: 7105
Views during voting: 897
Votes: 165
Comments: 31
Favorites: 3 (view)

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11/24/2008 03:27:33 PM
Originally posted by geinafets:

Someone pointed out that there are no ribs, but the first thing I noticed to be missing was his nipples (weird, I know). I've seen how some people do gory makeup, so I assume that accounts for their disappearance, but it stood out to me that his chest was so bare.

A keen eye you have, but, you can actually see the one on the right under the blood smear the light has blown it back a little but it's there and the one on the left (left side of picture) is actually just peeking into center at the bottom there, he has weird nipples. Ribs, his don't show, simple. I take your point about the chest being a little bare, it's eye catching and could do with a little more blood smearing like lower down. Thanks for the input.
11/24/2008 02:28:23 PM
Someone pointed out that there are no ribs, but the first thing I noticed to be missing was his nipples (weird, I know). I've seen how some people do gory makeup, so I assume that accounts for their disappearance, but it stood out to me that his chest was so bare.
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11/24/2008 01:37:12 PM
Brilliant concept, and very nicely done !
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11/24/2008 11:49:05 AM
Originally posted by bassbone:

excellent image - i must admit that my score given (6) reflected more the 'ick' factor as I am not into gore - but this was an oustanding selection for the challenge. i feel bad now that I didn't give this a more deserving score

Not to worry that's cool. I like just showing my style and if it wins then great! I'm also not too into gore so I understand, but knowing how it was done doesn't freak me out as much ; )
11/24/2008 11:43:02 AM
excellent image - i must admit that my score given (6) reflected more the 'ick' factor as I am not into gore - but this was an oustanding selection for the challenge. i feel bad now that I didn't give this a more deserving score
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11/24/2008 11:38:59 AM
I really wanted to do something similar but had no idea how to go about it. You really pulled it off!
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11/24/2008 09:49:00 AM
Originally posted by WeJay:

This shot deserves a lot lot more.
A 10, in my opinion.

Find it fascination, how you planned, designed and executed your
shot. Congrats to you and your bro with a golden heart. :-).

Thanks Vikram, and to all to all those who supported this image. I actually shot some video of how I made this which I plan to post up in the near future... if any ones interested?
11/24/2008 08:29:56 AM
This shot deserves a lot lot more.
A 10, in my opinion.

Find it fascination, how you planned, designed and executed your
shot. Congrats to you and your bro with a golden heart. :-).
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11/24/2008 02:36:40 AM
Great image.. yet highly underrated.. just typical low voting lately. Had a 10 from me.

Message edited by author 2008-11-24 02:37:50.
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11/24/2008 12:37:28 AM
Sort of sick and cool all wrapped in one excellent shot.
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11/24/2008 12:13:47 AM
Really well done!
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11/24/2008 12:10:47 AM
Dude, wicked shot! Very under-rated in my opinion.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/22/2008 12:01:58 PM
gruesome, but so far my favourite in the challenge. 8
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11/19/2008 10:35:18 PM
probably get bombed here as shocking never goes over well, even if well done. but an interesting idea for sure
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11/19/2008 01:26:56 PM
Awesome, I hope he isn't really having heart surgery :)
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11/19/2008 07:27:20 AM
pity about the focus 8
11/19/2008 06:13:56 AM
like it!!!
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11/18/2008 09:32:19 PM
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11/18/2008 09:23:42 PM
...and no ribs - hmmm...
11/18/2008 03:48:24 PM
This is bordering on the grotesque, yet it is oddly compelling. I keep coming back to it, and back, and back, so it is doing its job. A nine from me.
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11/18/2008 09:06:19 AM
Very effective. You have more than just photography as a hobby - that's pretty good theatrical make-up....isn't it? [gulp]
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11/17/2008 08:17:24 PM
how in holy heck did you accomplish this?! This is a very graphic photograph, as I am sure others are pointing out, and yet I can't stop looking. Really curios how you achieved this, adding it to favorites and my 10 for the challenge :)
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11/17/2008 07:53:34 PM
Cool - but gross. DPC tends to vote gross down even on otherwise technically competent shots!
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11/17/2008 06:57:39 PM
Okay - ICK!! But well done :-)
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11/17/2008 05:06:50 PM
This is a disgusting photo that was very well done. It's amazing that you were able to create this. I just don't like to look at it. *grin* Sorry... 7
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11/17/2008 02:16:29 PM
gruesome, you get points for creativity, but otherwise this doesn't really appeal to me. The technicals (exposure, light, DOF, etc) are good
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11/17/2008 08:58:52 AM
Ew, cool. Great colors, great effects.
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11/17/2008 07:19:27 AM
Sweet shot... I think had you used a border on top and bottom this would have looked more movie-ish and would have gotten you some extra bonus points.
11/17/2008 04:44:05 AM
Hmm. Ambivalent.
Outstanding creativity. 10.
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11/17/2008 02:54:50 AM
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11/17/2008 12:03:18 AM
LOL...this is awesome 9
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